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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Give us a update when you can....
  2. Depending on how far you have to drive to work....you may use more gas warming it up then driving to work......and with gas pushing $5 per US gallon up there I would think twice... I had one on my GMC Safari Van when I worked on the RR.....but I would get called in at all times of the night in the worst weather.... but now with the high gas prices, no way... BTW after about 5 years it started to give the electrical circuits problems....you couldn't turn off the heater fan (even with the key removed)...the 4 ways would come on by themselves....weird stuff...
  3. Well if you're after the big females nail polish might help with some make up and rouge throw in....
  4. Here in NYS for example you can sell pan fish but not game fish...and then there is rough fish....AND of course last and least trout/salmon....LOL...
  5. Here in NYS and everywhere they are considered a pan fish...you sure Ontario has them classified as a 'sport fish'...
  6. I guess nobody knows...
  7. It just goes to show you that whatever rig you have confidence in will catch fish...
  8. That's why it's called fishing and not catching...
  9. VERY NICE......what bait did you use to get the perch that comes with a dime included...
  10. If Canada was smart, they would get China to pay for the pipeline to the west...
  11. GREAT pictures and nice report....glad to see the Big Nip is producing fish this year...
  12. We went through all this with Lake Erie.....NYS DEC made life miserable for all of us that have used Emerald Shiners for bait...a must have for Lake Erie perch fishing....then around June 1st 2011 they relaxed the bait rules after several years of lobbying for that to happen..
  13. At those prices I'm not surprised....the 1158c unit that replaced it is $2199.99...Ouch.
  14. Twocoda, relax buddy....you're going to stroke out at this rate....I hope you actually realize a LOT of this Bull on the internet is just that and never actually happens...have a Timmy's and go catch a fish today...
  15. OH NO......you're not getting in that hot tub with me....
  16. Believe it for not I never fished Findlay Lake.....now Chautauqua Lake I know very well....but the fishing has sucked the last few years.....back in the 80's I built a summer home there......about 1.5 miles above Long Point....2.5 acres with NO one around me....was great for hunting and I only had that very short drive to launch my boat....fishing back then was FANTASTIC...
  17. If I was you I would bring some kind of starting materiel...not just a piece of newspaper....especially in the cold winter....lighter fluid, although I hate the stuff, might be in order if you want to eat a hot meal...
  18. OK....but Canada is too close to our dollar rate...as a matter of fact the US dollar today is worth more...so watch what you wish for... Bottom line we're all screwed because we're middle class....
  19. Well you could do Wayne's way.......go ice fishing with the girls. BUT here's what I would rent instead of a ice hut...... NOW....what looks like MORE FUN...... ...you're only young once....and you have the rest of your life to "ice fish"....
  20. I think ALL puppies are like that....Tundra drives me nuts all day long.... Last weekend my son came how to visit with his 10 week old American Boxer "Bastion"....the 2 dogs played all weekend together...it was friggen GREAT....Tundra left me alone for the first time in 6 months....then come Sunday Bastion had to leave and Tundra was sad...mooping around the rest of the day....come Monday she was driving me nuts again....
  21. Obama, the Democrats and Environmental ist have killed every chance we have on producing more energy which relates to more and more JOBS....that's why many of us are making Obama our #1 person to oust out of government....he's a fake...always has been, always will be. Only problem is the stupid Republicans don't have a good horse to run in the next election....
  22. The area I am fishing also has heavy current...it's the head of the Niagara River....can't say more then that without spilling the beans on my little hot spot....1.5 to 2.3 is my speeds in that area without any winds....but that area can get nasty with any winds blowing down Lake Erie....and that my friend in walleye time...
  23. Lead core, wire, riggers, Great Lake Boards, inline boards, Dipsy Divers, Jets....you name it I have used it to present baits while trolling.....but in this case on this particular spot I want to LONG LINE it because it's not very deep where the walleyes stack up in gin clear water and I want the lure far away from the boat....I know this ridge like the back of my hand and know just where I want to make my turn so the Hot 'N Tot runs over that ridge while by boat NEVER did....sometimes it the little things like this that make all the difference in the fishing world...
  24. What's nice about using a new type lure is many times no one else is using it and it quickly because the hot lure because the fish haven't seen it much or not at all.
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