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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. We may not like it but in today's market $12-$14 hard baits is reality in southern Ontario. You can buy "generic" lures for less and do alright but the hooks and hardware will not be as good, the consistency will vary more and some will flat out just not fish right. To each his own. This problem with the shadow rap is something that rapala needs to fix.
  2. I saw the video of the splitting shortly after buying mine. I haven't had any issues with my two, but I haven't use them a ton. I love the action but I'm unlikely to buy any more at this point.
  3. http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/senators-still-struggling-ticket-sales-season-opens/ Hundreds of tickets available minutes before puck drop on home opener... and 1500 plus covered by tarps.
  4. A rush to be first, work out the details later.
  5. To be fair, the Devils were a split squad (the other Devils played the NYI) and the Ottawa team just played like one.
  6. Not sure what, if anything it has to do with the amalgamation but bps revamped their website a month or so ago and it's terrible. It makes me hate going there to look for stuff. Gift cards can be "swapped" but you need to contact a 1 800 number or customer service in store. Not sure if things are a little different here in Canada.
  7. Received emails from both companies today: http://www.cabelas.com/browse.cmd?categoryId=1715190480&WT.tsrc=EML&eid=12852215&WT.mc_id=email-nl%7CEP20170925%7CEPP3ALL%7C12912%7CMAINFEAT1
  8. Hope so, sounds like someone has bills to be paid.
  9. "I don't object to the concept of a deity, but I am baffled by the notion of one that takes attendance."
  10. It's gonna be super hot for another week.
  11. I'd buy the 1500 seats that Ottawa covered up and give them to real fans.
  12. Ingrown toenail Classic. btw you live in Ottawa, you get my money every paycheque. Maybe you could start using for education.
  13. Leafs fans are Indifferent to the Ottawa team due complete lack of significance. Their fans are the ingrown toenail of life however. Half of Ottawa sports talk is hate on the Leafs and Toronto. Toronto sports talk spends more time talking about the parade route than the team in Ottawa. It's little sibling syndrome.
  14. If I've hunted the grouse opening day up north it was 20-25 years ago but it's unlikely that I ever did. I avoided it because it's too thick, too green and I had a flexible schedule. I didn't hunt much in September period, but now with young kids and busy sports schedules the number of chances are limited, so for the last few years an early trip north on the first Friday after the opener has been the norm. This year, Friday was the opener for the first time in 11 years. There were a lot more atv's and hunters than I'd noticed in the past. The first week in September had been promising with a few frost warnings and some cool nights but as we know the weather was hot this week. The alarm went off at 2am, the gear was loaded and the wheels were rolling by 3am. The trail we like to walk is narrow and overgrown so we don't usually see atv's on it, we just hoped that any other walkers weren't there before us. When we pulled up there was no sign of other hunters and we prepped and were off on the first hunt of the season. By 8am we each had bird and then I got lucky when I went exploring off trail and had 3 more grouse by 9:30am. And that was it. We didn't see/hear another bird. We got back to the vehicle by 11am and actually got in and ran the A/C. I was considering a nap while letting the engine run but had visions of a 8 hour snooze running the engine dry. While eating our sandwiches we discussed our options and decided to drive out and try another area. This would keep us cool and kill some time while we figured the birds were lying low due the heat. On the drive out we were stopped by the OPP. They checked to see that the guns were unloaded and asked to see our hunting licences and we were on our way after a couple of minutes tops. The drive to the second spot produced zero birds but did put us an hour closer to home. We had 5 birds and didn't die from the heat or mosquitoes so another season has started. Bring on the frost.
  15. And the teaspoon of chicken crap ruins the bowl of chicken salad. Results of preseason games seriously? When you go ZERO for 4 in play-offs you cling to anything I guess.
  16. This new face-off is great. The bozo linemen that yoyo the puck, now are going to watch four skates and eight lines. Every puck drop is a violation by both players and the linesmen call a penalty occasionally... when it suits them to one of them. That's what the league needs. More time for the fans to watch linesmen.
  17. Brilliant marketing. A centre ice logo listing the number of Stanley Cups won by the organization.
  18. That's great Simon. I got a few grouse on Friday as well.
  19. Yes, we should look to the US for the best practises for urban planning and hockey arenas. The Islanders were in Nassau County (suburban NYC) and struggled for years. They moved to Brooklyn (the bulk of the hockey fans there are already Ranger fans) they also play in a building not built for hockey and have struggled there as well. Small rink too, 15 odd thousand seats. Sure there are rinks in suburbia. Owners pit one municipality against another and get such a great deal they don't care about the fans. Edmonton's owner threatened to move to get a better deal. Calgary, with the help of Bettmen, did the same thing today.
  20. There are a few hundred thousand of us scattered for hundreds of kms around the horse shoe and over 2 million people living within the mass transit system. Sure, a few thousand of us make the trip each game maybe but the bulk of the people in the building game in, game out either live and/or work in Toronto proper. Another component to this is that most of those core Toronto people will not travel the "other way" to sporting events when they are in suburbia.
  21. If you don't know what you're talking about, or who you're talking to you might be the one that needs to leave. Suburban major league sport venues are a terrible idea no matter how strong the fan support is. That's not a Sens thing, that's urban planning 101. BTW I drive/TTC to the ACC and SkyDome (as well as multiple other events in Toronto) every year from Barrie and my wife commutes to downtown T.O. every workday... but that's prolly a lot of bull too.
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