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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. 4-6 people fishing on a boat on Lake Erie, you'll need something big, 18+feet, also, take into consideration what you have for a tow vehicle (ie. a Honda Civic won't be towing that). You'll need at least a 115 on the back because on the big lakes, the water can get rough quick when a storm blows in, you gotta get back to the dock asap. And the biggest question mark is how much do you want to spend????
  2. L O S E the hat!!! Jeez, the folks over at Lund must be sleeping. They let a fish do their marketing!!! (has to be, any person with a semi normal sized brain wouldn't come up with a hat like that) It's good to hear that the bugs are being worked out of your boat. She'll be running and operating tickety boo in no time. I'm green with envy. I need a couple of more years before I can justify that kind of purchase.
  3. If you can't find Seafoam, at least go to Crappy Tire and pick up a couple of bottles of injector cleaner, put 2 in with a tank of premium gas (91octane) and go for a highway runs, drop to about 80km/h, punch it up till it shifts and repeat 3-4 times. That will clean up carbon and any crap in the cylinders. I'd do it with my old supercharged bonnieville and she ran like a top when I got rid of her with 320k on the clock. If it really goes away after an oil change, it may be a lubrication problem with a lifter or 2. Try an oil additive to clean out the oil galleries before your next oil change and go with some heavier oil for the summer like a 10w40 or 15w40.
  4. Which Jack Lake?? I have friends that have a small resort on Jack Lake just outside of Burk's Falls. It's full of bass, pike and walleye.
  5. Happy b-day bud!! May you have a whole heck of a lot more.
  6. Nail those toothy critters Lew!!! I hope you absolutely slay them and get yourself a new PB. Good hunting and have a great getaway.
  7. Been there, I put down my old pal Marko 5 years ago. You have my sympathy and support, it's a very hard thing to do.
  8. I'll second what Musky Master Lew has to say. Get some 80lb fluorocarbon leader material and make yourself a bunch of leaders with quality hardware. It'll cost you a few bucks but you'll have enough leaders for the next several years.
  9. Sweet ride guys!! I hope it brings you many hours of fun and a whole whack of fish. I've seen an ad for that boat and if I had the dough right now I would have gone for it myself. Enjoy it! Cheers!
  10. Great report!! I can't let my wife read it cuz she'll be packed and ready to go by the time I get home from work. Only problem, what to do with the kids???
  11. Nice!! You guys had some fun and that's what counts the most. Once the two of you find your groove, we'll see you with the big fat cheques.
  12. Nice shaggin wagon!! Now you need the steel chain steering wheel al la Cheech and Chong. I guess you can pull a decent sized boat as well as sleep in comfort. Sweet!!
  13. The Ice and Water membrane that goes up 4ft is pretty much standard (it's code). With all of the junk you get, I'd insist on metal valleys (aluminum). It'll cost a few bucks extra but will be worth it in the long run. The textured shingles are nice as well.
  14. If you're talking about Uncle Tom's, it's been gone for years now. You need to get your bait in either Bracebridge or Baysville. Good fishing.
  15. Welcome to the board!! There's a pretty good bunch of folks here.
  16. I'll definitely try to come out, depends on work commitments and if the zookeeper lets me out to play.
  17. I've got 2 Sahara's and love them (a 2500 and 1500), you can pick them up at BPS once in a while attached to a Walleye rod for under a hundred bucks when they are on special.
  18. Good luck with the 'new' boat. May she bring you lots of charters and more importantly, a ton of Erie 'eyes.
  19. 8 hours to get to a hospital, YUP, you were officially in the boondocks. At least you guys caught some quality fish up there. It's definitely a nice looking lake. I hope to try Nipigon one day.
  20. Godspeed and best of luck and a speedy recovery to your aunt. I pray she'll get through it.
  21. Nice, you two caught pretty much everything the Kawartha's have to offer. Nice pics.
  22. What a great report!!! Some nice looking fish there and some beautiful Northern scenery.
  23. Nice!!! That's a mighty fine looking boat to fish off of. Tons of room. Nice Erie 'eyes!!!
  24. Nice 'ski!!! You're a trooper, fishing and camping for several days in the rain, not to mention your fiancee who is definitely a keeper to put up with that.
  25. Jeez, I got to sleep in today until 7:10, usually it's about 6 or so when my little girls wake up daddy. You guys are up wayyyy to early!!!
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