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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Great looking fish! Fifty three eh? I always lose track after three fish or so :-)
  2. Great report and pics Steve. Congrats on the 'technical' PB.
  3. This has got to be one of the best reports I've seen. Congrats to you and your buds.
  4. Good afternoon....Moe and I were on about 2:30
  5. Joanne, I think that either Lew or Joe (or both) have the answer. There's another thing you might want to look at. Have you got a second tank? Try IT. Sometimes, if there's air in the tank, it won't feed properly...need to get in purged when you get it filled up.
  6. Didn't have the time to order today. Thanks Bubba.
  7. This is starting to create bad blood amongst friends. I'm not a doctor (but I play one on television) so I'll stop the bleeding now. Have a healthy evening everyone.
  8. Was that the last of Wayne's boat episodes?
  9. Welcome aboard Bcee. Awesome job on the eyes. Have a great time on Nipissing.
  10. Thanks Leafland, I feel so much better now. Have a great time on Nipissing and good on ya for doing the family thing with Little Angler.
  11. Great looking fish there Bud. Congrats.
  12. Thanks for the report. Email me the pics...I'll add them to your post. (and show you where to get info on posting pics)
  13. Thanks Raf.....I think you just established a personal best :-)
  14. Thanks Brian and Lew.....I'll get it done today. I was visiting Rollie and Helen's earlier this morning and I saw 100lb Climax fluoro in 10 yard lengths for something like 10.99. I've never heard of anyone using the stuff though. ps. I just happened to look at the 3 avatars on this thread and it's strange that the skies and the wind, water etc. look pretty similar.
  15. Does anyone know where I can get the quickest delivery on 130lb Seaguar at a reasonable price?
  16. I could just imagine what those numbers would have been like had Irishfield not been on holidays.
  17. What a weekend. You'll both remember that weekend for a while. Congrats! I see that muskie gave your finger a parting kiss as well.
  18. Morning chilluns. Well, this morning I woke up so that's a good start right there. Have a great day Maureen et al.
  19. No Little Angler, fish are not safe to eat there. Drop them all off at Lakair Lodge and I will pick them up in late July for a proper autopsy. Thanks
  20. Fishtat2, that's the problem, you may not lose fish with the steel leader but when the fish rolls, you'll scar her enough with the steel that she might die anyway. Use Fluoro. IMHO.
  21. Scott, Campbell's Bay is sitting in one of the best fishing areas in the country. Anywhere on the Ottawa River they'll be able to get LM bass, SM bass, pike, muskie and walleye.
  22. I would never use any kind of braid as a leader for esox. Esox, (pike and muskie) have serrated teeth and will cut through braid no problem. Walleye on the other hand have conical teeth and have trouble breaking braid. Rather than using a steel leader why don't you go to a fluoro leader. I think the fluoro will have less of an effect on your lure's action.
  23. A great first post! Welcome aboard.
  24. The night deposit slot for the mens' brains must be larger I guess eh? *runs fer cover*
  25. You're not getting many responses to this thread Cliff. I assume you're getting tons of Pms.
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