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Everything posted by Bitsmith2k

  1. hah they do, but they are a LOT of work.. lots of arse wiping, face wiping, weiner wiping, he snores like a freight train.. if he eats anything that he normally doesnt (different kid of treats, or food) we're pretty much gaurenteed to be stunk out of the room or cleaning up doggy puke in the morning..
  2. lol... a doggy lifejacket is a definate must.. i thinks there's only a small percentage of bulldogs that can actually swim.. mags would be more interested in trying to drink as much of the water as possible, than trying to swim
  3. cool thread and nice dogs guys.. here's my buddy, magnus.. dunno if he's going to get much time with me in the boat, he's not the most profficient of swimmers.. having a hard time finding toys that will last more than a day.. he'll go through a black kong pretty quick, made real short work of an electric razor last week too.. the crazy guy will jump through hoops for just lick of beer.. just after bringing him home almost full grown
  4. wonder if you could buy an artificially fertilized egg... could you transport it? would it count against your limit before it hatched?
  5. true.. there was a big hop shortage last year, them little leaves are like gold..
  6. try PPSA.CA.. i dont know if you can register a lien on a recreational boat in ontario though..
  7. nice report mike.. dont know when your trip is, but i managed to get a birth certificate & a passport in < 2 weeks (prolly around 4 years ago though).. mike
  8. we fished the surf at that resort this past dec.. some goofball paraglider almost took my head off with his kite thingy.. litterally missed me by a 1/2 foot.. if you're planning on doing any fishing talk to crazyhook.. he knows the good spots.. i've got a 'secret' spot in veradero as well..
  9. hmm.. i'd have to call shenanigans on that.. i did the test this past thurs. at my office.. and i have booze in my desk i agree that its a cash grab as well..
  10. nice tv.. same one i own
  11. we've been out once, my buddy raised a couple from under a floating chunk of ice, but didnt connect.. this weekend we're going to give it one more shot..
  12. lol.. BSL sucks, i've had people run from me and my dog while out on walks.. even had a guy tell his kids (who wanted to pet him) "that's a pit bull, he'll bite your hand clean off".. kinda makes me laugh that people can confuse a bulldog with a "pit bull"..
  13. nicely put garry.. my dog would croak if he got 50% exercise.. maybe 5% and put the 45% left over into sleep time....
  14. damn that perchy.. stocked up on them last week at bps.. lol
  15. hey Mike, thanks! looked like a nice lake from some of the pics i was checking out.. i'm not going to hold my breath for walleye.. i'm sure we wont have many problems getting into pike though..
  16. Hey guys, just trying to get some info together for a trip we've got planned for the first week of june.. normally we hit up the south bay of nipissing and have had good success, but this year we've decided to change the location. so we're booked into a place on Talon Lake.. anyone fished it before? any insight? not looking for way-points or hot spots, just having a hard time digging up any decent info on the lake. thanks guys! mike
  17. only ever fished baptiste in that chain... stick to perch patterned lures..
  18. i always assumed it was because their software was / is, more than likely, written in all caps and they were following the standard.. that or they're yelling at me..
  19. CH knows his stuff.. got me onto fish down there (in run of bad luck, camera with report worth pics went missing).. the only extra piece of advise i'd give would be to leave your good rods at home.. two of my buddies had their rods go missing.. and the tarpon seemed to love my lil cleo blue & silver (NNB) that had a tiny plastic squid on a single hook.. rest its soul that last i saw her she was firmly embedded in a tarpons mouth, while i was standing there with broken line..
  20. took a look at the prices for the tickets yesterday, 100 level tickets @ $400 a piece.. add in a hotel room for a couple nights.. plus "entertainment".. dont think i could sneak that one past the wife...
  21. he couldnt have been more than 15' off the ice.. i thought was was going to crash... it wasn't like the ice was empty either.. he did it over a crowd of people fishing.. wish i knew enough to get letters off his fuselage..
  22. i know there's a place real close to sandy bay.. i think its either on the 654, right where you turn onto sunset cove. . or on sunset cove, before you turn onto sandy bay rd.. normally by that point in the drive i'm a little drunk.. but its one of those corners..
  23. ya man the top hook was getting a lot of the bigger ones.. i'll send ya a PM
  24. hey sean.. i cought a good number of eaters on berkley micro tubes (think they're called atomic tubes now).. white seemed to be the color of choice.. didnt have a FishTV to see how many were down there though, that didnt bite.. fishing them off a drop shot, with a hook about 3/4' from the weight, and another about 2 1/2' up from that.. had to hook them as close to the 'tentacle' thingies as possible, as the fish seemed to be pecking at that end.. we should hook up for a day out there..
  25. hey bill.. glad to hear ya made out good.. good to see ya again.. we fished around the green huts into the afternoon and only got one fish to show for it... at least my buddy, who'd never been ice fishing before, got it.. he picked out out final spot of the day, completely randomly, and we got into them pretty good for an hour or so.. two of us caught about 100, kept 30 or so, of the bigger ones for the pan..i got one real nice jumbo as well.. got back out sunday again and our first set of holes was non stop for most of the day.. again lots of dinks, kept about 20 in the 9-10" range.. the one thing i noticed, is that drop shotting white micro tubes was getting me a high percentage of keepers..
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