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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. great pictures, keep em coming
  2. Woke up at 5:30 this morning for some reason and thought well I'm up might as well go fishing.After last night I thought I would go back to the same spot.When I got there I had the whole river to myself.It was very peaceful with the morning mist coming off the water and only a couple of birds. I forgot to add all the fish jumping all around me almost seemed like they were laughing.I saw a lot of big fish jumping and surfacing all around. I'm not really sure if they were bass,trout,carp,etc. I think it was a mixture. Makes me really want to give fly fishing another try. Anyway, went 4 for 7,1 lost lure and 1 hooked and now sore finger. Caught them this morning on white spinner and small red devil.Son woke up and asked if we can go again tonight so will have another report tonight. The fish in the one picture was the average size and the other pic is of my new friend who kept a close eye on me.
  3. After Hamilton yesterday the boy and I decided to go down to the Grand in Paris and try our luck. Really glad we did. I ended up going 9 for 13 and he went 3 for 8. All smallmouths and all caught on spinners. The fish in the pic is about the average size we caught.Nothing huge but nothing to complain about. While out we also saw a guy catch a nice trout and a huge smallie. Fish were hungry for sure. We left at about 8:00 when we got attacked by little moths. On the funny side of things my son ended up with a crayfish in his boot and also managed to catch a face cloth that put up an amazing fight,lol.
  4. great pictures. You really do live in an amazing and beautiful area
  5. here is a couple more pics.As I said,still trying to figure out this pic thing so bear with me
  6. Took my one son down to hamilton fishing yesterday just to try somewhere new. He caught 1 small fish and that was it.We both had a few hits and saw a lot jumping. Of course they were out of my casting range.It was nice to get out regardless of not catching anything.We tried bait,lures,jigs so it was not from lack of trying.Anyway, here are a few pics to enjoy.No fish pics as they did not want to cooperate.Still trying to figure this pic thing out.
  7. great report and beautiful pics
  8. a few nice fish there, good job
  9. the smile on your sons face is great and pretty much sums up fishing
  10. hey carpe diem, you were promoted to net attendant based on your posts/replies. I think you got that at 50.
  11. WOW! Not my kind of music but he is amazing. Think his days of selling phones is over
  12. good report and keep at it you will get them. it can and will only get better.
  13. sounds like it was a good day out there for you
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