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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. they are well known for the patience at the plate!
  2. with boston losing a pitcher for the next while. Joe Kelly went down with a shoulder injury
  3. the batters haven't hit their stride yet, they're showing signs of breaking out though, theres 5 people under a .170 average, and then there's Colabello at a dismal 0.077
  4. holy negative nancy much???? its the first damn game
  5. Ummm try either east Hill outdoors or sail in oshawa. Only 2 places I can think of immediately. Outside of ordering them off a website. Or try getting a hold of kypefish quality flies. Hes local. May be able to meet up with something quick
  6. You do a great job down there Jason, its too bad some don't respect it the way they should. One of these days i'll have some spare time to come down there and volunteer
  7. According to the Ganaraska Fishway page, 2 people were caught by PHPS for fishing in the sanctuary last week. A follow up revealed that no charges were laid because they are native. I can understand the special rules regarding their rights to access of game, but fishing in a sanctuary is beyond comprehension! https://www.facebook.com/ganaraska.fishway/photos/a.1581992018753670.1073741826.1581991978753674/1764735940479276/?type=3&theater
  8. problem is, peoples expectations are sky high right now, and anything less than perfect requires an obituary. they are putting so much pressure on the team to perform that maybe they are gripping the bats too tight and trying to force things to happen instead of just letting them happen. Jays need a trip to a strip club or something to relax lol
  9. where the crazy craft start aka homemade contraptions that people hope will float and hold together, at sylven glen, and work their way through the farmlands then the sugar bush down to the dam, the kayaks and canoes start further up. and yes 100% they are going over prime spawning areas
  10. they start above sylvan glen. in Canton
  11. it used to be earlier, but it changed a couple years ago due to the river being frozen over. no reason they couldn't do it earlier this year. good news i guess is that the fish really aren't moving due to the water being too cold
  12. gotta remember, its a marathon, not a sprint
  13. little light sanding would do the trick
  14. big difference!
  15. tempting, but with a young daughter around, i don't her bugging the hives. theres a couple pear trees, an apple tree, i think apricot or some other weird fruit, some grape vines. downside is it brings the wasps around
  16. i have an inflatable paddle boat with 2 rod holders. just looking for an electric motor to put on the back of it. can hold up to a 4hp gas motor too. can't wait for warmer weather!
  17. was just there, picked up a shimano selus UL rod for my daughter to start fishing this year
  18. same here. my neighbours all have fruit trees, so tons of food here
  19. lets do this. free wild flower seeds available. also, do not spray your dandelions in the spring, its the first source of food for honey bees. https://bringbackthebees.ca/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fbMQUVYuRQ
  20. pretty much. i mean what almost 40 strikeouts in 4 games, not good
  21. lens quality is huge, i've tried on glasses that magnify, distort like looking through curved glass and some that even project the image off centre, these poor lens give me a headache within 5 minutes. one trick i use when trying on glasses, move them up and down, if the image through the glasses shifts when you lower them back down over your eyes, the lens are off and will cause eye strain. some are a lot worse than others.
  22. he'll be going straight to AAA Buffalo. Another depth move
  23. The Costa site has a guide to lense colour. Blue and green are for harsh direct sunlight that you get in the tropics silver mirror, most versatile, cloudy days gray, everyday, natural contrast copper driving, variable light Amber for dawn and dusk. CHOOSING A LENS COLOR Light conditions are constantly changing. to get the most out of Costa lenses, it's important to choose the right color. We offer six lens colors that range from low-light like dawn to extremely bright light with blinding glare.
  24. https://www.costadelmar.com/shop/sunglasses/mens
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