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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Truly a paradise! Nice walters bud!
  2. What a beautiful fish!!! Congratulations on the breaking the 50!!!
  3. Pretty pricey joey but its certainly an option, thank you.
  4. Good luck, ive been looking for a while lol
  5. Fantastic all around as usual bunk! Those gar sure are a sweet looking fish!
  6. No worries pete! If we couldnt have her im glad you were the one to land her! And i thought i would get laughed at for throwing big rubber around on opener but thats all they would touch.
  7. Thats a lot of carp! Looks like a blast!
  8. I have been caught with my pants down a couple times because the bite will turn on just before it hits but my timing has gotten better, i sure wouldnt sit and fish in the middle of it...
  9. Yes and no i guess, we had a flurry of activity around 10am but never managed to get one in the boat. It started when my buddys' bulldog came in tangled so he started trying to jiggle it loose boatside and a sea monster cruised in for a look. We then had a whole pile of follows and strikes but no hookups. After that we saw nothing until we left around 4pm. Not what i had hoped for as that puts my streak of no musky in my hands up to 9 fishin days but it was cool to see them just flick the switch for a bit there.
  10. Be nice to get one and roll outta there before the lightning for sure, but the bite should be on if its coming.
  11. Nice job dudes!
  12. I hope it doesnt, after working outside all week and baking out there today ill take the rain lol
  13. Thanks guys, i was the first guy out on the lake but nothing in the boat for me today, had a ski try to eat a little pike that i was pullin in but that was as close as i would get lol. Gonna try again tmw this time i got a guy so double the odds of gettin one!
  14. Thanks for all the responses, i am going to go out solo so if you see me struggling to get the boat out at the end of the day jump in and help! Lol As for the early start i would rather get there and beat the rush.
  15. Will do!
  16. Noted sir! Ty for the response
  17. Ill be hitting balsam tommorow morning real early, i ve had 3 guys bail already lol I want to launch early like 430-445 am to beat the rush and will be fishing in a deep v 14 ft with a 9.9hp. I wont be asking for gas money or anything just bring your own gear and drinks. Edit to add, if anyone else is going solo id consider jumping in with you, will pitch gas etc...
  18. That is a massive fish! i live in the wrong province lol.
  19. Better late than never right? Nice fish and good luck on your fly ins!
  20. Sounds like a fun trip!
  21. My buddy gets one prop a year repaired and i believe it costs him 150-200 bucks per depending on the amount of damage. He goes to simcoe prop up in georgina so a little far from you but an idea of cost anyway. His are all stainless. Good fishin and good luck!
  22. Looks great! Some nice fish!
  23. That was pretty funny lol.
  24. Nice fish dude!
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