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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I have stayed (Brooks Cottages) and fished at "BIG CARIBOU LAKE" but I'm guessing this is a different lake ? ? ?
  2. I don't even have any pot....do you have some pot..... As far as handling our guns....go ask Bin Laden...... But the thread was to show that the most GUN regulated city in the USA has the most crime and gun fatalities....go figure.
  3. Why...I've only been to DC once....but my older son is getting stationed there in May by the Air Force...so I'm sure I will be visiting many times for the next 3-4 years.
  4. Gun controlling The Australian Shooter Magazine last week posted this letter on guns, gun control, and killings: “If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq Theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers. The firearm death rate in Washington, D. C. is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 percent more likely to be shot and killed in the U. S. capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the U. S., than you are in Iraq.” http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/article717298.ece Now play nice.....
  5. Musky fishing is probably the only species that has gotten better in that lake for the last 10 years or so....problem is not many musky anglers compared to walleye and crappie angler....at one time I think Chautauqua Lake was one of the BEST crappie lakes in the country....now...it sucks... and walleye is not good either...
  6. Seems a lot easier getting a cup of coffee here in the USA....
  7. And to think....their probably college grads working there....
  8. You should just leave them in the salt......put them in a plastic bag or whatever and place in the fridge.... everyone is making too much of salted minnows....DRY them off and place in salt, then place in fridge...nothing more really needs to be done.....except go fishing and catch a fish...
  9. Oh, God...PLEASE remove the part # of this from your inventory....LOL..
  10. Splicer kit....OK...let me go in the back and get one young fellow... Here you go.... :rofl2:
  11. I'm thinking screw the heated rod guides for ice fishing...not a big enough market....but how about heated Windshield Wipers.....my Tundra has a heated wiper bed that helps a lot....but heated wipers would be even better.
  12. It been named already....after Kyle's grandmother...forget the name right now but if read back it's in there.
  13. THANKS......great tip with the small barrel swivel.....that was one thing with using braid...retying to small lures on the ice would be a pain, but with a small barrel swivel and a mono leader that should correct that problem.
  14. When I had a bait shop years ago I would just dry them off on newspaper (paper towels add up) and then salt them with non iodine salt and bag them...we never froze them....they are preserved already with the salt....freezing them seems to make them mushy....try NOT freezing them and you will see they hold up better and for a LONG time. But we did store them in the frig...
  15. Not here.....McDonald's has been selling their coffee for $.79 per ANY SIZE cup since the first of the year here....and I do agree, less of a line....when I drive on Tuesday's that definitely one of my stops now on my route....It's good coffee, just not as strong as Timmy's...I like stronger coffee....that's why I put Starbuck's as # 1 in my book. Dunkin Donuts is too weak for me so I never go there.
  16. SUPER PAUL.......GREAT MAN OF STEEL.... When I went up to Cliff's last summer there was a suprise package waiting for me from Paul.....many things in there but one was a can of Canadian Maple Syrup that I will FINALLY be having this weekend with my vanilla ice cream.... ...THANKS AGAIN PAUL.....errrrr Frank. Paul is a SUPER HERO in my eyes....me thinks he has some American blood in him.....
  17. Paul (Merc) should be able to help you out Cliff....I'm sure you can repair that baby by yourself......probably a igniter that has gone bad and needs to be replaced....no other moving parts to wear out on a gas stove. Oh, just seen you say not working properly....then a thermostat or the probe....again Paul should be able to help you out.....Just call him "Frank" and tell him Billy Bob sent you.......
  18. Only problem I see is for the average guy drilling a 1" hole through 1/4" stock...that a big hole in a piece of iron....hope he has a good drill press and some nice bits....
  19. SORRY....not laughing at you but at the thought of getting a ticket in the middle of a frozen lake....you got to admit that's funny... Reminded my of a friend who years ago was going down his street and passed a cop then pulled into his driveway. The cop turned around and gave him a ticket in his own driveway for a expired inspection sticker..... ...now that's funny too....
  20. On the LAKE....you got a friggin TICKET on the LAKE....now that's funny...
  21. NO need to purchase one.....I tell you the climax of the book....last page says trade this in on a Toyota Tundra....that's what I did... BTW I'm sure the bride will be happy with her new ride.....
  22. After reading this I think you hit the nail on the head for me.....THANKS.
  23. Cliff Ole' Boy....do you mean one of these... Or better yet....One of THESE....
  24. They all ready have that built into my radar detector....
  25. HA HA HA....LOL.......more like YOU looking back to see when I'm going to run you down....
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