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Everything posted by jdmls

  1. i was hoping this was a jaw dropping video of Catt
  2. nice report, I luv those footballs that river produces !!!.... I have to take a drive nord instead of east very soon
  3. Awesome colors displayed there.... Good to see the GB tribs are on the roll. stellar report...
  4. no wonder things were slow today LOL ... you guyz stung em all last night .... Nice job you two. Kudo's to you guys for sluggin it out in the dark... I can only do it one day a year, and that's barely worth it. Carole, the look on your face of that pic with the 30" says it all !!!! Keep it up guys.
  5. so chrome ... so sweet Painting must have sucked after a morning like that Nicely done gentleman ......
  6. I almost regret PM'ng u Wednesday .... I knew I was missing out. Unfortunately I get owned by my desk on Thursday's !!! Anyhow sweet report...Those jacks are a blast, especially on the initial hook set... Let me know about what we discussed so I can make plans for the weekend. Bill...Get back to the notty for a couple weeks.... You need a taste of stealheading reality like the rest of us Good job boyz....
  7. Totally agree 2lb leader Nice fish on the KP....Waita kill the skunk How many different colors is that thing ?
  8. I use fluoro mainly because it take more of a beating than mono...... Enough times I have landed fish , checked my 5lb Dennan and noticed its frayed up , but still holding.... It's more of a confidence issue for me when turning big fish, than anything.
  9. pick almost any beach on simcoe....timing timing timing
  10. sweet ride.... I love the new front end
  11. That's because our dumb _ _ _ released them as fingerlings at that boat launch... I have seen it and couldn't believe my eye's either
  12. What a Hog !!!! Must of been a blast to fight in that big pool...Nice job man Get Victor on some fish already !!! The poor guy looked like someone p1ssed in his hat on Saturday morning.... It's ok dude, the skunk will do that to ya..Trust me I know P.S. nothing is meener than BillM's halloween brown
  13. siiiiick .... big respect to you guys for locating those guys on the Lady
  14. I gotta get down there and give that a wirl.... They must crush your lure, those BROWNIES Beauty fish fo sho .... I wish they stayed that pretty when they come in the rivers
  15. I give you credit man.... I leaned out about 15lbs in the last 6 month to get ready for vacation , and that was hard enough..I can't imagine burning off 50lbs in 4 months...That's some crazy cardio !!! . It's not to difficult to gain mass, but to get big and stay lean was my hardest feat to reach and even harder to maintain.
  16. Nice fish Scott .... Water was probably almost gin by today, which must have made it tough... Good to see you got out and wet a line... LOL, the guys at tightlines @ the show on saturday were talking a bit of smack , when I asked if you were around... It's all good , they were giving u cheap shots cause you haven't been out much lately... See ya out there man
  17. Thanks guys... Fish didn't come easy on Sunday, with the 50 + guys down there all fighting for territory we did a ton of treking to find fish .... I'm glad Brady knows that river like the back of his hand, or I wouldn't of hit half the fish I did.... Brady your good c h i t dude !!!!
  18. SIC first pic and a nice clean freshy on the second one ... I have to come down and fish the big riva sometime soon
  19. Put in the time my friend..Simple as that. If you can, fish alongside some well seasoned steelheaders , this will speed up your success dramatically... detail, detail, detail. I'm talking in your rig, bait, and where your fishing....The biggest failure rate I see out there is come 10am and the fish have turned off, guys stop putting in the effort and would rather choose to fail and go home than stay on their game and work those fish until they hit your offering again.......When all else fails and your really fed up of getting skunked, take a drive down south of the border into NY where the fish are a lot more abundant and your hooking ratio is much greater than here along the north shore.... Not saying its less of a challenge in NY , but just that there are so many more fish, that it ups your odds even with the lack of experience.
  20. Nice job guys ..... Steel from the boat looks like a blast
  21. Nice Steelies HD...that first male is quite the hog !!! .... Today was a stellar day out there indeed. Good to see you got into some fish after that hit and miss with the boys....
  22. The boys and I met up with Kemper at a local haunt this morning come sunrise... As usual there were a few die hards that had bet us to the pool in the dark and were already in prime position on the pool... I shuffled my way down the hill and plugged myself in at the top of the pool next to Kemper... Arriving a good 15 mins prior , he already got his whipped by a big freshy and was trying to recover his grenaded rig... I knew this was a good sign of things to come. By the second drift I had a meen take down and BAM fish on.... It beat me up for a little, then spit the hook and mozzyed its way back into the deep pool... I looked at Brady as he laughed and we both retied our rigs as fast as humanly possible ... We got drifting again and not to long after I hit this solid male waaaay at the top of the pool. We fished a little while longer , then we agreed today was going to be a Run & Gun day and not 2 seconds later Brady ran up to the next hole... A whole 10 minutes later I get the phone call, LOL and I ran to that hole like a fat kid in a candy store... I walk into Brady battling yet another fish just in time to help him land it Sweet Hen..... not 5 drifts later he slams into this buck that whipped him up and down the entire pool... I sat back and laughed watching him get worked by this fish like a little school girl He finally landed him.... and the release Next up I slung a pinky in some slack at the front of the pool and not even 2 seconds after hitting the water this fresh smashed it .... Some great photography by Kemper on this angle SILVERSTREAK , Can I get some kind of kick back for this pic LOL PM me if you want it in high res or something. We just snapped the pick and its funny how everything fell in to place ... to the Riverwoods !!! By about 10:30 everything had been pounded pretty hard and the fish had become rather lock jaw .... We walked and fished every possible pool Kemper and I could think of but nothing was on .... We worked are way back down hoping that the fish would turn back on once again come high noon , and we were right... We ran into another little pod of fish that were game. This big hen really kicked my !!!! My current rod doesn't stand a chance on the big freshy's in the fast water, so it took a while to land her. the release Brady's only solution to not get his SST3 dirty ..I dunno how you balanced the rod with the crazy wind down there... I can't remember who took this pic but it came out mint... Seems as if quite a few of these little spunky guys have came in over the last week Awesome day on the water Bud... Throw up any other pics that we had on your camera.
  23. Nice fish boys, to bad about the water clarity.... Mike I almost yaked up my lunch when I saw the pic of that sugar lips Keep it up
  24. LOL I think I hit a few of the same fish last night ...Suprised you didn't pick up my 12Lbr from yesterday...
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