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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. There is no way that a ball could bounce of someone's head, and come back hard enough to knock another person out.
  2. HA HA HA, oh man! But watching it again, I dont think it hit the guy in the boat. Sounded like it hit the metal bar, then came back at the golfer. Either way, HA HA HA
  3. Great report, and some nice fish as well! Good job.
  4. Hey poopa, You need to PM "Zamoni", he is the man with all the charts!! Here is a link to a thread about charts, you can PM him from there. Charts P.S - people in the forum appreciate that you introduce yourself with your first post. Good luck!
  5. hahahha, cute!
  6. Pretty much whatever lake has bass! Top 3 1) Clear/Stoney Lake 2) Rice Lake 3) Percy Boom (Campbellford, Lake Ontario)
  7. Hey silvio, Congrats on your purchase! It will be key to know the length of the boat. If the boat is only a 12ft, then I doubt you will have enough room to complete the design you would like. You might only be able to do the casting deck, and 1 chair. Anything over 12ft, should be ok to create that design.
  8. lets hope he's a "righty"
  9. Wow, 4 fish at least 9 lbs. I would say that was a decent day!!
  10. OMG!! That almost brings tears to my eyes! Could be worse though....... could have been a fishing boat!
  11. Some nice lookin bass there! Good job! Man that water is clear!
  12. WOW, gorgeous pictures!! Nothing more beautiful than nature!
  13. Great report. Some nice fish there! Good job.
  14. Doesn't have to be a forum to have good info on it.
  15. Thanks, you too!
  16. Your welcome for the links. I am sorry if I offended you by the bolding. Didn't mean for it to be taken as a negative tone.
  17. I wasnt saying that it was, but that he might want to check out a forum that is based on Quebec fishing. That might have more detailed info about the location he is looking for.
  18. Google, is a wonderful thing. These are all fishing in Quebec sites, in english. I am sure one of these would have the information he is looking for. http://www.quebecfishing.net/ http://www.lodgesresorts.com/Quebec/quebec-fishing.html http://www.infohub.com/Lodgings/fishing_lo...ing_lodges.html http://www.fishingcanada.com/Quebec/ http://www.advancedbassin.com/ Don't understand why people are taking offense to my post. I was simply making a suggestion about looking up Quebec site, they would probably have lots of info on Quebec fishing.
  19. Don't see what is immature about that. Don't you think that someone would have better luck finding out about spots in Quebec, from a site based on that?
  20. WOW, some great fish there! Especially that brown!!! Holy cow! Great report!
  21. Hence the *jokes* part.
  22. This is the OFC (Ontario Fishing network). Maybe try searching for a Quebec fishing forum?
  23. Maybe they have more info on the QFN website.... lol *jokes*
  24. the plates on them are like knives....... take those + their size/wight + the speed of the jetski..... yikes!
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