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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Mom A MIA.......that's one big white crappie....
  2. Well, NO ONE gets them all the time.....if they tell you that, BEWARE of a fish story teller.
  3. Me thinks your fine.....go fishing.
  4. I will be going out again with my trusty puppy Tundra this morning....I will let you know how we do....don't really need any more fish right now as the freezer is bulging with them..... But anyways......I am not familiar with the area you mentioned.....I will be going out of the Catt again but heard they are catching perch off the wind mills in Buffalo in 47 FOW....... Perch, especially Lake Erie perch are EXTREMELY light biters and really just hang onto your EMERALD SHINERS......this is the only bait you should be using....and ANCHORED so you can dangle that bait right in from of them by slowly lifting and dropping all day long.....if the LIGHTEST sinker you can use now feels a bit heavier SET THE HOOK HARD.....the bigger the perch the lighter the "non-hit". I hope this helps you out........LOOK for the other boats and watch them and learn....it's a much more finesse fishing then any other fishing out there. Bob
  5. Resale I would think is better with a aluminium vessel... I have fished Lake Ontario and Lake Erie for the last 27 years in my 16' Grumman without any issues....except maybe a small leaking rivet here or there.....When I fished tournaments I would stay out in 6' waves....but that was when I was much younger.....LOL..... IMHO aluminium has many more advantages then glass does.....much light, less outboard needed and smaller tow vehicle needed.....with today's high gas prices I wouldn't consider a glass boat.....but if you can afford it and have a marina to dock it.....well then you might want a glass boat. Good Luck and have FUN in your new vessel. Bob
  6. Underwear.....what underwear.....we Rednecks don't wear any....
  7. BETTER then walleye IMHO.....BETTER......
  8. They look like mostly white crappie....we don't see to many whites anymore......out of a hundred or so we caught Friday only one was a white crappie.
  9. "What's your reason for visiting Canada" (That 70's Show)
  10. The cream always comes to the top.... ...
  11. Water temps will dictate what is going on........I thought the exact same thing until I fished Oneida Lake on May 5th.....guess what...it was 51 degrees just like every other year and the fish were on the same patterns..........except the water was super clear and the fish dropped off into a little deeper water then in past years.... Now yesterday I fished Chautauqua Lake for crappie.....and guess what......they were in the shallows just like every other year and the water temps were around 56 degrees.....pretty much like every other year.....but I would have guess those fish would have been LONG GONE by now.....we are always learning as anglers. Bob
  12. Freshly caught fish....more fish.......then some fish for breakfast....and then meat........the AMERICAN HOT DOG cannot be beat......
  13. Too many angler practicing catch and release......
  14. :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:
  15. Get a nice 6.5' rod for jigging and you will never use the other 2 rods again.......not really but trolling the boat catches the fish.....jigging YOU catch the fish.......
  16. THANK YOU SIMON......
  17. You got to be kidding me.......how can anyone turn down such a generous offer......
  18. Yesterday I found out Musky's like bluegills......
  19. Not tonight.....Sunday dinner......fresh crappie on the back deck....better known as DECKING>>>>>>
  20. Or a 16' open Grumman......either way anything over 30 foot is rocken and rollen....
  21. Get her a bottle of her favorite motor oil and if she's real good, maybe even a funnel...
  22. YOU probably could.....but I would have to first hook the bluegill for you.... and I suck at musky fishing as they are not too good on the plate.
  23. They will be Sunday's dinner....I let you know then....but they are my ultimate favorite fish to fry up...
  24. NOW NOW....we are not allowed to revile any secret spots.....
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