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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Ditto Ben's recommendation, have the same and have been happy with it.
  2. excellent
  3. Enjoyed the read, sorry to hear about the phone and congrats on getting the hang of catching Pike!
  4. Awesome Brian, was wondering how the job was going! Nice fish also
  5. Nice fish gents! Joe, the shirt...well, we could find you easy if we ever needed to, that makes it a good one lol
  6. Glad to hear you are OK Phil and that the little one is ok also.
  7. Beautiful pictures Joey! You are getting very good with your new camera. Sounds like you had a wonderful time
  8. Guess it would all depend on what was biting BESIDES the gators lol
  9. Ditto the advice from Slowpoke. Always an adventure with a nice pike, they love to run at you, go into relax mode or jump and spit
  10. WTG Mike!
  11. Good to see you getting out, always enjoy seeing the multi species you manage.
  12. Bly

    Mornin boyz

    Morning all, definitely a beautiful day. Maureen, sorry to hear about the tank, had it happen with my 30 many years ago...what a mess. HTHM, get that car fixed, the boat is ready to go lol
  13. Good on you for making the best of it even though it wasn't what you had planned and agree, any fish is better than a skunk
  14. Thanks John, I was guessing as much but figured it didn't hurt to ask the more experienced
  15. Good idea to take them with you, but they still squawk lol
  16. Bly

    Neat Video

    Cool TJ. I love seeing the underwater vids that you post, they answer many questions.
  17. Drifter, Art and Fish4eyes, thanks! I will definitely be moving the battery and replacing the wiring (#6).
  18. Peter, interesting you say this, the battery was in the front of the boat, I know where the new one is NOT going. Thanks!
  19. Thank you for the advice/tips, appreciate it as I am still a bit of a newbie to boat/marine maintenance. This battery is deep cycle, neither are used for starting. One is for running the fish finder, gps, 12v adapter etc and this one is dedicated to the bowmount. I agree that it is not required but was curious if it could be done.
  20. Pete, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Excellent day out, thanks for the Musky porn.
  21. Well then, Congratulations and champagne all around!!
  22. Looks as though I may need to replace one of the batteries in my boat, I am wondering what is a realistic life expectancy for a marine battery? Current battery is older than the warranty but less than 3 years (go figure lol) Anyway, just wondering if this is typical and what I can expect or should I be considering another brand. Another question...can I have 2 batteries set up with the motor to "trickle charge"? Thanks!
  23. Happy Birthday Roy! Hope the day has been everything you wanted
  24. Listening to the thunder as I type this and watching the flashes in the sky. Love to watch a good storm but not the damage they can do.
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