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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. So you weren't a sucker and didn't take the bait. You sound like a fish that didn't drop out of the school.
  2. I am surprised Cabela's doesn't have a store in Ontario like Bass Pro Shops does. Can't you guys get most of your stuff from BPS ? ? ?
  3. I order TOO much stuff from Cabela's but the shipping has always been fast. On big ticket orders like my recent purchase of a new trolling motor I ordered on a Sunday night via Internet and UPS dropped off the motor on Tuesday. I thought that was a fluke but then I ordered a new Lowrance LMS 520 unit and again 2 days later UPS dropped it off. Now Friday I ordered a bunch of small stuff and I am expecting it by this Friday, no hurry though. You mention paying tax. The reason I ask about that is here in NY State we have no Cabela's so when I order from them it's considered a out of state purchase and NO tax is added to the order. That's why I order from them instead of Bass Pro Shops. We have BPS about a 100 miles from me, too far to go for stuff and if I mail order I will have to pay shipping and tax which is against my religion. BTW on my trolling motor and LMS 520c unit shipping was FREE (my favorite word). Do you have their credit card. I get about $200-300 worth of free stuff because of it yearly. Also do you get their coupon codes taking off like $25 if you spend $200 or $20 off if you spend $150. I use both codes and got $45 off my LMS unit plus the free shipping and no tax I saved $101.79 if I would of purchased it locally here from Gander Mountain.
  4. I have heard ALL kinds of myths about WD-40, some good some bad. All I can say is I am speaking from experience not what someone told me about the product or what someone else posted on the Internet about it. I have pretty large collection of firearms and some really never get out in the field but they are all in new condition using WD-40 on them for almost 40 years now. Sometimes I think it's other gun oil manufactures spreading these rumors. What I like to do is take a small rag (a cut out pocket from a pair of jeans works great) and just keep spraying it WD-40 until it is soaked with it. I just keep using that same rag for years to wipe down all metal parts of my guns never leaving a finger print on them and my basement is not the best place to store guns but this has worked for me. I also use it as a lubricant because it is very thin and doesn't freeze up under cold condition while hunting. I have a very small can of WD-40 in my boat and my truck. There is a old saying "If it ain't suppose to move, Duct tape it. If it's stuck and suppose to move WD-40 it"
  5. SO, you know me pretty well then
  6. You consider Q Land part of Canada because I know a lot of Canadians don't.
  7. If this depth finder is going to be used on the same boat then don't get a portable because they are a pain after awhile. You need batteries and a extra set in case they go dead when you're on the water plus the suction cup keeps falling off at speeds higher than trolling depending on your boat. I have had them stay on for several days and then just the opposite where you looked cross eyed at it and it would fall off.
  8. What I STATED is what is going on here in the Good U. S of A. not up in Q land my friend. But then maybe you know all the USA rules Bottom line is Merc and others are packaging there product and that's not good for anyone who wants more choices.
  9. I use to build custom rods and replacing a handle is no big deal. However, you will have to take off any line guides to it and then rewrap them back on. Get yourself a rod building book and you will see how easy it really is. Now if you just want to clean the cork here's the best way. Take a shower with your fishing rod and clean it with dish soap and a SOS pad. It will look brand new when your done. DO NOT USE THE SOS PAD ON THE ROD BECAUSE IT WILL TAKE OFF THE GLAZE. But you can use the dish soap and a wash cloth on the rod and it too will look brand new. Bob
  10. Brobeil Marine in Buffalo NY has been a OMC dealer for over 50 years and for the last 10 years or so also a Yamaha dealer. He doesn't want to add Mercury motors to his line in order to sell a Lund boat like your dealer is now doing because it's a package. However, your dealer is taking off the Merc and being nice enough to replace it with one of the other brands he sells at a premium. Most guys will not want to do that because they have to spend quite a bit more in order to NOT get a Merc on their boat. Bottom line Lunds and other boats are now coming to dealers as a package and this does most times reduce the overall cost of the package. Bayliner was doing this years ago with the so called "Force" motor. That is the only way Chrysler could sell them dogs. Here's Lund's website. See if you can find one of their boats with OUT a Merc on it. http://www.lundboats.com/showroom.html
  11. The more important question is why did they rust. You must of put them back wet or they are kept in a area that has high humidity. If you clean them off and store them again like last time your rust will return. WD-40 is a very inexpensive and very effective way to prevent rust. I has protected my firearms that are kept locked in a safe in my basement for almost 40 years with no sign of rust on any of them.
