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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. (just had that picture forwarded to me just before the game) I am just giving the Pens fans a hard time....Crosby was by far the best Penguin.
  4. Well said Gerrit!!! Well said!!!
  5. wooooooooooooooooooo 3-1!!! 9 mins left! Malkin's back?
  6. still wondering why 3-4 guys didnt jump him???? I know if he hit me over the head with a book, and then threw a monitor and hit a woman.....i wouldnt be just watching him.
  7. I would say its a good thing because you can never have enough panfish in the lake that bass/walleye/pike/musky feed on!
  8. Uh oh.....here we go!!!! (Should have thrown the cooler in the lake!)
  9. hahahahahaha wow!
  10. You should be able to just rip the old tips by a little work. if not, then saw the rod as high as possible (so its thin), and hopefully your new tips fit. Super glue, or epoxy work. Cant wait to hear the algonquin report!
  11. HAHAHA, love that shack! always some good bass around there!
  12. Ya, I know where the channel is because I grew up fishing Rice, but people who aren't familiar with the lake might see that Hastings and Bewdley are on opposite ends of the lake and be confused.
  13. Did you mean towards Harwood? Hastings and Bewdley are on the complete opposite sides of the lake.
  14. Here is the blurb.....directly from ticketmaster right now. "Additional Information: Mellon Arena is located in Pittsburgh, PA. Sales to this event will be restricted to residents of PA, OH, WV, MD, NY, NJ, DE, VA and the District of Columbia. Residency will be based on credit card billing address. Orders by residents outside of PA, OH, WV, MD, NY, NJ, DE, VA and the District of Columbia will be canceled without notice and refunds given." Here is the link: Pens Tickets
  15. Believe me....on ticketmaster they only sold tickets to the PITS area. I was online waiting for them to go on sale. Only to have that notice pop up 2 mins before they went on sale. I wasnt a happy camper.
  16. I agree. Thats hard to believe. I have a 16' with a 2007 40 HP 4 stroke, and I top out about 35 mph
  17. Ya because they only sold the tickets to the PITTS area! Which I am still VERY ticked about. Its pathetic actually. "We dont want DET fans in the building" is what I am taking from it. Thats not what sport is about. Nothing wrong with a little competition.
  18. You're flying in the wrong direction! My rates arent even close to that. Didnt mean to start anything in this thread, I just dont see the need to tip when you're already paying them about $100/hr to take you fishing. Sorry if a few of you took offense to that, but its my opinion. Dan - you tip them because they make less than minimum wage. Thats a far cry from $100/hr. But again, just my opinion. Dont mean to ruffle any feathers.
  19. well said oncogene! Lots of great points there. Zetts will (hopefully) hoist Lord Stanley's Cup tonight!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GO WINGS GO!
  20. Of course...cant view that at work.
  21. You're darn skippy! I would take him or Datsyuk over Malkin on my team ANY day. Should be a goooood game tonight though! Cant wait. It will be a true test of the hunger for both teams tonight, after playing so much Monday. Now, its down to mental strength more so than physical strength. Everyone is tired, so its who wants it more. Did you know? 10 of the past 12 Stanley Cup OT games have been won by the Visiting team. The visiting teams have a 15-4 record in OT games in the Cup Final since 1990. Thats crazy! Here's hopin that the game goes to OT tonight! hahaha
  22. The tapered end goes through the square end, and you pull it tight. It locks into place after about the first inch of plastic. They cannot be loosened, so you have to cut them off if you want to remove them.
  23. I dont think a tip is necessary at all. He is making his money, and obviously enough to be happy with it. IMO
  24. I wouldnt hire you because you have "the best stuff". Last time I checked I dont need a $150,000 boat, or dual motors, or $500 rod/reel combos to catch fish. My $100/hr to fish...wasnt saying its money for nothing, but making that kind of money fishing....probably isnt the hardest thing to get used to. Nor did I say it was easy or short hours, so not sure where that came from?? Exactly!
  25. I hardly think shelling out the facts is whining. PIT got lucky last night plain and simple. Det is just that much of a better team. They have dominated them in each game. Just shows what a hot goalie can do. Are the Pens a good team? Yes Do they deserve to be there? Yes Lets hope that the Pens actually show up tomorrow and force a game 7.
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