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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I can remember some tough games the Bills had in Arrowhead and coming home with their heads between their legs....but I also remember RICH STADIUM as being unmerciful to any team that dared to come into it's confines. Between the VERY FAST No Huddle K-Gun and extremely loud fans, most teams didn't know what hit them until they were back on the plane heading home shaking their heads in disbelief. Although I'm not a season ticket holder I was at several of those games and I remember my two young sons holding their fingers in their ears because of the noise level when the opposing team was on offense, especially in the Red Zone. I can also remember opposing defenses having to take "basketball" time out because of how fast Kelly ran the No Huddle offense. Later defenses faked injuries to save on time outs. But it didn't help, Kelly still got the ball in the end zone......now we can't even get near the Red Zone...sometimes not even past the 50 yard line during a game.... As Bruce Smith once said in a TV commercial "Bad, bad things can happen"...now we know what he meant..
  2. Actually sonar units do NOT find fish, you do, they only detect and record them on the screen. Almost any decent unit on the market now a days will record what's under your boat but the more you spend the better of a unit you get.
  3. LONG time Bills fan but now a days I have to be realistic and I don't see this team competing for the next 3-5 years or maybe EVER with the greedy owner we have. And for you "fish" Dolphin fans including Marino, I have only this to say....JIM KELLY limited out when fishing for "Dolphins".....those were the good old days... At one time the rivalry between Buffalo and Miami was one of the biggest in the NFL......now NOTHING. They say "EVERYTHING" is for sale, so here goes......one die hard football fan still looking for a home.
  4. Inside storage is the BEST but if not possible I would get what you called garage in the box before I cover it and let it sit out in the elements. MOISTURE builds up inside a boat that is just covered and left out in the elements causing long term problems down the road with wood floors and even electrical connections.
  5. I'm a bit puzzled....you say the "Whirlpool" but maybe you mean Devil's Hole...I can't see how a boat of your size (38') making it past the calm section of Devil's Hole. In all the years I fished the lower river and Devil's Hole I only once seen a jet boat venture past Devil's Hole. I know I would NEVER even attempt it my boat or any other fishing boat as the river looks pretty shallow at that point. But if that is what really took place, you have something to write home about and Thank the Lord for watching out for you. Bob
  6. Firing order is VERY important and you must get the correct wires in their proper order. Since no one has the proper order (so far) including myself I would suggest a call to a local Merc dealer and I'm sure they will be happy to answer that FREE of charge. There are many reasons why a motor fouls plugs so guessing is not the answer either. New proper plugs with the correct gap settings are in order I would say, and then the correct wires to each. After that has been done I would monitor the situation by pulling the plugs after each outing. And I would keep a record of how the outboard was used...ex..trolling or all high speed running. Then if the plugs are fouling badly I would try to find out why as this is not the norm. BTW I was really surprised to see that a 40 HP Merc has 4 cylinders...my 1985 50 hp Johnson only has 2 cylinders and never fouls the plugs even with many hours of trolling. However, it's a VRO (oil injected) motor. Good Luck, Bob
  7. I am not familiar with your model so I'm not sure if it has a soft or hard reset feature but if it does then I would try that first. Here is a forum that specializes in Lowrance products and I'm sure you will get some answers here... http://www.bbcboards.net/zeroforum?id=13 Bob
  8. OK then, as someone else mentioned then.....if I give 3 walleye to a conservation licensed fellow he is now violating the law but if I give the same 3 fish to a non licensed fellow he's not in violation of the law ? You can see how some of these regs are not written very well.
  9. For anyone interested in this, here's a story on the front page of today's Buffalo News.....as I said the JOKE goes on and on and on and on...the only thing that hasn't happened in 30 years is the construction of ANYTHING...LOL http://www.buffalonews.com/city/communities/buffalo/article98066.ece
  10. SO in a non tournament situation let say you are anchored and fishing for whatever is biting......you start catching a few nice big perch and during this time you limit out on bass but you continue to fish for and catch more and more perch. But then you catch another bass. Now what ? Go directly to jail without passing GO right after you released that extra bass or can you continue to fish for more big perch ?
