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Everything posted by lew

  1. I think you should share the prize with the net man / photographer
  2. The good stuff happens to the nicest people Joey
  3. Well done boyz, your having a good weekend down there, and Brian, congrats on both your 1st & 2nd muskies ever, specially that 1st one, she's a real beaut !! Save a few for us though will ya, we'll be down next weekend if the water stays in good shape. We'll be lookin for water updates in a couple days.
  4. Mornin dr-feelgood It was good meeting up with you folks last night and thanks very much for the invite to your party, but it had been a very long day for our group and we still had a couple hours drive to get back home. Always nice to meet fisherfolk from other boards and several from your group came over and introduced themselves to us and also invited us to join them. You've got a great group of friends there. Thanks again !!
  5. Sam, your an asset to OFC
  6. The Shimano Compre rods come with an across the counter, lifetime warranty and cost 1/2 the price of the Avid I use them all for muskies, Avids, Premiers, Compres and Maina rods and can honestly say, IMHO, while the Avid is a nice rod, I can't see where it's nessesary to spend the extra $$$$ on one for throwing large baits where sensitivity is not an isssue. This year I added both a new 7' 6" Premier and 7' 6" Compre to my boat and am so pleased with both of them that I'd never spend the extra $$$$ for an Avid again, but that's just my opinion.
  7. Back then, just like today, we only fished Quinte in the springtime, so we never got into any of the mosters that are caught in the fall, but we always got/get plenty of eater sized fish. Even today though, whenever we make our annual spring pickeral trip to the area, I nearly always take the ferry across, just for old times sake, and just like tinbanger, if I had a dollar for everytime I crossed the Reach on that old girl, I'd be a wealthy man today
  8. Lotsa talk this week about folks fishing around the Glenora Ferry near Adolphus Reach for the recent OFC g2g on Quinte. I started fishing the same area back in the 50's with my Dad & brother, eddyk, and still fish there every May, and thought some of you may get a kick outta seeing the ferry docks from way back then. I don't know the year, or remember who took this picture, but it was probably my Dad, somewhere around 1960. Hope you enjoy the old picture
  9. Thanks Lexx, sounds like you & Jello had a great weekend with a few beauty eyes to go with it.
  10. Uncle B, we had an excuse for getting skunked at the g2g two years ago. It's tough to catch a fish when you can't see the water for the snow See ya'll on Saturday
  11. It's good that we were able to contibute in our small way to help make this a reality. My Grandfather served with the British Army in WW1 and fought from the trenches in Europe for 4 years, and fortunately survived and lived till the ripe old age of 85, even though he was hit by shrapnel and carried pieces of it in his body his entire life. Another time him & his crew were trapped in a dead-end ravine while several dozen Germans moved in on them, but he was able to climb out, circle behind them and kill them all, allowing his men to get out safely. For that he was awarded the Military Medal for Bravery When I was very small he wouldn't tell me much about the war, but as we both grew older he started to open up and told me some things they went thru over there that were absolutely unbelievable. It's hard to understand what some human beings can do to others I spose it's easy for us to say we understand, but for those of us that haven't experienced it, there is NO way in the world we'll EVER understand what those guys went thru, and awarding them all with a State Funeral is the very least we can do for them.
  12. Gorgeous pickeral Bill and congrats on your PB About 10 years ago my son and I were camped on Adolphus Reach when that ESSROC freighter went by and she thru up such a huge wave that it tore my boat from the dock and shoved it right up on the beach Luckily the only damage done was to the cleats that were ripped outta the dock.
  13. Thanks VERY much Terry, that's absolutely perfect !! Your talents are always very much appreciated around here bud !!
  14. Whenever you get a chance, would you be able to remove the hydro lines from the top left corner of this picture please ?? I can crop them out myself, but I want to keep the entire sky in the picture if possible, and you are definetely one of the Photoshop masters around here
  15. Matt, this is where things start to get expensive You'll find that one rod is not always good for different applications and you need different ones for different jobs. $99 is a good price for that 6' 6" Premier and it'll work well as a jerkbait rod, so seeing as the musky season is winding down, why not buy it now, then put a few $$$$ away thru the winter, and get yerself the 7" 6" for next season ?? Course then you'll hafta buy another reel, but that's what makes fish'n so much fun.....playing catch-up
  16. Mattyk, that 6' 6" Premier medium heavy is the exact rod I use for jerkbaits and it works well for me, but the length that'll work best for you is something you'll need to figure out for your self. If it's too long you'll be hitting the water with the rod tip when your working the bait. Depends on your height and the boat decks distance from the water. For the spinner baits and bucktails, you'll find a longer rod will give you better casting distance. Myself, I like 7'6 medium heavy, but again, your the one that needs to figure what works best for yourself. If you don't find a St. Croix in your price range, have a look at the Compres or Maina rods. Their both excellent but a few $$$$ cheaper.
  17. Thanks Phil, that big girl is a definate trophy and I hope she's still playful this coming Saturday
  18. Thanks for that Roger, very nice of ya bud and really great seeing you again on Saturday night !! And thanks to the rest of you too for the early morning greetings My birth certificate may say I'm getting old but I can still cast for 12 hours a day and thats all that counts
  19. If that's your most boring fish Paul, I wouldn't mind a look at the rest of em
  20. Gregs still here but he's another one who changed his name for some reason, but darned if I can remember what the heck it is.
  21. Great pictures Chris, always enjoy looking back at the old stuff. Luv the shot of your Grandmother with the humungus bamboo fish'n pole
  22. OH OH, maybe I really have been loitering around here too many years, I know pretty near everyone there Thanks TJ, lotsa great memories in those pictures !!
  23. It just dawned on me this morning that I must be getting old (er), when I had to ask how to make the print larger so I could read these pages better sheeeeesh.........
  24. Thanks Rick, that solved the problem and my text is much better now
  25. WOW, what a difference !!!! Thanks Jim, that's absolutely perfect !! I never knew we could change the skin color like that, but it made all the difference in the world. Doncha just luv the way we can get help around here ??
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