  12. Forrest, not to start a argument but don't you think you are really pulling on some straws there. I really don't know if sunlight can effect regular silicone or not but even if it does how much sunlight do you think is going to shine on the silicone that you put in the holes you drilled in the BOTTOM of the transom and the stainless steel screws you are going to use to attach the transducer bracket to the BOTTOM of the transom. The 3M Silicone caulking I have always used sticks VERY well on any boat project and in the bath tub / shower area in my home. When the time comes to remove this 3M Silicone caulking it has always been a chore. But if you feel better purchasing "special" marine caulking and spending 2-3X the amount go ahead. I know some people that will only purchase Mobil gasoline because it cleans their engine while driving. Do you see where I am going here.
  13. EVINRUDE-DUDE did bring up one important point and that is how Mercury is cutting deals with boat manufactures to package boat, motor and trailer. A very good dealer here who sold Lund and Yamaha's and OMC products dropped the Lund boat because they are now packaged with Mercury motors. He had a great product with Lund for many years and now is selling Polar boats
  14. Looks like money Well spent. Those Dipsy Divers catch fish when nothing else will produce. Bob
  15. If it's the tongue that hold the 2" ball rattling around in the receiver (part on your van) than it's a very easy fix. Just take a little electrical tape and rap it once or twice on the tongue. That will take up the extra slop in there and no more rattle. Bob
  16. Nope, I have never lubed my balls Seriously, NO never. It would be really messing after awhile and have never seen a reason to start doing this however, I have heard of it.
  17. Lower Niagara River. It don't get no better than that Oops........ there might be ice flows preventing you from fishing.
  18. You can buy lures in a box. Huh, I have always made my own jigs. Is this something like getting fish in a box like when we are walleye trolling Lake Erie we always hear on the VHS radio from other boats "We got 4 fish in the box". To this day I have never caught any walleyes that where in a box. I guess this year I will be trying some of these lures in a box you all speak of.
  19. EVINRUDE- DUDE, Thanks for inside info and many of us appreciate it. But you don't have to shout (all capitals) because it is considered eninRUDE errrrrr...... RUDE
  20. I have found regular silicone caulking to work VERY well and last a LONG time. I just replace my old X-50 unit with a new LMS 520c and the silicone caulking held up for 23 years and you can get it at any hardware store.
  21. The truck debate HAS been SOLVED with the new Toyota TUNDRA. BEST truck I ever had hands down Now about the outboard thing................ I like my 23 year old Johnson VRO 50 hp motor. Great on gas, power and trolls down to 1.5 mph. What more could a man ask for
  22. I have been downrigging on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario for 23 years now and all I use is 12 lb mono on my rigger rods. Now I do a lot more walleye fishing in Erie than salmon fishing in Lake Ontario but still I have never had a fish break me off using 12 lb test. Now on my Dipsy I also use 30 lb Power Pro with a 7 foot 20 lb fluorocarbon leader. The Dipsy's pull hard and sometimes the strikes can be violent so that's the reason for the 20 lb leader. Good Fishing, Bob
  23. We have a very successful Muskie hatchery here in NY on the shores of Chautaugua Lake. It has been in operation for as long as I can remember (over 30 years). Here's some info on it. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7742.html http://www.wewanchu.com/cgi-bin/fishing/reports.cgi
  24. Here in the lower Niagara River now is the time and of course at NIGHT.
  25. I just installed a NEW Minn Kota Edge 40 lb thrust bow mount with a 50" shaft. First time out the motor was running backwards. I double checked my connections and they were correct (how hard is that). So when I got home I called Minn Kota and of course they said my connections must be reversed. But I convinced the rep lady on the phone that indeed my connections were correct. So she had me trace the foot control connections with her schematic and we found Minn Kota had THREE wire wrong. I am surprised it ran at all. When I rerouted and made the right connections the motor ran counter clock wise like it was designed to and ran about 5 times faster than they way they had it hooked up. Go Figure. Bob
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