  11. OK, from what I have read then it must be every other bush because it seems like a lot of fines are given out....but that's neither here or there. I come to Ontario for more reasons than just catch a few walleyes...if that was the only reason I would stay home as we have some GREAT fishing here in NYS including walleyes. Bob
  12. The post I made was NOT for the purpose of looking for ways to keep more fish...I hardly keep many fish and never over my limit....BTW you can call me Bob. It was for discussion purposes only.....isn't that what this forum is all about? I was just reading another thread here on someone who got in trouble with the game laws and pondered how someone can get confused and make a mistake in Ontario or anywhere else you might hunt or fish. INTERPRETATION of the law is sometimes much more important than understanding them if you get my "drift".... Bob
  13. Reading another thread here got me thinking about Ontario's possession limits......so here's the thing: I catch my limit in say walleyes (4) and give said walleyes to say the owner of the camp (cottages,etc..) Can I now go out and catch 4 more walleyes tomorrow morning ? ? ? And if so, what if said camp owner doesn't fish and has no fishing license, can he legally accept said walleyes or would he be in violation of the law ? ? ? Can I feed said walleyes to my cat and then go out and fish for more walleyes or would the cat be in violation of the law (eating fish without a fishing license) LOL..... the point is, the more I think about this law the more problems I can see with it. Like I'm out fishing for the weekend and come home with my limit of walleyes but the wife bought some walleye fillets at the fish market and now I'm over my limit. The list can go on and on. BTW we have a double possession limit in NYS so that makes it a bit easier to stay legal AND there isn't a conservation officer hiding behind every bush here. Bob
  14. In Toronto you have 10 times, maybe 100 times as much or MORE than we have on our waterfront in Buffalo...we have NOTHING on our waterfront but weeds growing for over 30 years. The outer harbor that they are ALWAYS referring to develop has absolutely NOTHING on it and it's the so called LEADERS of Buffalo, Erie County and the State of New York to BLAME ! ! ! When I had my OLD boat (over 25 years ago) I remember going to the New York Walleye Assoc meeting that I belonged to and listen to the "Horizon Commission" ask us what's important to be include in the new waterfront developement project that was going to be breaking ground SOON....LOL....30 years later NADA... :wallbash: I wonder how much money has been made over the years by these so called "Commissions" and "Studies" that NEVER produce a friggin thing in....yes, you guessed it OVER 30 YEARS... it's actually a JOKE here now by all of us that have listen to this BULL ...
  15. Why I have NEVER heard so MANY excuses why someone can't go fishing....BTW I can't go either.... ....wife goes back to work that week (school starts).
  16. That is EXACTLY what I was thinking.
  17. I just watched the clip that says its NOT a snake head but rather a bow fin....but what puzzles me is that Amy Merry says she was CONCERNED that it was a snake head but she first ate it and then called the authorities...
  18. That's GOOD NEWS to hear....We have gone there 4 or 5 times dating back to 1984. Back then they were a 100% fishing camp but with a 4 diamond rating....2 years ago when I went there with my two boys I was wondering if fishing was an after thought there. By the time we left I was pretty convinced they were in transition trying to make it a family retreat with fishing available but not really the focus of the business. AND if RYAN is listening, PLEASE do everyone a favor and LOWER the docking fees....$30 per day is ridiculous IMHO. I'm SURE many others (fishermen) pass on the Sand Beach Lodge for that alone.
  19. Probably not...its a bass and their easily caught, especially in Lake Erie and they don't taste good...that's why I fish for Yellow Pike...
  20. Years ago at Big Gull Lake my wife was drinking coffee in the morning while I was out fishing, she got to witness a blue heron grab and eat a red squirrel while it was screaming as it was swallowed whole.
  21. I have to agree with solopaddler here in most things he said....but your "lodge" was MUCH better including your outhouse compared to one of my recent Fly In Trips....however, our fishing size wise was a bit better. Our Resort Lodge Our lean to Outhouse (only three walls and no door) Average Walleye size caught As yours, our fishing was VERY GOOD but I wouldn't go back to this outfitter because of the accomadations were SUB PAR at best. With four guys paying almost $600 each for four days you expect a little better place to rest your head at the end of the day (not to mention the place was a mess and it took us 3 hours to clean up before we could move in). Maybe I'm just getting too old for fly in trips.... Bob
  22. Overall you did pretty good fishing wise......enough to keep you busy.. I agree that Sand Beach Lodge needs to adjust their meals to accommodate FISHERMEN as that is what they use to cater to. Sitting for 2 hours or more to eat dinner was driving me and my sons crazy...but as you said the food is EXCELLENT. They need to go back to the way it was set up year ago with the old owners: Breakfast 7am - 9 am Box Lunch for the boat Dinner 5pm - 7pm And all you had to do was get into the dinning room during those hours and you were guaranteed to be served. Also they need to have bait readily available for the fishermen...I asked for minnows and they said you have to order them the day before... AND drop their docking prices for those who bring their own boats...two years ago I called them to question their $30 per day docking fee and negotiated it down to $10 per day...that was a sticking point for me and I would not go there if I had to pay that much to dock my own boat....oh, one last thing....they made a big deal out of my gas needs...I have a oil injected outboard and they said they only had a limited supply of gasoline that was NOT mixed with oil... OVERALL though, the place is TOP NOTCH with their accommodations and meals....I guess I was spoiled by the old owner from YEARS past. Bob
  23. May I suggest a truck camper that is complimented with a nice tent for your extra sleeping room. This way you have the best of both worlds and a lot less headaches. Good Luck with your decision and it will be interesting to know which way you go......please post with pictures. Bob
  24. They heard you say "don't fish any docks on this lake or else"...
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