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Everything posted by kingofthesteelhead

  1. ever see them live or do you like country music?
  2. As a longtime KISS fan,anybody who slanders them or TRIES to compare them to anyone,you need to go see them live and then see what you think. I have seen a lot of shows and just saw MOTLEY CRUE in June of this year and can honestly say they also have an awesome show!
  3. Used to go to Arnprior every year on May 24 weekend as the in laws reside there.The mouth of the Madawaska was good when the water wasn't running I would just anchor.If the current was running I go go up to the area below the falls and fish some of the back eddys with a jighead and minnow or a twistertail.I have had 20 plus fish days there with lots of good eater sized fish and some of those annoying cats also.There is a launch at the mouth of the Madawaska and another one just below the falls,One is free and not sure about the other one.Some years the water runs steady and other years it is on and off.
  4. Another government waste of money!what happened to stocking rainbows?The last major stocking was in the 70's and the run blossomed to almost 20000 fish for a few years in the ganny.I know it is basically put and take but I will bet some of you folks will remember catching them damn lake trout in the port hope harbour for a few years,they were a nuisance.What fish scraps better and runs up the streams in the spring,RAINBOW TROUT!Maybe should put a few walleye in the kawarthas also but no they are still wasting there time with atlantic salmon.WHAT A JOKE!
  5. Make sure you fish shallow as opposed to some species which you fish just off the bottom.They are suspended and tend to look upward.Shad body and minnow body baits also work under a slip float and also just with casting under the surface.
  6. Used to take my daughter down to Newcastle harbour in July and August and we would get perch and sunfish down by the boat launch and mudcats up casting across to the entrance to the marina.Also the last last hole on Oshawa Creek below Simcoe Street,not sure how early they are in there.
  7. Either recut the ground or use some sandpaper to clean up the connection better and make sure there is no rust where it is grounded to.Had that problem last year.
  8. 5 minutes from work,always go over for a look.
  9. hope you had a great day!Little bit late seeing this.Happy Birthday.
  10. There's no big perch left in Simcoe!They are in another lake CPH and I were at last weekend!
  11. There will be fishable water somewhere tomorrow and more by Sunday witht the cold nights.Just have to search for it. As for crowds oh well,it's the spring!Heading east first thing in the morning with steelhead gear and icefishing gear just in case.
  12. actually when I do have a good day it is within sight of a main road as most people keep walking right bye.Most of these fishable areas only have a few holding areas and that is where everybody concentrates.
  13. Used to fish it about 25 years ago for crappie out of the launch by jake's cottages.Last time I was there a couple of years ago not many crappie.Better choices for panfish on rice and scugog and a heck of a lot closer.Sorry no pike in these lakes.
  14. Lake O tribs.28 cars parked at the first one sunday mid-morning and the next one only 22 cars.Not many fish caught,only had a few hits with no hookups.Wonder why I am losing interest in this!
  15. Have a 13 ft St Croix and a 13 ft Browning Six Rivers which was a lot less and to me is a better rod.Got the Browning at Bass Pro in Vaughn for a little more than 100.
  16. Nice pictures.Looks like me as I use a 5 inch auger and sometimes a bit dicey getting them through the hole!
  17. I do not use a fishfinder,but when I fish for crappie I start at the bottom and work my way up to sometimes halfway up the water column.Surprising a lot majority of the fish are within 3 feet of the bottom.
  18. another picture
  19. Tried a new kawartha lake today with the intention of getting some perch and maybe some crappie. Got to the lake around 1200 noon and the bite was slow to say the least. Starting moving around and found about 9 feet of water. One my first drop my shad bait didn't make it to the bottom and up came a nice crappie. For the next 2 hours I caught around 35 crappie and kept these 15 for dinner. They were hitting on small pinheads and my shad body jig very slowly jigged.
  20. Check out quintefishing.com.That will give you a general idea. Trenton,Big Island,Point-Anne,Deseronto,Sherman's Point and the list goes on. Everybody has their favourites and remember the fish move from day to day.
  21. Try fish-hawk.net it is a forum devoted mainly to the Ottawa area.
  22. I didn't know Chris Giles was guiding on Rice for icefishing!
  23. Measured at 13 1/2 inches probably more than 1.5 lbs.Very plump!Don't usually keep these fish but it was lake ontario area anw wasn't worried about hurting the population.
  24. Due to time restraints decided to fish close to home today.Had a really good day ended up with 20 nice perch with some fattys mixed in.Live minnows still fished and small shad bodies worked slowly were fairly even today with a couple of doubleheaders.
  25. Did your wife get a picture of Tommy Thayer.He was pushing his line of amplifiers. In case you didn,t recognize his name he is the guitarist of my favorite band which is?
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