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Everything posted by Victor

  1. it would work if you find a Y-shaped tree branch and it would somewhat stop the rod from going into the water when a fish pulls on ur loosened drag i'm ready for a 40lber to drag me for a swim anyday
  2. so you almost donated your rod to the carp gods eh ! Congrats to ur step dad for getting his first carp!
  3. nice job! congrats on ur successful outing with the groundbait ... man why can't i get any lol .. got out for 2 hours in the afternoon and got skunked ...
  4. hey steve.. we knew that you would start catching =D ... wished i can go out there ... too bad i got school .. maybe this weekend ... that's one beautiful lean machine u got in that pic! good luck tomorrow!
  5. hey cliff. Make sure you bookmark this thread and make a record of what you said about "i won't be getting all the bite alarms, rod holders & etc." LOL ... if we are doing an OFC-Carp-G2G, i doubt it that it's going to be "mini" haha! ... it's a good thing though
  6. lol ... i think wolfville can back me up on that one you are still missing quite a few - new pod, big landing net, weight sling, bivvy ... and maybe more when i do win 649
  7. just a "friendly warning" cliff once you fished with a carp angler who has the full set up... your "want-list" is going to grow VERY quickly lol ... tightlines!
  8. it's amazing how there's so many carp report/carp related threads on OFC nowadays not that i have caught them while targetting something else ... but man it is tough ... nice fish cliff! it also works if you find a Y-branch, loosen your drag and leave it on the ground ... when a fish takes your bait just grab the line+rod and gently set the hook, then re-set the drag and fight the fish. That way you won't have to hold on to your rod for the entire outing ... it can be tiring haha if you're using 12' carp rods and big reels. If you're using a hair-rig (i assume u are) the fish would hook itself most of the time so it is unlikely you'd loose a fish by leaving it on the ground.
  9. This is real sad news. My deepest condolences to you and Ed's families. Let us know if there's anything we can do.
  10. looks like things have picked up !! i like that shot with you netting the fish haha ... went to the Grand yesterday and got skunked ... did u test out ur new bigpits?
  11. congrats on the first fish of 2007! it's a nice size to start the season (my first carp of the year was less than a pound lol) good luck tomorrow!
  12. they seem to hit worms and a lot of other things early in the season. i remember fishheadric got one on a fly last year and someone else hooked one with a spinnerbait (not snagged). beautiful fish! (now i'm sure someone's gonna say something about that haha)
  13. o yeah you're right Terry ... i would double check the rules again if i do go to Balsam as i wasn't too sure about those numbers in my head ... and i have never really targeted walleye there
  14. i believe it's 14.5 - 21.5 ... it's been a while since i've fished there so don't take my word for it
  15. that's what i thought too randy ... i remember talking about how the timing is quite good .. when carp shuts down bass season opens lol
  16. pretty pictures!! u got a polarized lens or something dsn? good luck with the move!
  17. thanks for the heads up jediangler!
  18. o man, and it's a mirror too eh ...
  19. i've been using something similar and it has worked well too ... instead of water sometimes i would put in the juice from the canned corn
  20. nice fish! that happened to me last week too ... line started peeling out the moment i clicked the baitrunner switch ... at first i thought that line's going out because the drag was too loose ... lols ... i was so clueless
  21. thanks for sharing your family day! i really should do that with my family sometime
  22. must have been really frustrating in the beginning ... but it's all good when you have a fish on the other end of your line those are some big rock bass!
  23. hey steve! i had a pretty good week @ the Grand/Credit from like May 9-14 ... caught a couple of them ... it was probably the warm weather we got during those days ... and on top of that i still got the lucky baitneedle you gave me it should get better soon, it's only may
  24. seems like you never fail to catch fish cliff/bly that's amazing for 1st time piking!
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