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Everything posted by jdmls

  1. LOL , can't believe you took a picture of the cocktail bar, baaahhaa.. FYI spot # two was pounding with brownies...Not to mention 500 more lead chucking wanna be fly fisherman. How'd u guys make out at the park ?
  2. Never left ...Been pounding fish since September, I just have given up writing the reports due to the bashing...
  3. LMAO ... dude, if you only knew the depths of where that fish lurks That ses pool is infamous for the rosey cheeks.. One from the same day down riva
  4. Leave those Zombie Tails alone ....
  5. River Rat + StoneFly = The perfect couple
  6. LMAO, Shimano took you for a run sending you the 2 power as a replacement. The 2 power I agree is best described as a wet noodle, but has its place in the lineup ... The 3 power is GOD's gift ..Ya you can get picky about the 11 Recoil guides or the fact that it has no hook keeper, but as far as a factory rod with lifetime warranty nothing touches the 3 power GLX .... FYI I am not here to argue with any of you IMX4LIFE gentleman, just clarifying that the 2 power is what it is (wet noodle) and not to get it confused with the totally different 3 Power GLX which is worth every penny ... As for the 1601 hmmmm ,ok I will leave that one for the other board
  7. nice fish dude .. I miss that lake
  8. Bottom fish worm balls on the notty at the provincial park that runs along the lower section ot the mouth of the river. BIG cats always in that lower section.
  9. I was out yesterday out of bewdley.... Hit 11 fish between 6-11am all on stick baits .... Get on those weed egdes !!!
  10. U R A PIMP
  11. Take a walk down the pier in the centre of the picture.... I stand corrected about the reserve. I just thought Indians, fee's, ect ....
  12. Just look to see what others are producing fish on... You are sure to not be alone if your fishing Fenlon Falls.... Minnows almost always out produce everything on the opener up there
  13. 3 OR 4 Rental joints in Bewdley on Rice ... Just drive down the main drag. One guy opens at 5am on weekends
  14. nice ....
  15. Kemper, pretty much hit in on the head...Initially on the hookset they react pretty violently but then subside to the equivalent of fighting a beach towel. They fight some what like a brown but with a little less juice...They really hurt the ego, LOL... Although on this system they have a mix of a few different coarse fish... the redhorse (I believe that's what they are called) fight significantly harder than the average carp or sucker...They seem to have larger fan style fins and tail which give them that extra jam... Defenitly not good on the shoulder after 4 or 5 hours of pinning
  16. Nice... I might have to make a trip out your way to pick em up before opener
  17. Got of to a late start and didn't hit the water until 7ish ..... My buddy Mark was first to suite up and shuffled his way to the first seam about 15ft away from the truck. The three of us laughed under our breath and threw cheap shots as we knew he didn't re-tie from his last trip , and would break off forsure on his first fish.. Not even half way down the seam, sure enough "FISH-ON , wooohhooo" dancing around as this droppie rifles him across the pool back and forth...so we waited for it aaand "SNAP"...The three off of burst into laughter, know rushing to get the rest of are gear and made our way down to the water..... Hilarious, and a sign of good thing to come.. I started off drifting some of my "plutonic" roe as a few of my friends call it, and a good 20 mins went by without a sniff.. My buddy in the backround retied a power worm that he hit his first fish on, and not 5 mins after FISHON as he nailed another bullet..... at this point I was starting to question the roe..."But there dropbacks"...."Dropbacks love roe !!!" Not two or three drifts later my buddy hits another one on plastics ... Still not a sniff on the golden roe After that fish , my two other buddies who swore to their spey rods today walked up river to the next set of pools... I bit the bullet and packed away the ROE , and tied on a shad colored power worm... Figures..... not 5 seconds after the float calks .... BAM, goes rocketing sideways ... First fish of the day I, slammed the hookset into this fair sized hen... She went balistic to say the least... Awesome fight on the new 1601 ... I wrestled her out of log jams up and down, back and fourth...Half way throught the fight , my shoulder is throbing, and I couldn't believe she was still running and breaking water ... Finally after almost falling in the drink off the bank, my buddy tailed her out ... close up She didn't like tha fact that I pulled her away from doin her thing LOL ..Quick pic and I sent her on her way After enough "I told you so's" from my buddy , I took a seat for a little and basked in the abiance..... That was until of course my buddy sent a drift down my way and I watched his float torpedo down , and this CHROMER skyrockets out of the water a good 2ft... " HOLY CRAP " , did you see that .... "wooohooo" as my buddy parades way at the top of the pool with his IM8 at full crunch to the cork... This football went banana's !!! a while later he finally tired it out and we snapped a quick pick... cleanest fish of the day, what a beauty. Once we figured out what they wanted, things got magical..... We went through 4 bags of power worms , and about 2 dozen jigs ... Colors didn't seem to matter .... Big and vibrant were the key Here's a few more highlights... The Getaway !! ... Came out pretty cool Some of the slower runs, we had to walk away from for the obvious ...They were wall to wall full of these guys. I had to snap a picture of this double header with mouths full of pink !!! So many of these little guys.. Great fighters, but they destroy the pinkies on impact ... My jig of the day ... I shed a tear when I broke it off in the wood. A stellar day of chrome for mid April, that will not soon be forgoten ...
  18. great pics and video... LOL @ lynn Swan Dropbacks are indeed some great fun thanks for the report
  19. LMAO... I see you have learned as well
  20. The drift boat looks like a blast... Great photo's as usual Mike Guessing the wife strapped you down for good Friday ?
  21. $100 ...looks like its time to upgrade
  22. Awesome day on the water dude.... Thanks for all the positive comments on the reel. It is quite photogenic I have been looking for a reel outside of the box for quite a while. Thank god for the new stick , I would have had no shot against that brute of a male with the St.Croix !!!I must say the 1601 has proven itself quite well in the last few outings, but this was its best match thus far.... Rat, sorry if my 1 picture posted at 11pm ruined your whole days fishing the next day The balmy 9C sunny weather couldn't of had anything to do with the crowds on thursday ... We had it to ourselves all day Wednesday. Sometimes it pays to stick it out in weather conditions.... Sinker, I use High vis cause I am as color blind as a 10 year old St.Bernard and I can't see regular mono if my life depended on it.... To tell you the truth, I don't like the way it looks on the reel at all. Scott, I just hope guys can appreciate a creek of that caliber, and practice C&R.... Thanks to all for the postive reply's Dave
  23. LOL ... he was youuur buddy .. What a tool
  24. jdmls

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