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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Don't mean to criticize your post but it' much more like 10 YEARS and on going for who know how LONG............
  2. For the few Buffalo Bills fans here that watched Sunday's game....what did you think of the new Bills under the new coaching and GM........myself, I can't believe they still look like the same bums we have had here for the last 10 years.....However, I believe the new coaching staff is on the right course once we get a few more players in here over the next few years with proper drafting. First and foremost is a QB with a pedigree back ground AND a offensive line that can actually block on EVERY play, then a couple of REAL pass rushers and linebackers. Am I asking for too much....
  3. OH NO ! ! ! Could this be "Canadian Bacon" all over again....
  4. Buy a new one,you got the expected use out of it.
  5. We'll probably spend a zillion dollars preventing the Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes while some yahoo's do it themselves....
  6. USA President names Asian carp czar to stop the evasion of these fish..... http://www.buffalonews.com/city/capital-connection/washington/article184458.ece
  7. WOW
  8. DAM your good......yes rosemary on the potatoes only on the far right side because the 3 women don't like it. And YES, it's a hooded BBQ.....here's it is...fire made in the top portion (bottom for smoking only)
  9. The potatoes and carrots could of been cooked a little bit longer....the next time I'm going to put them on the grill 30 minutes before I add the roast to the tin. Bob
  10. Without a splitter switch where you can direct the transducer's signal to only one unit it's not possible. Now if it was a modern Lowrance unit then YES...but that's because of Lowrance's software and a Ethernet connection between the two units. Then you can even choose of two different transducers either running each unit independently or just one transducer running both units. I have this set up on my boat with two Lowrance LMS 520c units, one at the console and one at the bow with one transducer on the transom and other one on the trolling motor. Both are also networked together using Lowrance's NMEA2000 network system. This way if you punch in a waypoint let's say at the bow it's also automatically enter into the console unit. Now if they could only get these things make the fish bite...
  11. Yesterday I took a small venison roast and put one clove of garlic in it (cut into 4 pieces and then made deep incisions in the roast to push the garlic into). Seasoned with Kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper. Then I rapped the roast with 3 pieces of bacon to keep it moist holding the bacon in place with toothpicks. Took a cheap throw away foil tin and coated it with a small amount of oil. Placed the roast in it with a digital meat thermometer probe that has a read out outside the charcoal grill. I also par cooked some small yellow potatoes in the microwave and then quartered them. I coated them in a bowl with olive oil and also did the same with some baby carrots.......Got my big heap of charcoal going (I use a electric starter, it's the best way to start charcoal) and then spread out the charcoal into two piles on the far left and right of my grill, leaving none directly under the roast. This way you are using INDIRECT heat. But anyways I cooked the roast with the potatoes and carrots until the temperature in the middle of the roast showed 136 degrees. Took it out and let it rest for 5 - 10 minutes while covered with foil (it will raise to 140 degrees or more). Took off the bacon and discarded it (not throughly cooked). Cut the roast at a angle and it looked JUST like the best Prime Rib piece of meat you ever did see. AND it taste FANTASTIC........My sister in-law ate it without her knowing it was venison (she would never try it) She NEVER knew she asked for more venison.....LOL...it was that GOOD ! ! ! Try this method........it works VERY WELL........I have also done some rather large (6-7 lb) standing rib roast on the grill not using the cheap foil tin but just placing it directly on the grill rack, but again monitoring the internal temp of the roast with the digital probe. Sorry, no pics of it cooked....we ate it too fast...
  12. Bill, come on now.......you and I both know what the word assume means that it makes an ass out of u and me...LOL....sorry....could't resist...spank me if you have to moderators.....LOL...
  13. GOD BLESS YOU......(you remind me a lot of myself when I was younger). You didn't give in to the weather man and made the most out of what was a nasty fishing forecast.....BEST of all you learned more about the waters you fished and the fish you caught......CONGRADULATIONS on your day on the water.... :clapping: Bob
  14. Thanks for sharing........the Chapleau area is one FINE FISHING area....but I have to ask.....why are the photos marked Oct 7th 2005 ? ? ?
