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Everything posted by lew

  1. Dang, I was hoping to get some support here with lotsa stories of missing brain cells, but now I'm starting to get a complex I can't be the ONLY one...................................can I ??
  2. Yup, learned to swim about the same time I learned to walk, just the way I taught my own kids. Never could understand why folks don't teach the kids how to swim as soon as possible, specially if the kids are around the water at all or in a boat. If they can't teach it themselves, there are lessons given by the Red Cross or other like groups that wouldn't cost too much. Every weekend we hear about kids drowning and in most cases, it was probably avoidable. Nothing makes me madder than to see kids who can't swim, playing in the water with those stupid inflatible things around their upper arms while Mom & Dad lay on the beach more concerned with getting a suntan than the welfare of their children.
  3. Nope, not Scugog as I never fish there but it could be Pigeon, but the location isn't really important, I'd just rather know who I spent the day with As for all the other answers.............thanks, I needed that Glen, anytime I can help
  4. Do you have any fish'n pictures that you draw a total blank on and can't recall any details about them ?? I have a "Florida" type room attached to my trailer and it's pretty well decorated with fishing stuff, and one wall is dedicated to nothing but pictures of muskies over 45", and this is one of them, but I know ABSOLUTELY nothing about the picture other than the fact that's it's me holding the fish It's my current boat, so I know the picture was taken since '99, but other than that I have no clue about anything pertaining to it.......I don't know what lake it's on, I don't know when it was taken or who took the picture, I don't know how big the fish is, and I don't even have any idea as to who my fish'n partner was that day, but I'm assuming we had a good day on the water Over the years I've shared my boat with nearly 60 different OFNers, so I'm hoping one of you out there will recall the day and can fill me in on some of the missing the details I don't drink and I don't smoke and have never done drugs, so I can't blame any of that stuff. Am I alone on this, or have any of youz ever had "one of those moments" ??
  5. Joe, they mount to the boat, then Down East rod holders are fastened to them.
  6. Looks perfect to me Bud, but then again, I expected nothing less from you. Your definetely the master in the machine shop !! Are we still on for tomorrow ??.....gimme a call when you get a chance, will ya ??
  7. Great idea for a post, bucktail, we should see some good pictures Here's nice West Arm, Lake Nippissing musky I got in September while fishing with eddyk And a fat largie that grabbed a big musky spinnerbait in the Kawarthas while I was fishing with Whopper
  8. Hey Pete, just letting you know the dog teams have finally arrived up here in Toronto and the latest issue of EA was waiting for me on my door step this morning. Looks like another winner, so it's time to head off to the reading room for a couple hours
  9. A funny line from George Burns, when asked why he only dated young gorgeous girls, and never any women his own age, he said "he had no choice but to date young girls, because there weren't any women left that were his age" I never watched Hollywood Squares, so I don't know if it came from there or not, but old George always broke me up
  10. Roy, that drop box existed for a short time after this new board started, then it disappeard a couple weeks back, but I think Rick said we'd be getting something in the near future for changing the skins. Myself, I'd prefer something other than the driftwood that we currently have, but perhaps that's just me. I think a white background would be preferable to those of us with "older" eyes
  11. Good to hear the little guy is gonna make it Glen, and I've been waiting for this report since your original post. Hopefully the leg will be OK, but if not, like others say, he should be able to adapt and still enjoy himself. Be sure to keep us informed as to how he's making out. Tell him Marvin sends his best wished too
  12. WTG Joey, and congrats on the big win. I've got several exactly the same and their an excellent fish'n pole !! Now, tell Paul you need a Calcutta for Christmas to go with it and your all set
  13. Was wondering where you got to Deano and it's good to see you finally found us.
  14. OK, I'll bite, where's the delete button ??.......Jeeez, maybe I really DO need glasses
  15. Hi guys, the 2006 fishing year is winding down very fast, and now we've all had a full season to test out any new equipment we got, so let's share our opinions on our new toys, and maybe help each other in buying new gear for next season. I made the same post a year ago and we got alot of excellent responses Myself, I added 2 more musky reels to the inventory this year and was more than happy with both of them. They both came on the recommendation of Robin who used them both last year with good results. For jerkbaits where it's important to take up slack line quickly, I went with the Abu Garcia Big Game HS 7000. It's a big reel but very comfortable to use all day long and with the large spool and power handle, the line comes in extremely fast, with little cranking effort. I wasn't too sure if I'd like casting with the side button, rather than a thumb bar, but I got so that I never even give it a 2nd thought anymore. Next reel was a Shimano Tekkota 600 LC for trolling. Like nearly everything Shimano makes, this reel is absolutely perfect and I can't a find a single thing I don't like about it. The drag is extremely smooth and the clicker is loud enough that there is no problem hearing it over the sound of the motor. The counter seems accurate and always resets perfectly, unlike others I've seen. Large lures can be cranked in with no effort, even with the boat still underway. Again, it's a fairly large reel, but comfortable and easy to hold while cranking in baits Another excellent product by Shimano The other item I'm very happy with is a Coleman Black Cat catalytic heater for my tent. Kinda nice on those cold rainy nights in May & September. I start it on Hi, then when the tent is warm I cut it down to low for the rest of the night. The only complaint is it only lasts about 7-8 hours on the small tanks and I can't see any way of hooking it up to a larger tank. It'd be nice to put it on around 4:00 in the afternoon to get rid of any dampness in the tent and then have it run continously till daylight. Other than that, it's a good buy I also bought another 7' 6" Compre for trolling and another 7' 6" St. Croix for bootails, but everybody already knows how good they both are, so no further description is needed So, tell us about your new gear, and was it good or bad, and worth the $$$$ and pictures if possible. It may help the rest of us from buying an inferior product nest year.
  16. Hey Phil, if you Americans hang around OFC long enough, we'll get y'all Canuckalized
  17. Jen, have a look at the pic in my signature, even dogs wear touques up here
  18. After I gave up hunting many years ago, I had a box of shells that I didn't want, so I just took them to the local police station and they disposed of them for me.
  19. 255 / 65 R16 You've got a PM Gerritt
  20. Thanks Shelley, news like that is always welcome !! Good to hear things are on the mend Chuck and you'll be drilling holes in the ice before you know it
  21. Hmmmm, let's see here, I'm retired, I'm good with a hammer, and I've got nuthin to do all summer cept fish'n and then smore fish'n......... Hmmmm........
  22. Beautiful little piece of paradise you've got there solopaddler !! I'd say all your hard work is paying off for you quite nicely
  23. Jumla fame is spreading far & wide
  24. She's a real beaut Grag, congrats, and you guys should have a lot of fun together over the years !! Marvin has a question for you though - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WHATDYA MEAN , NO DOGS ON THE FURNITURE ??
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