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Everything posted by brifishrgy

  1. not trying to sound like an but the best bet is to go find out for yourself .. I have found many places to fish by using google earth but would never post it here .. too many lurkers lookin for a spot to fish
  2. I am wanting to build a portable hut for next ice season, I had a link saved with the plans to build one but cant find it, does anyone still have the link?? (tried searching it but only came up with broken links) I know ice is a long ways away but I want to build it this summer, thanks
  3. you know your getting old when ... what was I talking about
  4. beer batter fish crisp and onions make "the best" onion rings ..
  5. headed out early this am and was quite happy with only one other boat at the launch .. tried a couple spots but nothing then I found em .. 6 passes over one of my favorite "holes" and six fish on .. lost one after a couple reels and one right at boat side .. great start to the season .. going to take the boy out next weekend so hopefully I can track em down again .. he wont be too happy if I don't since I ate em all myself
  6. just wanted to say thanks for keeping the tourney going this year.. its great that the tourney gets updated on a regular basis
  7. sounds like a great spot to have a little tourney, invite everyone and then see how he likes it
  8. I have never had them but seen people out collecting them, do you just pick the curled end or the whole "stock" .. my son want to go pick some and I wouldn't mind trying them .. if I get some I am going to need a way to cook em? (I imagine the same as any veggie, steam em)
  9. he caught them on corn, betcha a pike wouldnt mind chomping into that sucker
  10. I believe game wardens don't need search warrants, could be wrong though, its been known to happen every once in a while
  11. that's a whole lot of assumptions
  12. love the first pic.. white buckets and lawn chairs.. doesn't get any better
  13. yup, if you get alot of hits and misses cut it smaller, some of the bigger suckers end up with 3" long chunks of cutbait and they suck on it instead of eating it, cut in half and your good
  14. mmmmmmmmmm perch
  15. so what rule did he break then
  16. the fish was caught legally, what was done after doesn't matter, some throw them back and some throw them in livewells or tow them on stringers for hours till they decide to kill them. as long as it was legally caught there was nothing wrong with what he did.
  17. no its not the same as snagging a fish
  18. the distance from maitland to the dam isnt very far, they are spread threw out the river and dont stay in the same spots all the time, which is why moving frequently catches more fish.
  19. Yes .. eat em up
  20. hope the refs got a caps jersey out of the deal
  21. good game so far .. refs suck like usual .. its amazing what they will call a penalty and what they wont .. you can rake the goalie out of the net but cant check a player who played the puck (Gill on Semin) .. 2 refs on the ice and they are still clueless .. lets hope for a good OT
  22. nice kitties .. I gotta get out again soon
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