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Everything posted by Bitsmith2k

  1. Bubba's been getting me through my drive home for a couple years now.. great show didnt they change the name to Boneyard?
  2. right click 'my computer', click 'manage'.. you can expand the 'shared folders' and you'll be able to see what you're sharing, sessions etc.. prolly came from sharing a file or printer at some point...
  3. you guys know there's a fish cleaning hut right?? thanks for takin me in, and introducing me to pistaccios.. next time i dont want to be in the same room as sleeping, angry, Gerritt.. i was affraid to smile after friday night..
  4. nice report sean, good seein ya again.. <sarcasm> and i'm really sorry that you didnt get a fish.. </sarcasm>
  5. ted's a great guy... took me and my banana filled tackle bag both days last year.. i'm in his debt.. any way to catch the lesner / couture fight up there?
  6. you can travel to the states if you've been pardoned..
  7. i'll second that!
  8. dont take your best fishing gear unless you can keep it with you at all times.. svukavics ,rowingsunny and i went down last year and they both had their rods go missing.. definately get in touch with Crazyhook, he gave me a plethora of info.. definately take extra cheap tackle with you.. they have very little down there and are eager to bargain with you.. if you can, take a bunch of rod guides.. they are like gold to the fishermen down there..
  9. a couple weekends ago i failed at walking the tight rope too.. stupid water was just about 1" above the top of my boots too.. it happens..
  10. cleans & deadlifts are prolly the 2 best lifts goin.. just make sure you get someone to show you and watch you in person.. two very easy lifts to seriously hurt yourself on..
  11. nice meetin ya and glad too see you had better luck than us.. i'm not going to complain though, the weather was awesome..
  12. Gerritt, make sure you bring something to lock bedroom doors.. when i've had a few drinks, sometimes i forget where the bathroom is.. good thing corey was awake and pointed me in the right direction last year..
  13. thanks, that song will be going through my head for the rest of the day.. i'm not saying nothing yet to 'jinx' them.. for now i'll just sit back and enjoy finally seeing them win on a regular basis again..
  14. we had a good morning for bass on sunday at Scugog.. the water at the launch looked pretty muddy, but once we got out on the lake it was fine.. prolly my best day out there this fall..
  15. thanks for the report Joey! we had a good time despite resorting to tiny hooks and worms to catch a few small perch great meeting all you..
  16. i'll see if i can snag a couple skids outta the alley at work too..
  17. nice report, sounds like fun.. ya dont let him near your 16 yr old baby sitter and a hot tub..
  18. nice billy.. good luck with school out there..
  19. i've got room for two as well.. leaving from mississauga / toronto
  20. me and at least 1 buddy and boat.. gerritt you coming and bringin some homebrew??
  21. thanks guys ya, now i gotta find time to put it to use.. lol.. no doubt, if i had nothing planned, i wouldn't have got hurt
  22. Well after a brutal start to the fishing season, ruptured distal bicep tendon at the end of April (i still somehow blame you TBayBoy).. aside from a charter, once out with svukavics and a weekend up at rowing sunny’s cottage, fishing has been non-existent.. i've finally been able to get the boat in the water for some fishing, sorta.. spent a week up at Elephant Lake.. first day my motor was back to working flawlessly, after cleaning the carb... second day it left the wife and i stranded.. it wouldn’t turn over for the life of me, blistered my hands pull starting the damn thing. finally flagged down a guy fishing who generously towed us back to our docks.. had a mechanic up there take a look at it, told me it didn’t look good and to have someone local (Toronto) take a look after our vacation.. Sal at Discount Marine confirmed the other mechanics suspicion, and what i was burying in the back of my mind: motor is dead / not worth fixing.. the good news is that my wife didn't like the thought of being stranded ever again and she pretty much 'forced' me into buying a new motor... so this past Monday i got to start the break-in on my new motor. i headed up to the bog with a buddy from work, member/lurker: wuman.. i'm sceptical of the bog as i've never actually caught anything there aside from a couple isolated rock bass.. we get to the launch and i don’t have my long bow line with me, just a 10' length of rope.. before backing up i yell out to wuman "hey!, when i start backing down, make sure you grab that line!".. i start backing down the launch and i notice the rope floating in the water, i turn around and wuman's standing there with his hands in his pockets waiting for an invitation to grab it.. hit the breaks. "you gonna grab that rope or what??". he kicks off his shoes and slides down the ramp, luckily he grabs the rope, which prevented him from falling completely in.. i laughed, onlookers laughed, wuman didn’t think it was that funny.. he had his phone and wallet in his pockets which got completely submerged.. sorry buddy, i'm still laughing about it.. when we get to our first spot, he decides that fishing in his undies would be best/quickest way to get his shorts dried out.. after about an hour he gets into a fish.. note he wouldn’t sign the release forms for the unaltered shot of his designer underwear image to appear here.. and his fish about an hour and a half goes by and i'm getting the feeling that i'll be wrestling with a skunk for the day as i'm having a hard time hooking up with even the small rockies that were pestering my lizard.. finally get a decent little tap, set the hook, and i'm on the board: nailed a couple wgsf that didn’t get a picture and a couple more small bass over the coarse of the next hour: it was a slow day, but good to be out on the water, and it gives me a tiny bit more confidence on scugog.. bait of choice for the day was white lizards.. i tried a bunch of colors of lizards and senkos with no luck..
  23. joe what model Onkyo do you have? i know mine will allow you to fiddle with the offsets and delays
  24. they will not give you a good rate if you change american money over there, so bring canadian.. where you staying in veradero?
  25. congrats! patrick, nothing wrong with that 265 club..
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