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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Its gonna take a couple of years to git'r done.
  2. Lew, its about 40 mins or so to HH. The cottage warming party is in 3 weeks when we take posession. It is going to involve multiple loads of garbage a lot of swearing and wondering what we got ourselves into but when done, we will be patting ourselves on the back.
  3. After 3 seasons of having a trailer in Honey Harbour and now being on our fourth season, and my brother and his family renting a cottage for a couple weeks a year, we have decided to buy a cottage in Muskoka just north of Bala. Its not on one of the big lakes but the lake is big enough to tube or ski with no problem. As for fishing, there is some largies and some small pike. I'll need to drop the boat into one of the big lakes for some serious fishing. The cottage is a handyman special that has already had the upstairs gutted and partially done, it has a new roof,windows, and siding. The basement is right out of the 70's. Its a four season place and I look forward to watching all the kids grow up at our own little beach.
  4. Trailer tires have a stiffer sidewall then passenger tires. My tire guy sells Hercules trailer tires and hasn't had one come back in the over 5yrs he has been selling them.
  5. Solar panel if you only use the boat once every couple of weeks. Otherwise, yes, you will have to pull the batteries out for charging. I go thru the same thing, I don't even have the option of an extension cord out to the boat, its pull, charge ,and lug back a few times each summer. They just finished charging this afternoon and will go back in the boat tomorrow.
  6. Evenings will be just how I like my coffee, KRISP! Not long after labour day the frost sets in. So, bring warm clothes for when its cold and shorts for when its warm. You'll need both on a daily basis.
  7. Awesome report! I'm so glad you guys had a great time. Good for you!! I'm a lovely shade of green now with the envy.
  8. Nice!! Awesome report. It felt like I was there with you. LOTW is a lot like GBay in that the front of the boat can be on a rock and the rear in 50ft of water.
  9. NICE!!!!! Getting to share a boat with a guy like Saric is pretty cool. Nice 'skis you guys caught there. Good to see you guys now have the LOTW bug. I'd love to get back up there but it ain't happenin' this year.
  10. Btw, plugs should be done at least yearly with a 2 stroke. Run a bit oif seafoam in every tank to keep the fuel system and cylinders clean.
  11. NEW PLUGS!! A can of seafoam for the fuel tank. Change the lower unit oil with the correct type. If the stuff that comes out is milky, then you have a leaky seal in the lower unit. You'll be out about 40 bucks for everything but these are the things you will be able to do easily and yourself without paying. Check iboats.com forums. Very helpful for both new and experienced boat owners.
  12. I'd imagine that jeff Gustafson still guides BUT he does so out of the Kenora area. Sioux Narrows is a ways away. Gord Pyzer doesn't guide any longer. Check with the baitshop owner in the area, he can help you out the best. If the OFNr's up there can help that would be great.
  13. I'm waiting too for the report. U of Esox is supposed to be an incredible experience for anyone wanting to fish the Shield lakes. I miss it up there.
  14. Bubbling could be osmosis damage. Its mostly cosmetic unless the bubble is huge. Repair involves sanding it down, letting it dry, filling and gel coating. It will happen to 1 in 3 boats that stay moored in the water for any length of time. Def check out the US, tons of great deals.
  15. I spoke to Ang at the Sail opening in Burlington, and to Paul Castellano's dad, both of the potential new hosts don't know yet. It'll be announced when the new season of FnC begins. It's a good show and very entertaining.
  16. Do what the local types do up north, shoot it and have a bbq if it keeps coming around. MNR and OPP don't want to deal with them any more.
  17. Google the instructions for your TM. I know I found them for the PD I bought off you last year (btw, it works great). I don't rmrmber if it was off minnkotas website or not.
  18. The reason you need a big spool when pier fishing for salmon is that a big salmon can really peel off a lot of line when it goes for a run. A couple of hundred yards isn't unheard of. General purpose, 2500, salmon oFf the pier, 4000. I hope that helps.
  19. Hmpfff! I spoke to him early last summer and he had a good chuckle about it. Ol' Jerry couldn't get it in the boat by himself and had help from him and the OPP officer on the boat took a pic. I'm going to see him over the next couple of weeks and I will refresh his memory. He isn't the nicest of guys to those he doesn't know. Ask irish about that.
  20. On Friday we had one of our neighbours come up with his two boys aged 5 and 3 to HH. His oldest rode without training wheel for the first time. We hit a little secluded beach I know for a bit before heading back to drown a couple of worms. The youngest caught a sunfish and small perch quickly before his big brother caught a decent worlds greatest sportfish (rock bass). The kids had a ton of fun with my girls and it was great to help a couple of young boys catch their first fish.
  21. Beautiful body of water. I am planning on going thru the locks early one day and hitting GPool for some skis.
  22. bigbuck


    All it takes is to pick up after yourself and to pick up one or two other pieces of trash and you will be able to see a big improvement in our environment. People that are lazy, and I used to be one should not leave a mess everywhere they go, plain and simple. There are plenty of trash receptacles all over the place, USE THEM!!! As for dog owners that don't pick up after their dogs, they are boneheads as well, it takes one second to reach down and scoop it up. If I don't have a bag with me, I go back to get it.
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