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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. have seen more manly crocs in black at CT. not sure of price though
  2. wow,what a way to start a day.good to see you still managed to fish
  3. great report
  4. thanks for sharing and keep at it
  5. great pics
  6. sounds like a good day out with your dad
  7. congrats on a great day of fishing
  8. very nice report thanks for sharing
  9. congrats.Say that's a keeper
  10. that's awesome.could see my youngest doing something like that
  11. good job and congrats on your wife first
  12. have also found photobucket the easiest way
  13. welcome back
  14. great pics and boat
  15. good report
  16. sounds like you had a blast
  17. Took my 6 year old son down to the Nith river and within 5 minutes he was bored and ended up playing on the shore while daddy fished.I ended up only catching 2 small bass and 1 chub.Here are a few pics and he came back from his moms with that hairdo.After supper went down to the grand with my daughter and really wished I hadn't.To sum up this trip,no fish,1 lost lure and 1 very badly injured ankle walking through the water.It was bound to happen with all the river walking I have been doing.I have gone over on my ankles a lot during the years but this time it really felt different.I will be going to get it looked at today.I figured I was there anyway so fished before hobbling home.My daughter had a blast chasing minnows around on her hands and knees.I don't think I will be fishing for a bit so will have to live through everyone elses reports.
  18. nice fish,congrats
  19. what better way to go fishing.He looks really proud.great report
  20. great report and congrats on your new pb smallie
  21. great report
  22. wow,great report and looks like you had a blast
  23. very nice read and pictures. congrats and thanks for sharing
  24. great report and looks like a great trip
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