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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. The two rainbows and the lost fish hit a #4 panther martin (gold blade, black with yellow spots), the brown was caught on that small jig that is in its mouth.
  2. Well, while we were drive-by window shopping for a new house I drove by a small stream that I used to fish for trout many years ago. My first thought was I would much rather spend a September Saturday small stream trout fishing than looking at houses that I can't afford. Get home, check OFC, see MJL's post with his trout and make-up my mind to go fishing a soon as posible. I have two hours after work on Monday afternoon before I have to pick-up my son from daycare. Everthing is preped the night before, and I am out the door before 2pm and back writing this by 4:40pm. First fish is a bow, the cork is 8 inches long After the bow I thought that I might have a chance to get a triple play: rainbow, brown trout and brook trout. Next was a small brown Now the heat is on. I have a only a short amount of time before I've got to pick-up Ryan. Got another rainbow, smaller than the first (no photo) Got a wopper on, in my mind I had my triple and maybe one of the best brookies of my life. It of course came off. My heart says that it was a brookie, my mind says it was a brown or a bow. I'm going to try to sneak out again to try to find out. Stay tuned.
  3. I'm not a fan of takin' apart inexpensive reels either.
  4. Very nice. There sure is a wealth of knowledge availible here.
  5. Nothing is quite like fishin' with your dad.
  6. http://www.nugget.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2760949 Water info continues to flow Public Works Canada backs off on plan to axe website Posted By DAVE DALE The Nugget Posted 9:30pm Sept 16 Public Works and Government Services Canada — which owns dams on the French River — has retreated from a plan to ditch a water level and flow information website. Lake Nipissing boaters use the data for navigation because lake levels and river flows dictate where rocks and shoals exist. The federal body told the Sturgeon-Nipissing-French Citizens' Advisory Group two weeks ago that the information service wasn't part of its mandate and PWGSC was going to ask the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources to host the website instead. "Should they decline to do so," a letter dated Aug. 30 stated, "the website and phone number will be discontinued effective Oct. 31, 2010." Chairman of the citizens' advisory group, Phil Hall, a lands and water specialist with the North Bay district MNR, let members know about the plan. Michael Eedy, who uses the website water level information to plan his excursions, said the data is important for safety reasons. "This is silly," Eedy said. "They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars charting the lake and unless you know the water level, the nautical maps are useless." With Lake Nipissing experiencing low levels this year, Eedy said the removal of the service also appears to be an attempt at "hiding mistakes." Calls for an explanation about the notice to a Public Works staff in Toronto, a person who manages the website and a toll free telephone recorded message, were relayed to a communications manager in Vancouver. Ruslan Tracz, of the engineering assets strategy sector, said Tuesday the dams are operated in accordance with advisory groups including dam operators and communities. Tracz said Public Works follows the MNR's advice when it comes to opening and closing the dams. He said the MNR would be the "more appropriate" administrators of this site. On Wednesday, Tracz added to the Public Works comments and clarified the website will not be closed Oct. 30. He said Public Works is working with the MNR and advisory committee "to ensure that we can achieve a mutually acceptable solution. PWGSC will continue to operate the water levels website until such time as we can facilitate a transfer." The toll free information line, however, was not mentioned in the updated notice. Eedy said that sounds a lot better than the original notice. "I'm not as concerned about who maintains the website, as long as somebody is," he said. [email protected]
  7. Guys cheat now. If there are rules, there will aways be someone looking for a way to break them. I'd love to see someone try to enter a 32 inch smallmouth.
  8. I posted it because it is important to be aware of what people who oppose what you do are: saying, thinking and doing. Even though recreational angling was not the focus of the article, that whole keep your friends close, and your enemies closer is not without merit. My concern was that we would end up arguing amongst ourselves.
  9. Very impressive. Did I see a lure in one of those photos?
  10. Big deal, everybody catches 6.5 lb walleye out of that lake. Nice job. Now you'll be looking for a 8 plus pounder.
  11. I hesitated to post this, mainly because I feared it would go down hill faster than "which outboard motor is better". In the end I decided to post it, but comment on it as well (something else I usually don't do because I feel people should make their own decisions on articles). Some valid points are made, some aren't, but I fear it can be a slippery slope. Key points: The main issue brought up is commercial fishing, not recreational angling, but similar arguments can/ have been made about recreational angling. It is not suggested that commercial fishing should be stopped, but the methods and post catch handing should be changed/ modified. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/opinions/free-fish-from-their-pain-and-suffering/article1705707/
  12. The runner-up has not even been selected out of the gene pool. Smells of truthiness.
  13. I picked up some wooden baits at a discount. I'd like to try painting some of them myself, without investing in an airbrush etc. Questions: Should I take the original paint off first? Any particular type of paint? Should I put a lacquer finish on? Any other tips for a newb? Thanks for the help.
  14. The taxes are over $24 THOUSAND per year... and there is bupkiss for services because it is not in the city.
  15. ... and I still could not buy this place on Simcoe. How much is too much? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/classic-european-design-on-lake-simcoe/article1701201/
  16. I'm sure there was lots of hard work involved. Thanks guys.
  17. You know it had to be 2 days before the season opened. You'd swear the animals a read the regs.
  18. I picked one up last fall. I think I paid $30 for it? It was meant to be a rod for friends to use if they were out with me, or a backup spinning rod for pike. I used it a bit. It is what it is, a $30 rod with some backbone. For what I intend it for sensitivity is not needed, or a priority.
  19. I'll add my thumbs-up to Art now as well. 'Cause y'all know he'll become an insufferable son-of-a-gun if the Caps ever win the cup.
  20. Nice, like there isn't enough stuff on the net for me to waste my time with.
  21. Don't worry. We're not all like Cliff.
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