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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. You got the best eating fish you can catch.....for get the rest when you have the best....
  2. Well, since I can't walk on water and the fishing machine is in winter storage, there is no fishing here to be had.....
  3. "BC" I like that.......Before Christ..... :rofl2:
  4. I agree 100%......I can get order something online and that product, even a fairly large product can be at my door in 2 days to 5 days from across the country without fail....but for a small piece of paper to arrive in my mail box from the MNR takes 1-2 months is really unacceptable in today's computer generated world....btw I'm also waiting 1 month now.....doesn't make any sense to me....they received payment as I already had to pay the cc bill but they can't send what I order from them in a reasonable time. This is a perfect example of how government does it's job... Bob
  5. My nephew stated the U.S.A. Air Force Satellite picked up a strange slow moving object across a open ice field near Sudbury, Ontario around high noon on January 31st.....because of low cloud conditions no pics were available from above....but it was said to look like a small Canadian Resort with one single chimney and no communication hook ups at the time observation...nothing further has been reported since....
  6. Weed growth has much more to do with the amount of sunlight rather then water temps.....the main reason why weed growth exist in clear lakes while not so much in dark stained waters.
  7. jed, that is why I posted about ALLY BANK....there are no charges to speak of all while paying you much more in interest for your monies deposited there....bottom line we can't live without the banks no matter how much we might hate them....insurance companies too....
  8. YES, I knew that right from the get go or is that Geico...LOL Bottom line ALLY Bank just like any chartered bank in the USA is FDIC insured....so all your deposits whatever they may be are fully insured....and ALLY BANK pays in most cases 2X or more in interest then other banks and more then all three of our credit unions are now paying form money on deposit... But if you like less interest, knock yourself out...
  9. I have personally found mild winter usually plays out to poor spring fishing. No ice or not much ice could mean earlier spawning times that throw off anglers who catch this or that the 3rd week of April for instance... Also with no ice the lake doesn't sometime get that spike in water temps but rather a more gradual water temp increase that some species don't like....I know Lake Erie has it's best walleye spawns in the Buffalo area after a very cold winter. Bob
  10. Come on....are you telling me they have someone counting your minnows while you are fishing..... 120 is a lot though..
  11. Was at my bank "Bank of America" the other day....my sister in-law works there...I said to her "boy it's quite in here"... as there is no one in the bank except me and the workers....she said "it's been like that for a while now" and I responded "well the banks already have everyone's money, now what you gonna do".....I thought she was going to fall off her chair... BTW...I also use ALLY BANK...it's a online bank only and has the BEST rates out there as far as interest paid and NO FEES for ATM machines and a like....Don't know if it's available in Canada, but if it is Google them and take a hard long look at ALLY BANK....I can't see a downside of them. Bob
  12. YES Skippy you are correct.....that is why there are so MANY different hook sizes available....not to mention different kinds of hooks in the same size....it's pretty much endless when you start talking hooks....and then you want to modify said hooks....oh my.....maybe you should start a hook chart of all those sizes and kinds available and then show all the modifications one could make with said hooks to custom improve them even more.... Please make sure you list them all here when your done.... Willy Wob
  13. Today's article regarding asian carp per the Buffalo News.... http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article717855.ece
  14. Nephew contacted......USA Air Force Sattelite being tweaked....dubbed mission "Ice-9er".... GOOD LUCK, Bob
  15. Kyle, is tomorrow D-DAY......Jan 31st......need to have my nephew in the USA Air Force tweak the spy sattelite to cover this event.... Let's.............. "Get 'R Done"
  16. Whatever you say CHUMP Lee.....
  17. Nice fighting fish....
  18. So all you computer geeks know what I'm typing right now....damn....how about now...damn again...
  19. Merc......I'm going to kill you....REDNECK STYLE (it's going to hurt)...
  20. Here'a why a unsecured WiFi connection could be trouble... Was on our Local New a few weeks ago.....a family with young kids got their house door knocked in at 6am by a swat team....Dad and computer were taken into for questioning....turns out the police were on a hot trail of child pornography that showed the house they had a search warrant was being used to access the Internet.....problem was....it was a neighbour that tapped into their wireless connection......But REAL embarrassing for the family at the time.
  21. THANKS....I'll take a pie over a cake any day.... We sometimes buy a all cheese pizza from Sam's Club...$6.88....and then put on our own GOOD pepperoni, onions, green olives, mushrooms and sometimes red pepper...much better then most Pizza Places around here...that's what your home made pizza reminded me of....
  22. But not a TOYOTA TUNDRA....
  23. They look VERY GOOD....
  24. Casillo's we fear wouldn't be far behind....he's getting old and sick....been closed a few times while he was in the hospital.... It was his mother's business he took over......the sauce and dough is made behind closed doors and the young girls then do the rest over a watchful eye by Dennis....but now he's sitting in a chair whenever you go in there and uses a cane to get around....he's a great guy to boot....always helping out our fire department when called on to supply pizza and wings at a cost you know he's losing money on the huge order....when my son played in the high school band I approached him to purchase a $25 add in the program paper the school was putting together...he reached into his pocket and gave me $50 and said don't worry about the add but take this for the kids.
  25. It's not so much what you order on the pie but more who made the pie.... We have a Pizza place that has been in business for almost 50 years now....most don't make 5 years.....Dennis knows how to make a pizza with GOOD FRESH ingredients...he price is up there but he never skimps on cheese or anything else you order on it.....in over 40 years going there I had to bad 2 bad pizza's because they were burn't....took them back and said "Dennis it's burn't on the bottom".....he never even opened the box to check....threw in the garbage and gave me a ready one off the oven and a 2 litre bottle of pop for my trouble....his shop is very small...holds only two small tables and he has never delivered in all the years he has been open...don't have to...they waiting in line to get his pizza....and his subs, especially his Italian sausage sub is to die for....damn....now I'm hungry. Several local and national chain pizza places open close by him over the years....EVERYONE closed because he's the best and can't be beat.
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