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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. Pathetic. The managers were probably just jealous because the child got the Timbit!!
  2. ya, McCabe is gong back to NYI because his wife wants to move back home, apparently. Tucker - the only player with heart on the team Wellwood - get rid of him Stajan - Decent 2nd liner, should keep him. Kaberle - they need to keep him for sure! Stralman - up and coming Kaberle!
  3. I beg to differ.
  4. Welcome to my world! I have 2 puppies, and we are at work 8 hrs a day.... do the math! hahaha There are numerous products out there for this. My advice, since its a rare issue for you, just go to a pet store (Petsmart) and get their stain/odor remover (in a white bottle). That stuff seems to work not too badly. Now, if you're like our house, and this might be a common problem, I HIGHLY suggest getting a Bissel Carpet Shampoo'er. Its the best christmas gift we have ever recieved! Makes the carpet look brand new!
  5. Buy them all out, and sign the whole Marlies team. HAHAH That would probably give them a better shot at making the playoffs.
  6. Step#1 - complete Now, to just get rid of the rest of their baggage.... - McMoron - Raycroft - Blake - Sundin - Kubina
  7. Launch in Harwood if you can. Fish the "gap" in Harwood, or jet across the lake to the mouth of the Otonabee River.
  8. Wow, those are some awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing that. Cant say I blame him for not wanting to touch the octopus.
  9. THATS TOTAL Bull if you ask me. If I want to take a picture of a fish, I will. I would also GLADLY take that charge to court. How are people without cradle's or a big enough net supposed to remove the lure from a musky? Just grab the lure with the pliers and go to town?!?! Thats really good for the fish! Get charged for taking a picture...hahaha...i have heard it all now.
  10. Or you can do what a guy did by my house...CUT OUT a square of his garage door, and has the tounge sticking out of it!! HAHAHAHA I am waiting to drive by one day and see a HUGE hole in the garage, from when someone hooked up to his boat, and drove it away!
  11. If you have the choice, and your budget will allow it...go with the 16. More stable in rougher conditions, and more room.
  12. I agree that a "noodle" rod is the way to go, but he asked what to use that he might already own. Cancel the fishing for tonight, something came up.
  13. Thanks to your post, I am heading out once I get home from work! hahaha "But hunny, the guys on the website said the fish are still in the stream......."
  14. Any rod/reel will work. Just depends on your skill level. If your an average angler, then a medium action 7'0 spinning rod will do you just fine. If your an above average angler then go with something a lot lighter, like a 5 1/2 ' ultra light outfit with 4-6lb line!
  15. Ya, I think I shall put that $20 towards 2 Xraps or something that I KNOW catches fish. I believe I still have a pack or two of the PowerLeeches, so I will throw those in the boat this weekend! Thanks for the info! Saved me $20.
  16. Ahhh, its Lake Erie, no wonder I didnt know where it is! Now I dont feel so stupid! hahah. Thanks Nauti.
  17. HAHAHA
  18. I am going to sound like a major newbie here...but what is LPB?
  19. Try installing Acrobat Reader...... Download here
  20. Were the grubs Gulp as well?
  21. LOL I dated a Hooters girl, and wow, I would be surprised if she knew which way to put the shirt on! Taking it off...well she seemed accustomed to that!
  22. Like a couple have said, it depends on the situation. Panfishing, its alright, because there are huge numbers of fish, that are quite easy to catch, so its not a big deal. Trolling...about a cast length is acceptable, but give as much space as possible. Casting....well, thats totally up to you, but for a ballpark you cant be within 150 feet of another boat during a tournament. I tend to stick with that as a guideline. Treat others as you wish to be treated. (If they dont return the favour, tie on a few egg sinkers!)
  23. Great points TJ. I agree that nothing needs to be done with the logo. Like it was said, its your trademark and people recognize it. Reminds me of that old saying "Dont fix something that isnt broken".
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