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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. And I noticed NOT 1 other post about yesterday's game...but it's still early....maybe Canada is in mourning.
  2. Living just over the boarder from Ontario (about 15 minutes from the Peace Bridge) I grew up drinking Canadian Beer as I believe it's the BEST in the world but yesterday my Canadian Friends was............................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ........... ................................................................................ ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ...................................... ................................................................................ ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ...................................... MILLER TIME at the Olympics. Ryan Miller is the KING of GOALIES But my fellow Canadian friends....fear not because that Canadian team is SUPERIOR in every other respect other then goal tending and I would still bet they will come back and win the gold metal.
  3. If your fishing Lake Erie WITHOUT Emerald Shiners your just out there jerking off....sorry but that's the way it is on Erie for perch.
  4. Another great question is, do you have GPS mapping with Sonar.....like a Lowrance LMS 520 or similar...if so it really makes a difference when navigating unfamiliar waters....the French River really has no mapping for it's waters and that is really one area that should have since it's so large and complex.....but if you do have a Sonar/GPS unit you can get excellent mapping for the Kawarthan Lakes.....Stoney Lake is one of my favorites along with Upper/Lower Buckhorn and Pigeon Lake. There are many guys here that fish these lake regularly and some even live on these lakes that will chime in if your interested enough in one of them....for me the Kawarthan Lakes are the hidden jewel in Ontario...not to far 3-4 hours from the Peace Bridge and everything to offer you can think of. Good Luck, Bob
  5. That is why a CREDIT CARD is MUCH better than using a Debit Card....haven't used my debit card in YEARS....I also like the free points I get using my Cabela's Credit Card....free hunting & fishing equipment is a no brain for me using their card for almost EVERY purchase during the year. Good Luck on recouping you money and hope it's resolved soon then later. Bob
  6. I guess we should know how big is your boat.....Nippissing is very large and can get rough, but there are MANY MANY other lakes of all sizes to choose from.
  7. I would still purchase a Toyota over any of the other brands...mine has still not seen the inside of a repair shop.
  8. http://www.buffalonews.com/145/story/960591.html
  9. The site I supplied of Cabela's is US dollars but they do have a Canadian site that would be in Loonies...... I had to make the one set longer so I just cut about 6-8" off and got the same diameter wire from a hardware store......twisted them together and then soldiered them...after that I use shrink wrap and then used electrical tape over the shrink wrap.....then I put their end back on the extended wire using the same procedure.......works great.....OH, btw...I just put the fuse by the battery on the positive only.......but that's your choice. One last tip.......I keep my boat in my garage during the fishing season.....when not in use the charger is ALWAYS plugged in (even during the winter). The night before I always hook up my boat to my truck and come morning with coffee in hand I start my truck and push the remote to raise the rest of the garage door....only thing I know I will forget to unplug the charger so I dropped a extension cord straight down over the plug for the charger (mid-ship). This way when I pull the boat out with the truck it just unplugs itself.....I think I can count the times on one hand when I actually remembered to unplug the charger in the morning.....
  10. DEFINITELY a 3 bank charger and YES you do want to recharge your starting battery with the charger.....these on-board chargers are Smart Chargers and they do more than just charge up your battery. They desulferize the batteries and maintain them during non-use (I no longer remove them during the winter). Here's the one I have been using for about 6 years and it really has extended the life of my batteries with the starting battery being 9 years old now. And Cabela's has a sale on them at this time. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  11. I returned Sunday from the Harrisburg, PA show and if you wondering where all the outfitters went, well I would definitely say HARRISBURG PA....this show advertised as the biggest in the Northeast and I would have to agree....only problem it was PACKED SOLID with people....BPS that is 8 miles away from the show provided free shuttles from their store and we had to wait about 45 minutes to just get on a bus and they were the HUGE coach buses you use for traveling. We stayed the night and the next day we spent 3 hours shopping at Cabela's in Hamburg, PA which was about 40 miles away......and the best thing about PA is NO SALES TAX on clothing or footwear and only 6% on fishing gear.
  12. Thanks bassman....was away for a couple of days at the largest Sportsmen Show in the NE....Harrisburg, PA....great time with the wife.... But anyways I should of mentioned I am interested in the Kawarthan Lakes but I just have to sort through some of the links you listed......boy did I have a few nice cottages saved in my book marks before this computer crashed.......thanks again. Bob
  13. I had several VERY GOOD sites bookmarked from you guys but my computer crashed Super Bowl Sunday....I guess it couldn't take the stress... ...but anyways, can you guys PLEASE list some of the sites where I can rent a private cottage or even a GOOD commercial cottage in the near future.......THANKS for your time... Bob
  14. I hope we are talking about the same Big Gull Lake...the one I referring to is near Arden, Ont....if it's the same it has some very good walleye, pike and smallmouth fishing and I believe (never caught any there) muskies....we always stayed at Kirk's Kove Cottages...this was once a GREAT place for fishing families but then they sold it to a young couple that wanted to market it as a retreat for artist and photographers.....from what I have seen this hasn't worked out for them and now they are trying to recoup the fishing families again so it's definitely worth a second look....here's their site....http://www.kirkkovecottages.com/ Bob
  15. Don't know where Mount Hope is but as I have posted a couple of times....I am more than happy to help out my fellow Canadian Friends...I live 15 minutes from the Peace Bridge, 40 minutes from the Rainbow Bridge and less then 2 miles from the Buffalo Airport...if someone wants to use my mailing address it's OK with me...I am retired but work part time on Tuesday morning so I am pretty much available for guys to pick things up...of course when the weather turns I hope to be doing some catching.... Bob
  16. My sister is a teacher who has said to me MANY times she will never eat venison.......guess what she ate at half time during the Super Bowl....that's right Chili made with venison and she LOVED it......never told her but my brother in-law knew as it was his idea....so I guess them there learners in the school house ain't so smart after all are they ???
  17. Toyota is having a recall.....for what ? ? ?
  18. Well since you also live in a capitalist society and don't think much of it I would recommend packing your bags and heading to a non capitalist government country.......Try Haiti.......oh, wait......it's being helped by Capitalist Countries now.
  19. The Saints are lucky to have beaten the Viking in overtime and only because of 5 Minnesota turnovers. Take those turnovers away and the Saints would have been blown out at home..... Colts 38 Vikings 21
  20. A house that had a three boat garage attached and room around the side to get even more toys in the yard if need be.
  21. In a capitalist society this is EXACTLY how you get the BEST of anything......would you work for half of what you are now being paid so the customer is happier than you....I know many wouldn't.
  22. It sounds like he's a Canadian to begin with that returned to Canada so I would say that doesn't count...
  23. Neither countries health care systems are perfect......who's is better, I really don't know....but I do know some of the best doctors do come over to the USA because the money is better....never heard of a US doctor going to Canada to work....
  24. These are the really smart ones that can't be caught......been around for hundreds of years and no one knew it.. ...you heard fish are in schools, well who do you think was running all these schools....
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