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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. I don't know what people are getting for them but there are several used ones online asking several hundred dollars (at least one was over $600). I love books but I'd sell it in a heartbeat and have a current, always updated version on my phone.
  2. And if you have a copy of the book, people are asking mucho dinero for them online.
  3. Experiences with the app? They stopped making the books years ago I guess, which I understand, but a hundred plus bucks for an app is a concern if there are problems.
  4. Ya, says the guy with the nice, big garage as I remember. Just like baseball, I do mine outside. lol
  5. Wayne, I wonder if you could train some of your turkeys to eat some cranberry cookies?
  6. I was going to swap the tires on at least on of the vehicles yesterday but saw the forecast for some snow today and figured I'd wait and see… The snowsbrush stays in the trunk until at least early May though.
  7. New study helps track 'destructive' giant goldfish threatening Hamilton Harbour https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/goldfish-study-1.5076637?cmp=rss
  8. One of the first conversions I had with her started out: "So you're the one in the cooler?" And then: "Tell the story of the giant carp you caught icefishing"
  9. Three years ago we were on Salerno and had fun fishing it. This week with the extended family is not the "hardcore" fishing I usually prefer and is more about lots of short trips for bass and pan fish for my kids and some of the other more casual anglers in the group as well as nighttime campfire hanging out.
  10. Contau Lake is where we'll be spending a week this summer.
  11. If it's going to fail due to issues it's likely to happen early.
  12. Except for the most robust pike jerk baits (small musky stuff) I don't like how heavier floro (over 30lb test) deadens the action. For me, if I think 20lb floro isn't "enough" then I go with tie-able wire or titanium.
  13. Definitely braid with floro leader for pike then on a casting outfit. The stiffer floro will also cut down on tangles, both from casting or jerking the baits on straight braid.
  14. Spinning or casting? Braid is fine on casting but gel-spun lines on spinning outfits is my choice.
  15. Not sure if it's the same now but not that long ago trucks did not have to meet anywhere near the same safety standards a cars.
  16. No, it was booked for the week we were looking. Haven't picked a place yet.
  17. Thanks for the response. The booking agent hadn't got back yet and we need to decide soon.
  18. Family is looking at renting a cottage on Moore lake (just south of Minden). My only questions are: (1) Does Moore lake allow motor boats? (2) Can you motor from Moore lake into Gull lake?
  19. These are the ones I'm looking at from Costco:
  20. Ya, as a first time foray into this I'm not dropping those types of bucks for a chamber sealer. Are the bags proprietary, or can you use any vacuum plastic that fits the unit?
  21. Haven't bought one before. Anything to look out for? Is the price differences just bells and whistles? Costco has a few models but they are all within about $50.
  22. Hey just an fyi: Ottawa still has a team in the nhl. Seriously, I just checked the schedule, Ottawa has a team playing the Leafs' tonight.
  23. Hey, I'm a goalie dad, I need lots of things to keep me from thinking about the next play-off game. I also start going over lake and crown land maps to find new spots.
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