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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Cliff...I think you are being paged!!
  2. No worries there Brian! After all the work we put into that rink and the joy that it is bringing in return....I am not letting anyone mess it up lol
  3. No worries TJ.....we know you can't live without us for too long..that and if you were around too much it would ruin that wonderful elusive celebrity allure of yours!!
  4. This link might help.... The Waterville Gang If not then try this one...lists many children's shows for many decades TV Shows Bly
  5. Thanks for sharing Jen......how an you have a bad day boating in January!! Oh and the mudpuppy......when ALEX and I were kids, we did have a few as pets....lots of fun but our mother was not at all impressed! That chocolate looks wonderful, thanks for the tip!!
  6. Congratulations to Ryan on his first Pike! Thanks for the report Mike....sure beats sitting around the house cleaning Great Tweetie shots!
  7. If an item goes on sale within two weeks of purchase you can take your receipt in and they will credit you the difference. Happy ice fishing!
  8. Great way to start out the new year...Way to go Joey!!!
  9. drwxr... Here you go.. Hoax Slayer
  10. Not a nice day at all! Feel better soon!
  11. Umm Wayne.....I never said WHO wasn't going to catch fish (feeling inadequate are ya?) and I am fairly positive that Leah does what Leah wants regardless of what you think you have to say about it LOL
  12. This from the guy with no fishing reports
  13. Congrats to the winners! Now lets see some pictures wearing those shirts and with fish! Ok, maybe we will get 2 out of 3 pictures with fish...........
  14. Danimal, Niiiice!! Oh I wish the tribs in the area weren't already frozen....
  15. 2008?? Darn! I have been duped out of a year!!! Gotta love the internet.....
  16. Try this link for information on posting pictures to the forum.... How to post pictures and other stuff Again, welcome to the board!
  17. Welcome to the board Hawg Hunter.....look forward to your reports and pictures My condolences on the lose of your friend
  18. Congratulations Roger and family! Hard to beat a present like that!!
  19. Interesting additional information..... Car Barn
  20. Never fear Wayne, he gets told AT LEAST once a day!
  21. Not only did you NOT pick me up on the way, you ate all the fish! Nice job there Glen.....the scenery shots were a nice addition!
  22. Another excellent report Moose. Thank you for taking the time to write up all 3 and include pictures, just amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed the information and pictures you provided regarding Moose Factory, I know have a little better idea of the area. Congrats on achieving your fishing goals for this year! After your review last year, I did start a fishing journal but must admit that it is not nearly as impressive as yours, thanks for the idea Best of luck to you in the 2008 season!
  23. Sam, the site looks great and loaded fast! Like all the links and resources that you have included!!
  24. Welcome to the board Ramble on Thanks for putting that report together and sharing it....sounds like a very fun day and Dominique is well on h er way!
  25. You and the kids caught some nice fish this year! Gotta love those scrappy panfish that hit lures bigger than they are Best of luck to you in the ice season and next year!
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