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Everything posted by brickNblock

  1. Awesome Lew........................awesome. That new box of yours just relieved a large headache for me as to where to put all the Boo-tails. At best, storage is right out front of you on your wind screen, at least to manage better drying for the Boo. Storage + Drying..............= Priceless You know I have more Bootails then I need and this is just what the doc..(Lew), ordered........ I'll have a system in place similar when we meet up this comming fall....(w/eddyk), should-a had a patent on it....you'll know it soon as you see it Bud. Again Lew.........very awesome idea....that box of your'n will keep them tails from flying off your screen into your face and at the very least and even more important..('cuz you can always duck them flying).........is that they'll be ready to use just when you want them..niceNdry...........WTG Lew......WTG
  2. CCMT, hey there Bud.....and the missus! Ive not done the accupuncture but the3 other that w\as already mentioned. Every week since '04 I recieve 18-24 trigger point injections into my left shoulder and a further 6-8 nerve block (Epidural spinal-steroid) injections for the Sciatica per visit. You dont get his type of therapy unless you truly require it. Approx/. once a month I couple it up with Cortizone in the same areas...... This type of treatment is not for folk in pain..it is for the chronic pain impaired folk...it is not for a nagging a problem. Most folk who recieve these shots are in-operable......... IE: I have several problems with my shoulder area....... Bursitus, Arthritus and Tendonitus to start..........Bone spurs in my Rotaor Cuff which cannot be reached.......next, my left shoulder is all made of surgical-stainless steel...........including my collarbone...behind this at the susparitus tendon..Well, it's Torn...cant reach it without removing all the steel...problem is.....bone and marrow degeneration has set in also which is common in advanced injury......kinda like 'Rot'..or 'Mold'..it doest go away......Only gets worse or 'Deteriorrates' Injections is all there is at this time..............Ive visisted just about every chronic pain clinic there is these past few years. I could have my shoulder operated on to repair the tendon...but with the degeneration..it wouldnt heal the way it should..so this type of therapy is mandatory. I freaking hate these needles every week...but it removes the pain and it it is only temporary...........So, What do you do............well, cant raise my arm enough to brush my teeth in the morning or even steer the truck without the meds on the side. Lets see,......... 15mg Morphine at sunrise, injected at source. 20mg oxycontin........................x3daily twice, (2) Tylenol 3...................x3 daily and, 36-48 Trigger point injections a week and 8-16 spinal nerve blocks/week. I have cut down on the meds..........it was more severe about a year ago....but the injections...couldnt do anything without them...I'd have no mobility at all. I DONT BELIEVE IN DRUGS AND ARE DEAD SET AGAINST THEM AND THEIR USE................but, thank the good lord that something is avaialble................ Once you hit 40 everyone experiences pain in their back area,, facets, disc's etc.....but when there is actual damage from injury caused it becomes somewhat more complicated. I laugh when I hear someone say there back is sore.............most folk it is sore from lack of use or poor abdominal muscles............not the case here...I was a brickNstone mason for 34 years and my body was tough as it gets..exellent shape. These last 4 years have been tough physically and mentally when you see your muscle dissapear..............You could cry, the pain is what it's all about.........How the freak do we rid ourselvle of it. Ive gone 2 months without meds or needles to see if there was anything different to the routine.................. Well, Had to leave my place of employment........lost all use of my left arm.....and waklked with a cane for near 3 weeks......................Until, the meds and needles took effect again. Pain is relative and can be brutal.......I studied martial arts for most of my life and also from being in a tuff trade Ive learned to put pain aside when I need too. The type of pain that requirez you to go for njections multi-weekly.is crippling and does not get better. It is for soothing the situation only. I feel for anyone who has to go through this...it is for life as there is no operation/thereapy that can rid your body of this. I still work my butt off each day as it is routine to do so and my body has alwauys been tuff...it is treuly disheartening to admit/feel this defeat...but pain relief is must ......it is all temporary Lazor treatments..tried them all..........some folk are just stuck with what they have. The last large muskullunge I brought in...........made me bedside for near a week and I couldnt possibly work for about 2 weeks.....This is what brings tears to your eyes. Needles and drugs/drugsNneedles.............=WSIB for life =early retirement. Not how I envisioned my life at all.............. It's what I got tho.......... AINT COMPLAINING FOLK..i GIVE IT EVERY DAY...........everyday...Im a guy who loves life just like the rest of you. Here's to hoping that most of you never go through what the recipients of these needles must go through as a part of their lives........Seriously! I am relatively pain free for the most part save the spasmns at night................and I still work whenever I can.........but Not be able to fish...................Cant even begin to fathom that thought. I'm OK............I'm on drugs...right! Thank the good lord or whom ebver else looks after us. for that. Said too much now.........Gotta leave room for others........... Hate needles/Love to Fish,,,,,,,,,,,,cant fish without the needles so here we go again. BTW, I do my Physiotherapy every morning and have done so since the injury.........Ive still a sicx pack gut...but Im losing my bulk of muscle I spent my whole lfe developing and that hurts............BUT I have a smile on my face, love my wife and kids....love to fish and work when I want to cuz Im good at it............and will get through the next stage of my life............. Retirement and fishing llunge............. be safe out there folk..............and Let 'em all Go!
