Cliff already posted a summary of the weekend, but since we didn't fish together on Saturday, I thought I'd write a quick report. (Actually, Slowpoke aka Brian, said it was my job....LOL).
Most people woke up early to hit the waters for the walleye tournament, but we decided to take a more leisurely approach. At around 8am, Greencoachdog, douG, Slowpoke and I were chatting outside when we decided to get some breakfast before heading out. Slowpoke went to get Bassmastermike, but apparently his beauty sleep was more important than both fishing and eating!! LOL. He didn't even move when Slowpoke tried to wake him.
The four of us went into town and had a great breakfast as Gus' just down the street.
We got back to Merlands a little while later and Bassmastermike was awake and wandering around aimlessly. Slowpoke and I led him down to the docks and put him on the boat. We were on the water about 4 hours after many others started the tournament!!
Here's a few pics of our time out there....
Slowpoke and I.
Bassmastermike looking well rested.
Slowpoke and the classic TJ's really catching on!!!
Anyhow, we set up the planer boards and trolled and trolled and trolled. Finally at around 11:30am Slowpoke lands a nice walleye. His personal best at 9lbs 6oz and 28.25 inches!!! Way to go Brian!!!
Just after he released it, I asked him what his personal best was. He looks sheepishly at the water and points and says "That was just it." LOL.
Anyhow, I just want to thank Brian for a GREAT day out on the water and for teaching me how to set up and use planer boards. I really had a great time and would fish with him any time. Ok, you too Mike lol