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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Ontario needs to look how NYS does it anterless deer drawings and maybe apply it to all it's drawings......at the time we purchase our big game license we put in for our "doe" tag(s)....the computer gives you a instant tag or NOT..... I had my doubts about this system when it first started about 6-7 years ago....but it works VERY WELL.....we had the old system where we had to get a party of 2-4 hunters, send in by snail mail and the wait and HOPE to see if we selected while more government workers that I don't trust decided on my fate.....I'll trust a computer any day of the week over the old system.... Ontario needs to get with it....
  2. Fishing is peaking here....... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/fishing-line/article510178.ece
  3. Hey, how about my boys want to go on a PREMIUM Fly In American Plan fishing trip with dear old dad but we can't afford it so please donate some of "your" money.........works for me...... ...by the way my boys are 26 and 28 years old.... :rofl2:
  4. I probably have 25 - 30 Rapala's and never had a problem with any of them......BUT their older ones....newest would be 10 or 15 years old. Bob
  5. Errrr, ahhhh.......well now that's a low blow.....
  6. I have had Shrimp Poor Boys but never a hot dog Poor Boy sandwich...LOL... Hope the little guys is better soon and waking you up early for his daily walk. Bob
  7. Are they a soccer team or what.... It's Bob not Bill.......
  8. Why would I support something I don' like.........
  9. My son Billy played in baseball travel leagues and we as parents always paid their way....but the furthest they traveled was Detroit....but the regular league you had to play on to get on the All Star travel team always had mandatory candy bars to sell...min of $50 worth.. So when kids approach me for baseball or football I always buy the candy bar or two and then give it back to the kid for him to eat.....but not soccer since I don't consider it a real sport and don't support it. Bob
  10. May be true on smaller inland lakes but your sonar and GPS will find LOTS of walleyes suspended and on the bottom in Lake Erie.....but then it's still your job to get them to bite...
  11. Would this be the one (also shows on Minn Kota's site) BOAT TECH 1058 COPPERSTONE DRIVE UNIT 2 PICKERING, ON L1W 3V8 905-686-5008 905-686-5009 [email protected]
  12. MANY reel repair guys also repair trolling motors....you can also Google Minn Kota for service areas in your area. Edited to add: ROCKEY'S TACKLE SERVICE INC. 10 BRAMMER DRIVE ORILLIA, ON L3V 7T4 705-325-3526 705-325-8161 [email protected] This is the closest one according to Minn Kota's website.... Bob
  13. YEP, I do remember the different drinking ages back then....but you have to get into the early 70's for me....not that old...LOL Funny how the ages got turned around for both areas....and I remember going deer hunting in PA when I was 20 years old and I couldn't go to a tavern with my hunting buddy who was 2 years older then me.....Eddy had to buy the beer at the bar and bring it back to our hunting trailer....but the following year I made up for it....
  14. So your wife was swimming bare, eh.....
  15. YES, remember those commercials well....kept singing it when I built my summer home years ago while doing the plumbing...
  16. Years ago I sent in my Humminbird flasher for repairs with a check included in the box....they wrote back that they received my flasher unit but no payment was included....I called them and around and around we went...finally had to put a stop order on the check and send them another check...then they sent me someone else's in dash unit instead of my Super 30 unit....called them and they said send it back to them....I said send me my unit first plus the cost of my stop order check....they refused but my unit arrived the next day......I eventually sold that in dash unit MANY years later on Ebay.......that was the end of my business with a Bird Company.
  17. This has been the policy with Lowrance Electronics for many years now...you spend $650 to $2000 on a Sonar/GPS unit and something simple stops working on that unit making it a boat anchor and Lowrance says it's over 5 years old we don't stock parts or do repairs on those units anymore.....
  18. Been off line for a couple day do to problems with the internet... But nice musky there, my Canadian Cousin.....
  19. Yep, humans are the only ones that will flush them down the toilet...
  20. Garbage in, garbage out.....
  21. Two 2X8X8' and I'm gone in 60 seconds....but not if there is a mad dog chained to the trailer....
  22. What happened to Dough Ray Me.....
  23. My buddy Walt from the fire hall has a old in ground pool that needs to be filled in...the liner is all rusted out...but years ago he put in some fish he thought were just gold fish but they turned out to be Koi....and now he has hundreds of them in that pool....another friend Pete from the fire hall put in a small back yard pond for his wife and called me to catch some of Walt's Koi....so a couple of weeks ago there I was with a cold beer in hand catching Koi for Peter....LOL.....many are over 6" long, some have a lot of white marking and all the bigger ones have the LONG SPLIT tails.....when Walt feeds them at least 50-75 come up to the surface for the bread he throws in....they have been in there for a long time now....the pool is all green color water and the cover is sunk into about 3/4 of the pool making great cover for them....he say's once in a while a Blue Heron will come in and catch a couple. Bob
  24. I bought a new 1975 7.5 hp Mercury back in 1975 and it was 50:1 on the oil. And no it's not what kind of oil you use but what the manufacture recommends that determines the ratio. Bob
  25. Locks on the tongue....locks on the wheels...locks everywhere wouldn't do it...... YOU NEED THIS DETERRENT......chained to the tongue of the trailer. PROBLEM SOLVED.....
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