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Everything posted by jdmls

  1. Your clearly not getting the point ...... Yes we all agree with you that 6lb will work, but it is not necessary for many good reasons listed above
  2. ya, keep telling yourself 6lb main line catches more fish than 12lb + I like getting the majority of my rig back from a snag
  3. In and around our area their isn't many options .... Tom @ AS is your best bet...he or should i say his wife does a great job and will have it back to you within a week... There not the cheapest in town, but AS is close by and will do a pristine job...
  4. The hand full of almonds keep you alive .....
  5. I get asked this question atleast once a day at the gym...I keep it simple so you can remember the rules every time you get hungry .... No Carbs (1 exception...pure raw cooked oatmeal in the morning.. This means it does not come in a pretty little pouch with a flavour on the front of it !!) No Sugar(minimal fruit) No Oil ( this means you no longer cook anything in a pan !!! Learn to use the BBQ ) Once you plateau after about 6 months and you really want to lean further....Cut out the fruit, as its the only form of sugar left in your diet no cardio needed...period 5 meals a day
  6. opener
  7. Nice setup with the string of tipups ... looks like you guys have em dialed in !! ... congrats on the big whities !!
  8. nice .... I gotta get a job like yours !!
  9. that is pretty sick
  10. nice chrome fatties
  11. Now all you have to do is get over the fear of loosing them .... Dude, figure out a way for us to start pouring our own pink worms !!... I am gonna buy stocks in berkley at the rate I was buying them at last year !!! Temps are looking good in the next few weeks... Soon my friend, soon !!
  12. Nice haul ... waitta battle the conditions !!! I bet saturday there will be a line up of guys lugging tinny's of there trailrs and down the ramp, LOL !!!
  13. Nice...very nice.... Some of those pics look damn cold !!!
  14. LOL, its funny cause its true.... It only takes a couple outings of walking in a foot of snow and getting skunked to turn you off of the hard water . I might get out a couple more times before the steel rolls in.
  15. very nice.I can vouch for getting discouraged fast when jigging for whities and lakers.....
  16. my condolences Lew
  17. Great analogy I see why you call yourself "fishnpro" FYI I have a brand new Okuma Aventa 13ft to add to your arsenal for $50 ... I have read dozens of positive reviews on this great stick and apparently it sounds just like an IMX when it snaps
  18. Your rods to heavy, and adding more weight will only strain your wrist more when casting... SOLUTION ??? buy a Loomis
  19. LMAO cause I have been there with quite a few stupid ( and I emphasize the word stupid ) steelhead baits
  20. Dude your invincible on Kemp !!!
  21. Keep it on the throne...you'll have a good idea come spring
  22. I really never though that anyone would spend that kind of $$ on that color, when there are so many other slick colors offered... KW produced this color for there opening batch, but has chosen not to produce it any longer, so I guess you can consider it rare .... Dude , you really have to change that line color, it makes the reel look horrendous , to say the least ...
  23. I second State Farm ..... & tell Lino I said hi
  24. Niiiiiiice ........
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