  3. I dont mind helping you out with this at all Bud! Little Lake, Barrie....just off Duckworth Street is great fun at first ice. Was always my fav first ice spot......... Sure the Pike are little snot rockets but they are a ton of fun...'specially if you run into the ones about 5-6lbs........RunNGun is the way to go! Dont know much about the perch,bluegills and crappie but the pike were plentiful..... We'd use a bell sinkler right on the bottom with a treb tied about 6" up tipped with a minnow. From the launch..walk straight out near 100yds and your most likely in the deepest part of the lake at 2meters....put your holes towards the south and east from there in a grid pattern about 15' apart and sit back and enjoy all your tip-ups and stands getting hit. Tip-ups are the best because they set the hook for you where , when toothy guy hits, you must have patience to let him run before you set the hook. Watch out for the looney tune snowmachine idiots...they have the ice track there for the racing and they dont give 2 hoots about folk fishing. Very shallow lake............Iv eheard that the slabs and other panfsh are to the south of this location approx., 1/4 mile. Have a blast Bud..........we always did. pete
  4. Dont have any real info for you...but any lake up that way should be exellent fishing. Darrly Chronzy has done several shoots for his show on Eagle Lake targeting Walleye (pickeral) and they seem to be plentiful and all were fished with just jig heads and twister tails. The FAN540 sports radio show just gave out a prize last week to some lucky 'dawg to go there too for an all expense paid trip...was that you ?
  5. Picked up the Farmers Almanac today for the year 2007. Ive never been a believer in this type of forecasting yet I call my self an outdoorsman , there fore naturally this info should be self and naturally imbedded. Tidbit for all ya out there..if planning a fishing outing this comming year this is what it looks like,,,,,,,,, Best Fishing Dates........ Jan 18- Feb 2 Feb 17-Mar 3 Mar 18-Ap 2 Ap 17 May 2 May 16 May 31 June 14-june 30 Jul 14 Jul 29 Aug 12-28 Sept 11-26 Oct 11-26 Nov 9-24 Power fishing to all..................................... pete
  6. Well Weeds, You say you picked up the ...exellent choice of rods BTW at a steal... No point in cheaping out on the reel then, specially if your wanting to be lunging... Im a leftie too... calcutta TSE 401 Abu 6501 ...........the Abu I use for trolling only because I love the Calcutta....but Shimano also puts out a version of the Calcutta which I also have and it is the Catella..it was my first 'ski reel and has a 5:1 ratio..its exellent for burning B-tails and also good for the body baits....... I'd say go for the Abu...it a fair price for proven quality at a decent price....... in the end, you only get what you pay for. Make sure you dont cheap out on the line or leader/snaps.......it wouldnt make any difference to what reel or rod you have if you've sub-par quality terminal gear. If your targeting lunge......... Please, release equipment and a quaility net. My 2cents.............pete
  7. Well, Fav. Genre................Anything instrumentally great Blues/Sothern Rock/Jazz/Classic Metal/Bluegrass Fav Band...................Too tuff to say. The Experience with Jimmy Stevie Ray CCR Most underated (Talented Band)...the Mothers of Invention w/Zappa .....Johnny Winter
  8. Roy, when I ice fish....its with the wife, wife an Kids or buddies, I dont go alone...... Ive had a blast out on the ice with any of the above and I find its a chance to gaurantee fish for the kids. Completely opposite to being on the soft water tho...I'd go solo anytime. I love the way you think Bud......it doesnt sound right at all does it! I too have worked outside all my life and one would think you would rather be inside relaxing whenever the chance came....Uh uhhhhh!!!!!
