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Everything posted by grizzlybri

  1. It was a great night, thank you again for having me over, the crappie you cooked up was great and looking forward to sunday
  2. well look what happened after my " 2-0 leafs 6 minutes in" comment back in the first.
  3. Hey saw this as one of the trending stories on facebook. The fish was found 8,143 meters/ 26,715 feet under the surface here is one of the links to the story http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2014/12/19/ghostly-new-fish-discovered-at-record-breaking-depths/
  4. Watching a rare sunday game for the Maple Leafs

  5. Yes we do
  6. anyone know when you can pick up the 2015 fishing license

  7. I've been thinking it for about a week, now it can't coe soon enough for me
  8. Got a Fin-Bore III on clearance from the Canadian Tire by my house, Whne i got home and opened the box to my surpise there was a power auger extension in the box

    1. irishfield


      ..and they wonder why their inventory count is always off! lol


    2. grizzlybri


      to bad it doesn't fit my new auger, so i guess ill be posting a for sale ad soon

  9. great looking fish, and congrats on your first musky
  10. My local Canadian Tire has their ice fishing stuff on the shelf

  11. Want to to wish Jeremy84 all the best as he is running in his first Full marathon tomorrow

  12. yup im also watching the walking dead marathon, leading up to the new season
  13. Finishing up packing, looking to finally get this move over with. Then I'll have time to fish again

  14. Eat Sleep Work Repeat, That is what the next month is ging to be like for me

    1. misfish


      it gets better. Been there done that. So have many others.LOL


      The fish will still be there when the time comes Brian.


      Suck it up butter cup.LOL

    2. grizzlybri


      that is true i might be working 6 days a week for the foreseeable future but there is always sunday to fish


  15. I didn't expect fixing a rod tip to be that easy

  16. Congrats on the PB Pete, and great report. Glad to see all the great stories from the Fishing for Tyler auction
  17. HEAT WARNING!!!! for southren Ontario and the golden horseshoe for tomorrow.

  18. Saturday can't come soon enough, hopefully will get some moee inchs for team 7

  19. I got the 3 month one as a Christmas present last year. Got a live target lure the one month in it
  20. Wow amazing shots
  21. I have to agree with River Monsters but if we are talking fishing show where i might actually catch the species being fished for I'd have to sat Facts of Fishing, you got to love Dave Mercer commentary while he fishes.
  23. Storm is in Mississauga now
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