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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Another fun read Sugarpacket , thanks! Like the "rules" and diagrams
  2. Best of luck to you and Slug......May the winds and the fish co-operate!
  3. You lucky Dawg! Nice fish and weather!! Thanks Glen
  4. Hey, long time no hear/see.....how ya been? Only available Thursday afternoon, but I am sure that someone will be happy to join you! bly
  5. Excellent report Gavin. I am happy to hear that you will still be participating on OFC, it would be an awful shame to lose you. I have enjoyed all of your reports over the past year and I look forward to reading more from you when you are back in England. Safe travels and thanks again for your contributions! Bly
  6. Sweeeet! Good for you Sam and Dave! Those are some beauts!! Ok, I am going to go and sulk now
  7. Awwww, now I miss my ferrets Nice pictures and it sure is cute but I would agree..do not grab it by the tail
  8. Cool shot and mostly true... October 5, 2004, a moose became entangled in under construction power lines in Pogo Mine Road leading to the Teck Pogo gold mine about 80 miles southest of Fairbanks, Alaska............... (ref. snopes)
  9. Cliff already posted a summary of the weekend, but since we didn't fish together on Saturday, I thought I'd write a quick report. (Actually, Slowpoke aka Brian, said it was my job....LOL). Most people woke up early to hit the waters for the walleye tournament, but we decided to take a more leisurely approach. At around 8am, Greencoachdog, douG, Slowpoke and I were chatting outside when we decided to get some breakfast before heading out. Slowpoke went to get Bassmastermike, but apparently his beauty sleep was more important than both fishing and eating!! LOL. He didn't even move when Slowpoke tried to wake him. The four of us went into town and had a great breakfast as Gus' just down the street. We got back to Merlands a little while later and Bassmastermike was awake and wandering around aimlessly. Slowpoke and I led him down to the docks and put him on the boat. We were on the water about 4 hours after many others started the tournament!! Here's a few pics of our time out there.... Slowpoke and I. Bassmastermike looking well rested. Slowpoke and the classic TJ pose....it's really catching on!!! Anyhow, we set up the planer boards and trolled and trolled and trolled. Finally at around 11:30am Slowpoke lands a nice walleye. His personal best at 9lbs 6oz and 28.25 inches!!! Way to go Brian!!! Just after he released it, I asked him what his personal best was. He looks sheepishly at the water and points and says "That was just it." LOL. Anyhow, I just want to thank Brian for a GREAT day out on the water and for teaching me how to set up and use planer boards. I really had a great time and would fish with him any time. Ok, you too Mike lol
  10. cool TJ! My little split screen setup is humbled by you lol
  11. Beautiful pictures Mike.....really enjoyed them and the report...awesome to have days like that!
  12. Does this include bathing as well??
  13. When I spoke to him, he mentioned that Merland's was supposed to be holding a room for him tonight. If there's a mixup, then he knows he can head back to our place for the night.
  14. Just spoke with Glen as he was passing through.... Said it has been brutal being in his truck for 2 days but all is well and he should be at Merland's soon Might be making at stop at Carra Outdoors on his way
  15. Welcome to the board and yes, we do like our fish porn! Great pics.
  16. Nice fishin! Thanks for sharing the report and pics...Chris, congrats on the new PB!
  17. WTG Joey! Nice looking skis! Congrats on getting to slime the new net! Maybe next time Paul
  18. Zib, Looks like you are getting some good advice and you have some great waters in Michigan to try out whatever you buy. I am not sure if this option is available in the size fishing rod you are looking at but a nice feature of the float rod I bought......I can use either a spinning reel or a centerpin. Nice option for when you are first starting out and think that you may want to change to a centerpin later. Oh and Cliff......I think "insanely jealous" is a bit strong! LOL
  19. Welcome to the board! I see that you have figured out the avatar settings....beauty fish!!!
  20. Thanks for that Wayne! Bad enough that it is cold and the winds are brutal AND there will be no fishing for me today..HE has to go and talk about snow.
  21. As a female angler on this board, I have had the pleasure of Gerritt's company on several occasions, including fishing on his boat, and I took NO offense what-so-ever in his comment. He's a great guy, very considerate and willing to drop whatever he's working on to help out a friend....male or female.
  22. Sounds like you had a lot of fun...congrats on the good day and thanks for the fish porn! Love the results you get with that sabiki!
  23. Bly


    Welcome to the board Chris
  24. Welcome to the board! Great introduction....looking forward to getting to know you and reading more of your reports Happy Halloween!
  25. All in good time, my little pretty, all in good time.....
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