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Everything posted by lew

  1. Hey Marc, that's probably the most famous bow rail ever built
  2. Here's the 1st boat our family owned, a 15' cedarstrip that my Dad bought about 1955 and the boat I learned how to fish from. It had a 25 HP Johnson SeaHorse motor that was considered a darned big motor back in the day. That's my Dad back in the 50's loading it up for a fish'n trip somewhere and I'm sure I wasn't too far away getting my gear together too This one is a 14' Starcraft tiller that I owned a few years back and that's my Son and me pickeral fishing on The Bay of Quinte. Actually, it's 2 years tomorrow that my Son died and this picture has always meant alot to me, infact it's one of my favorites of him & I together..........nice memories.
  3. WTG Roger, the un-planned buys are the most fun !! Boys & their toys, you gotta luv it
  4. WTG Peter and congrats on the new home, it looks like a fabulous location !!
  5. And to think I shared the Niagara with you only a couple weeks back when you were just a mere OFNer Don't forget us Joey, when you reach stardom with Izumi & Cronze
  6. Yup, it woulda been nice to finally meet up with you too Paul, but the high winds really screwed up our fishing plans down your way this fall, but hopefully it'll be better next year. We were down last month but the waves and very muddy water pretty much shut the fish down, then we planned on coming back 2 weeks ago, and the same thing happened, so we had to cancel our plans. It was so nasty on the water, even the 2 guys gang trolling 8 baits couldn't snag a musky So you boyz keep feeding the poodles and we'll be back down next year and give it another shot
  7. Red to positive + Black to negative -
  8. WOW, what a crew Good work guys. I've shared a boat with nearly 1/2 that crowd and would luv to fish with the other 1/2 some day Great job Jr & Sr
  9. WTG Roger, that was awesome and thanks, I can't think of a better way to start my day
  10. Now you've really got me interested, but it just keeps on loading, but won't open for me OK, I've got it going now Blackfish and that's hilarious, but I hope the Mrs. doesn't see it or she'll expect me to take her out dancing on Saturday nights
  11. Great lookin new ride there Remo, congrats !! Boy, there's just something really special about those 1st few days in a brand new vehicle that a man remembers for a very long time
  12. Brian, that was hilarious
  13. That was strange, I logged off, then back on and it automatically returned to the Christmas skin, but everything is good now.....thanks lads
  14. I'm back to the original grey & beige blah
  15. Lookin good TJ and nice to see the Magnum Jumla front & center
  16. There closed on Sundays now Chris and I think thru the week they open at 10:30
  17. Thanks Remo, I've been going over all that stuff for a long time, but it's still a blank. As for not fishing with me yet, I'm pretty sure you know how to rectify that problem
  18. Lookin forward to it bud, just give us the time & date
  19. Just looking at Slowpokes pictures of the London snowstorm from last week was more than enough winter for me and now it's time to move onto springtime
  20. SNAZZY !!!!!
  21. That was fun times Norm, and do you remember the fish fry that Meeley put on at the end of the day ?? Thanks Jason, but I think it may have been taken with an old 35mm camera that I don't even have anymore, judging from the poor quality of the picture.
  22. OK thanks Brian, I was afraid something would get damaged.
  23. I have a portable phone that's been sitting beside my computer for the last few years, but I bought a new one yesterday and while reading the instruction booklet, I came across a message saying not to have a portable phone sitting near a computer. Anyone know the reason why, and if it'll hurt the computer, how far away should it be ??
  24. I seldom watch television, but if I know there's gonna be a Mr. Bean episode on, I'll be there front & center with my coke & popcorn and laffing thru the whole show. He's right up there with Archie Bunker & Cosmo Kramer Thanks nelly, that was hilarious !!!!!!
  25. Hearing about guys snowmobiling across lakes that they know have only been frozen a couple days and then breaking thru, is kinda like watching Evil Knievel crash his motorcycle while attempting a 300' jump across a bunch of school buses You SORTA feel sorry for them...........but then again...........maybe you don't ??
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