  15. I do a lot of light tackle fishing like jigging for walleyes and some jigging for smallmouth on Lake Erie....my go to rod is a light action 6'-6" graphite rod with what you would be considering a 1000 type (light) reel. This is a EXCELLENT finesse rod and reel combo and I have been using for about 35 years. With this set up I have consistently out fished others in the boat using heavier combo's...... HOWEVER, this is NOT a all around rod & reel that you can troll worm harnesses or crank baits with. That kind of fishing needs a heavier rod then I use with this light reel. Now take note: This is a 6# test line set up or what I like better.. a 4# test line rod & reel combo.....but once you use this for any length of time you will not set it down and YOU WILL OUT FISH MOST OTHERS in the boat. BTW...I RARELY lose fish using 4# test line. When a heavy fish is hooked and you will know that....BACK REEL, especially near the boat and you will land 98% of your fish with a HUGE smile on your face (largest fish landed with this light combo....7.5 lb walleye at the head of the Niagara River). Bob
  16. As I have spoken (posted) before hand about the so called blue walleye which I have caught on the famous French River.....it's NOT the same fish my father caught many times in LAKE ERIE.......do the research and you will find many facts that you din't know about this sub-species. I only wish what some believe are true and so do many others.
  17. Here in the Buffalo area of Lake Erie they were always called "Blue Pike" and walleyes even today by some of the OLDER fishermen here are still referred to as "Yellow Pike". Even in the restaurants (Taverns, Bars, Gill Mills) some still have on their menu "Yellow Pike" dinners. But from everything I have followed in the many many years I have, the blue tinted walleyes being caught today are NOT the Blue Pike of yesteryears. Our NYS DEC has done several studies and now with DNA possible all indications are the Blue Pike are long gone... Bob
  18. V2830
  19. Don't know what your boat looks like or how much room you have to work with but I would seriously consider making one out of a cooler that can either be built in or carried out of the boat. Bob
  20. There are MANY different models of the "FoodSaver". The one I have has been flawless for about 3 years now.....but remember the bags are a bit pricey.....I found I can purchase and save money on the bags using Ebay. Bob
  21. Yes you are right.....but we need to come together in this world. We will NEVER be united until we all live under the same rules. Can you at least agree on this ? ? ? UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. I know many don't like a outsider telling you what to do but sometimes we see better from a step back. Does anyone remember the "Blue Pike" in Lake Erie......the walleye can disappear on the Nip just as easily.
  22. Crosshairs has made some VERY good points.....it's a start but there is one thing that bothers me. The "slot limit"...if I catch a fish in the slot I have to release said fish only for that same fish to be caught in the gill nets and be harvested for SALE. What's the difference if I purchase that slot fish or keep it and eat it. Either way it's not reproducing in the lake. Just to make things a little bit fair in Nip......the slot limit should go or am I not seeing something here.
  23. Fresh water perch, walleye (pickerel, eh), crappie are my favorites but tuna is hard to beat, even with a Ugly Stick... But what about pacific salmon......it's caught both in fresh and salt waters.....huh, either way it's hard to beat smoked. Bob BTW...does ANYONE eat stinky smallmouth bass ?
  24. When someone like me (from outside the area) reads about commercial fishing on the Nip, we think twice before making any plans to fish the area. What once was a great fishery that I experienced several times out of Sturgeon Falls back in the 70's now only seems like a memory by many of the readings here. That's only my honest opinion but it's also my money I'm spending when looking for a fishing vacation. So with that said I will never again bother to fish the Big Nip in future Ontario fishing trips. Commercial fishing is never a good thing for any area, even the ocean is hurting with many species being over fished, like the Blue Tuna. Lake Erie is raped by commercial nets and the Big Nip is a much more delicate water column to be gill netted. What's the difference what color the people are who set the nets as they do their destruction without hesitation. I'm very sorry to say that different rules for different people will ALWAYS divide us against each other. That's the real problem with this world and by the time (if ever) we recognize that it will be too late for the Big Nip and other bodies of water. Bob
  25. A couple of lessons should of been learned here. 1. NEVER use a debit card for auto deduction. USE A CREDIT CARD 2. READ all the FINE print in these contracts and ask questions BTW we get FREE Health Club Memberships here with our health insurance. Is that available in any of the communist countries like Cuba or China ? LOL
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