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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Hahahaha, good one Moosebunk, thanks for the laugh Joey
  2. Awesome report. Thanks. Cool looking ling. How about mud puppies, any of those buggers caught? Joey
  3. No reason so leave the nice warm wife behind, bring her along Joey
  4. Good Luck HH. I sure hope you get it for the future OFC Pool Parties Joey
  5. I have touched up my photos if they are too dark, but I never change the background and never will. If other people want to, I don't really care. Their photos aren't going in my album, mine are. Joey
  6. Great video, thanks for that. I was wincing wondering if they were all going to fall through trying to get it out. The ice still didn't look too thick. Joey
  7. Thanks for the report Sleded. Your report seems to have the most ice in it so far (if it was 6 inches like the hockey players said) Joey
  8. Good golly that's a scary report. I can only imagine you being out there seeing people coming and hearing the ice crack from too much weight *shudder* Thanks for the report and lets all pray for colder weather and more ice. Joey
  9. Thanks for the report. Nice to see, although that ice is not quite thick enough for me just yet. Soon tho Joey
  10. Great new Chuck. Now remember, with the brace off now, don't tick Shelley off, she can choke you now Now if you could just pray for some more ice, we'd all be set. Cheers. Joey
  11. Very cute kitten. Does he have one blue eye and one brown eye? Joey
  12. I love your updates from Myrtle Beach Cliff. As I read them I envision myself fishing right there with you on the pier. Keep them coming in the time you have left down there, and I can't wait for the pictures when you get home. Cheers, Joey
  13. He's in the member's list, as bricknblock, not brickinblock. Take the "i" out and you can see all his posts if you look up his name. Joey
  14. Good score Lew As for the duty fees, it is hit and miss. I order off ebay all the time and just last Friday, two packages arrived. I went to the post office and one had taxes and a handling charge (the smaller package) and the other didn't . The one I got charged for was a soft envelope of clothes and the one I didn't get charged for was my new Abu 6600 D5, which showed was worth more on the box than the clothes. I asked the postal worker why and he said the same as was stated above, it is hit and miss. He said there's no rhyme nor reason to it, you either get lucky or you don't. I've had more come without the charges than with them, but it bites when you are charged because sometimes you're really not saving that much. It is always 8% PST and 6% GST of the price stated on the package of what it's worth, and a $5 handling charge. Joey
  15. Cool, I wanna try that!!! Joey
  16. Ya, I have the original one. I like them both too. Great song. Joey
  17. Ya, I'm starting to like it dsn. I didn't really have to pay for mine tho, I used my Airmiles Reward Miles to get it, and I was amazed how fast I got it, I ordered it on a Thursday and had it on Friday Joey
  18. Twas pretty Cool it was!!! My Webpage Joey
  19. Check out this ice storm video. A least they have ice My Webpage
  20. dsn, its a Canon Powershot A430. I'm still learning all the settings, but I think I've got close up all figured out Joey
  21. Actually, you really do look that guy from the Goonies As for George, ahhh, sorry, No. Joey
  22. Well what a waste of a perfectly good missile Joey
  23. Surf's Up!!! Really cool pictures Dan. Joey
  24. Who was that idiot Sorry Rich, couldn't help myself. But you screwed yourself now, if you finally get elected Prime Minister, that video will surely surface Joey
  25. Is that part of the Imperial storm trooper clan? Joey
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