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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Is that $300 for 2 people? If you get a hunter safety book from someone I think you can save a bit of money as well, maybe 20-30 dollars?
  2. I think employment background is checked. There are things that would raise redflags. Those flags won't necessarily mean a refusal, just further investigation. You also provide them with some reference checks that they might call and interview. I guess they are looking for things like is this person a hothead? Do they have a history of such and such.
  3. Not sure what the wait time is right now for the background check but even if you passed the course yesterday it would be unlikely to get your firearms licence before November assuming it all went smoothly.
  4. There is a part in the background check about ex partners and how long since the split, but since that didn't apply I don't remember what the timelines where.
  5. I believe that the course is offered sometimes in evenings. Maybe 5 nights of 3ish hours (there is a minimum number of hours). The ofah site isn't the only place to find the course. Local gun clubs or stores will host them too. Maybe even Sir Sandford when the students get back?
  6. There are some nuances but yes, the hunter safety and gun course are needed. They can usually be done as a 2 day course. The OFAH site will list courses in your area. Once you pass that you have to wait for your background check from the RCMP. That can take a few months. Once you get that, then you can get a small game licence and you're good to go for some species. If you are hunting migratory birds (ducks, geese and what not) you also need a migratory game bird stamp that you get from a Canada post outlet (think you can get it online as well). Take that all with a grain of salt as I did not sleep at a holiday inn last night.
  7. I get the light thing, just like a rear plate on vehicles but it's not lit now. The only "light" is the red tail light and we know that that doesn't light spit. The light on plates is a dated law that serves no purpose now but to write someone up for it. Currently replacing a plate ($35) is far cheaper than a ticket so back it goes.
  8. I lost my boat trailer plate on a terrible private road. Picked up a new one but I'm trying to think on a better way to attached it to the trailer now. The plate mount that I had has the licence plate below the break/signal light and is going to come off again if I don't do something different. Is there any reason I can't just mount it to the back frame of the trailer with zip ties or wire?
  9. http://wqad.com/2016/07/29/illinois-dnr-looking-to-enlist-river-monster-to-battle-asian-carp-in-mississippi-and-other-rivers/ CHICAGO (AP) — A giant fish that once swam from the Gulf of Mexico to Illinois is making a comeback. Biologists are restocking alligator gar in several states where it disappeared about a half-century ago, partly in the hope that it will be a powerful weapon against Asian carp. That invasive species has been swimming almost unchecked toward the Great Lakes for decades. The alligator gar is the largest fish native to Illinois. It is a prehistoric species that has not been seen in the state since the last documented alligator gar catch occurred in the Cache River cutoff channel in southern Illinois in 1966. It was officially declared extinct in Illinois in the 1990s. The IDNR began an alligator gar reintroduction program in 2010, but it has been on hold for the past two years. However, state lawmakers are working on a bill to re-introduce the fearsome fish, with the goal of enlisting it as an ally in the battle against the invasive Asian carp. It turns out that alligator gar have a taste for carp — and also dwarf the invaders. Asian carp can grow to 4 feet and 100 pounds; alligator gar can grow more than 9 feet and 300 pounds. The larger fish was exterminated from all but the southern part of its range by anglers who mistakenly believed it threatened sportfish. Now states are hoping the monster gar will become a valuable trophy fish.
  10. On a side note today they were talking average height. The average Canadian man is 5'10" so figure an average eye height closer to 5'7"ish for us Canucks.
  11. Water, like the land, is flat so it's infinite. lol
  12. I'd have to catch one first before I had to decide if I was going to eat one. Were these southern alligator gar or our northern longnose gar? I think there is a bit of a market for the alligator gar down south but here it would just be individual anglers. They are a very hardy fish so there isn't a need to help them recover in a livewell. Maybe they were put into the livewell to accommodate filming the show?
  13. There is a doctor sonar site that does a lot of interpretation, but I agree with those above, the freaks come out at night.
  14. It would be funny, if it wasn't so deadly serious.
  15. Had a part day for a fish before a family bbq. Ryan's request was bass in the pads. It was early, cloudy and not my first choice but at this point I'm not fishing as much for me anyway so off we go. 4:15am wake-up and on the drive Ryan proposed a challenge of: mouse, frog or sunfish. Each of us would use our choice of lure and see how things went. Ryan picked mouse, I sunfish and my brother went frog. Things started to go sideways right away as I landed small bass on my 2nd and 3rd casts. The competition ended a short time later when I landed 2 more small bass on consecutive casts again. Unfortunately that was it for fast action and between 7am and 12 not much happened. In the last spot Ryan finally got the hooks into a bass and got it out of the pads and grass. That was as good a way of ending the trip as could be and it was time for slip-n-slides, trampolines, squirtguns and a cold beer for the adults. By the 3rd one Ryan wouldn't bother to stop for a photo. And the 4th bass went back sans photo as my photographer was switching to a sunfish. Slow fishing ensued. First pike on a sunfish... well a quarter of a pike. He insisted on being in the photo all by himself. On a frog.
  16. Are we drawing these conclusions on a few months of fishing in a few areas?
  17. If cost is the issue then use braid. It last for years and then you flip it around and use it a few more years. Mono has it's place.
  18. Vanish isn't meant as leader line. Use flouro that is meant for leaders.
  19. I almost always use a lead on my harnesses of 3 to 2 feet. The type of bottom cover will factor in as well as how heavy your rig is, how fast you're moving and how much lift your blade (or blades) give the harness. The general rule of thumb is an ounce of weight for every 10 feet of depth.
  20. Any chance we could hear those twins?
  21. Can't cut the dead grass/weeds because it's raining, should have gone fishin'.
  22. Remember the guy who chased and jumped on a moose swimming last year? Someone's been charged. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/moose-riders-youtube-fort-nelson-1.3660913?cmp=rss A year after a video was posted to YouTube showing a man riding a moose, two Fort St. John, B.C., men have been charged under the Wildlife Act. The video, shot from a motor boat, caused an uproar on social media. It shows a moose being chased across a shallow body of water, before a man jumps onto the animal and rides it for 15 seconds before falling off. Others on the boat can be heard laughing. In a Facebook post Thursday, the Conservation Officer Service says that a yearlong investigation has led to two suspects being charged with three counts, including harassing wildlife, attempting to capture wildlife and hunting big game while the animal is swimming. The men were tracked down after the body of water in the video was identified as Tuchodi Lakes near Fort Nelson. The men — who were not named — are due to appear in court in Fort Nelson on Aug. 8.
  23. In very limited testing my brother's was the only one to land a fish so the nail polish paint job is ahead at this point.
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