  9. Hey Boss..... Your order is a good one. Pay attention to the size of body beads you order tho... If from Luremaking.com.....some beads do not fit the .051 Like Mepps, I hand bend mine too...and it hurts with just an assortment of pliers. Out2llunge told me you can have one made up at a metal specialty shop or anywhere they have a jig. I have not found one available anywhere, tried all the goto places in the States with no success...if you locate one please let me know for sure.
  10. Awesome news Chuck....awesome!!!!! Take your time with the physio........and do it right..the whole program Ive rushed it before only to have the injury come back and bite me in the butt years later...so enjoy your time off and do some fishing whenever you can. That was a terrific offer you threw out on the board....wish I could take you up on it. pete
  11. So it's Ron is it............ peter here. You have a PM BTW. Thankyou for the report..........I had read earlier where someone on this board here actually said the ice was comming along nicely........ Geeeeeeeeeeeze, I was at the bank this past weekend, the TD on the corner by the marina park and saw fellas out there trolling in their boats right at the mouth of the Trent at the BOQ Forget about going out...if like Simcoe at all...never mind Cook Bay..it'll be 2-1/2 - 3 weeks of good -15c weather before it will be safe.......and then some...even last year at Simcoe the pressure cracks gave you the chills when they creaked about every 5min or so......you just never know. Your posting about these cons are required and very much appreciated....thanks Ron pete
  12. Hey Lew......... I'm 100% behind you on this one. Not like I've been to so many of these shows to post opinion but I will...... With the kids..the younger ones anyway...showing such avid interest in water everything...they get pissed if they dont get to attend just such events and the fishing/sportsman shows.... By the time you get through the parking as you said.......then the entrance fee........kiddos have to eat while there.....and for sure they have to buy just one....just one donation/charity thingee......family of four.....$100. Im keeping my mouth shut this year about when these shows are comming....and only going with older sons who have jobs or brothers in the same position..........I'll pay for dear ole dad an thats it...........Thats it. Thanks for the rant thread Bud.........pete
  13. WoW Dougie........... WTG!!!!!!!!!! Yessireee..that indeed is a outing of a lifetime. I'm finding myself drooling over this one for sure. Please send us plenty of pics and a great story of your adventure. Thats what I call a vacation...........cool Bud!
  14. Anyone catch the show tonight. Awesome it was..... Willie w/........... Toby Keith Leanne Womac Merle Haggard Al......(the reverend of soul) Bob Dylan Joe Walsh Carol(the tapestry gal) and Keith Richards........... If anyone picks up on this I'd sure like to know where to grab a CD of the music that went down tonight.
  15. Thanks Ron......... I've read something else not similar to your report, but I'll go with yours. I saw first hand this morning in town and it looked wide open. Havent gotten to your place yet...but we're planning on it.........just moved to Frankford this past December. It's deffinitely exellent to get an informed opinion who's right where the action is and knows the area such as yourself. Ron, shoot me a PM and lets arrange a GTG sometime soon. .pete
  16. All you guys are right on............ Sam most certainly indeed goes out of his way for ..or to create great business. This is exactly why I sought him out...not just because of this quality he has...but to increase his own business he truly makes you feel comfortable and advice is there only..when asked for. Carra sports...not taking anything away from my fav spots...is stocked with only what you really need. OK...dont want to come off as a promoter...I've my regular tackle shop in Pickering...and I dont mind to travel to Tightlines at all..........For things other then fishing..as, hunting...they've got it..but it is the backup to it that complements...Classes to gain license and such.......visists to the rifle range... Whata guy is all I'm saying...............Whata guy. Hats off to ya Sam Glad your an active member here...........at OFC pete
  17. Hey folks........ Dropped by to see Sam today at Carra Outdoor Sports for the first time since his move. He says he has much more product to come in...But, his store already has everything you could ever need for both fishing and hunting...and of the selections, they are all quality products and are ones all would need. We spoke a little about the ice cons at BOQ and the new gear he has in for the ice....mostly we spoke of hunting tho. Seems this area is known as the Wild Turkey Capital of Ontario........Literally hundreds on your lawn durring the season..so Im getting my youngest involved and Sam..the ever great giver..came through with details on gun registry, seminars/classes and check this out......... He has invited us to the Frankford Fish & Game club this Saturday and said he'll bring along extrra guns for us at the rifle range.......... OooooooooooBaby..this F & G club is the first street on the left south of my driveway....We're going to enjoy living here. My youngest is estatic about the upcomming ice fishing and then the Hunting seminars we'll be attending. My thanks to a great guy...Sam, for all his help........Only knew him from his help with the Tyler GTG. Its great being a member of this community....truly.
