I will be going out again with my trusty puppy Tundra this morning....I will let you know how we do....don't really need any more fish right now as the freezer is bulging with them.....
But anyways......I am not familiar with the area you mentioned.....I will be going out of the Catt again but heard they are catching perch off the wind mills in Buffalo in 47 FOW.......
Perch, especially Lake Erie perch are EXTREMELY light biters and really just hang onto your EMERALD SHINERS......this is the only bait you should be using....and ANCHORED so you can dangle that bait right in from of them by slowly lifting and dropping all day long.....if the LIGHTEST sinker you can use now feels a bit heavier SET THE HOOK HARD.....the bigger the perch the lighter the "non-hit".
I hope this helps you out........LOOK for the other boats and watch them and learn....it's a much more finesse fishing then any other fishing out there.