  18. Hey there Duber.... Went to town this morning..to do some banking.. ...the TD at the bridge in Trenton at the mouth of the BOQ Saw ice covering the mouth of the river and north...but the Bay looked open. I havent fished the BOQ in winter, so I dont know how long it takes at all for good ice..But, I did drop into see Sam at Carra Outdoors in Belleville about some hunting gear and he told me it would be at least 2 weeks more with these frigid cons. If your regular down this way....PM me and let me know when you think any areas might be safe enuff...just up the street!
  19. Thanks again folks....... Paul..... YouNJoey are welcome anytime Bud...I aint worried about your 10 man tent either......unless of coarse its filled with 10 of your buds from work... Eddyk...looking forward to seeing you an your Bro this season..just a little north of here.... Wayne........ Thanks Pal........thanks! PT..... you bet man...aint nothing like casting off your own dock for lunge, I'm sure I'll have to venture out a little for the trolling lanes tho. Bill.. Also looking forward to seeing you down these parts this comming season........you know you are welcome. A B-BQ is exactly what we've got in mind at some point this year.....most likely around October...and there will be room for camping. We're not even close to living the dream yet...but it is another step towards it. I've known many a waterfront owner...and it is work for the upkeep...Just the same, we keep slapping our faces every morning looking in disbelief at the view and the journey we travelled to get here. It'll be alright......I'll make sure of it.
  20. Added a few more pics........ Thanks for the replies folk. Art.... We opted for the dark curtains instead...ahahaha Joey....... Yes...it is quite the view Roy....... We'd sure feel dissed if you didnt make it down this comming season......There will be room for extra labourers when I put on the new addition..... ..even if I couldnt make it up to Boucherville last year.
  21. We are still stepping over boxes and things....but were all moved in. Just wanted to share a few scenerey shots taken from the back deck looking north, south and west. Each day I look out the window, I fantasize about the comming summer season. Along with the dock..we also have a concrete launch ramp. There are campgrounds about 1/4 mile to the south of us that are free of charge for stays up to 3 days. I keep dreaming of the fishing I'll be doing but Charmaine has filled my todo list on the house once the warmer weather arrives.........She cant watch me all the time!!!
  22. a..hahahaha!!!!! New Computer...Dial-up....New DigiCam....too cold, sun was in my eyes.......I was called to dinner. Going to try this again.........
  23. just a test!
  24. Nice Intro Dave. It'll be a pleasure to check out your posts....... I'm not in the ranks of danC(brookie) and Scotty(steelie) fishing.....even after 30 some odd years of fishing the streamsNrivers, but it is still my first love of angling. Theres just something fantastic about these acrobatic, tuff, headshaking stream fish thats uncomparable.....their shear size in just inches of water at times.......awesome. .......looking forward to your reports Dave.
  25. Thanks for the inside track on the cons out your way folks. I went into semi-retirement last October and just this past week was asked to give a guy I know a hand completing the brick/stone on his house starting today.......out in Markham. Will not be making the drive at all........Not a chance. It starts to look a little better come wednesday according to the WN on the 'puter. For those who do drive today........have your wits about you please...it's not just your driving but the idiots near you who forget how to drive these cons, That, I find, the biggest problem.
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