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Everything posted by shimano19

  1. can anyone relate to some of his findings? Mostly curious to hear about finding fish in shallow cold water here in southern Ontario Muskie lakes.
  2. Nice man. Good start to the season! Should be a good one
  3. Here's a few
  4. Always wanted to fly fish them, haven't got around to it yet. I usually fish them in the pin.
  5. Awesome video and a nice bag of fish. Good work
  6. After seeing a good friend of mine (Fisherpete) fill the forum with awesome reports it inspired me to jump back on the board and do some posting. I'll start it the winter and spring steelhead. The winter fishing was fantastic, couldn't ask for nicer days on the bank. My Christmas Eve and Christmas Day morning consisted of drifting floats down the river than rushing home to beat the company to my door. The fishing was fast and furious and we were the only ones out there. Both mornings we banked 30-40 steelhead between our group of 3. spring came and so did the steelhead. Locating fish was hard at times but once you found them they were egar to eat. Now comes the 4th sat in April, the rivers are open and free to roam. We get the group together pack the camper and set out for a weekend on the bank. This usually consists of lots of laughs, beers, bonfires and crazy bbqs. This opener did not disappoint, between the group we landed over 100 fish and had many areas of the river to Ourselfs.
  7. Me and my brother were planning on carp fishing on the Saturday then I recieved a message from Fisherpete saying he was doing the same so we decided to meet up. Me and my brother fish them on 13' float rods and a centerpin so it was a whole different battle for Andrew and Pete. My home made boillies and the monster carp ones seemed to be getting them to eat. We got a good number of fish and it made a fun day. Thanks again pete for the invite and awesome breakfast haha.
  8. Putting in work as always! Good stuff buddy
  9. Axe and portable solar panel to charge portable fish finder. Found both very helpful on my trips
  10. Awesome report as always, love reading the gar posts. Good stuff!!
  11. That's the first thing I though of was a pike since this laker came out of 25fow. It looks pretty fresh to
  12. I caught one with the top of the tail missing 2 ice seasons ago, was wondering myself what could have caused it
  13. Thanks for the info guys, wanted to hear everyone's insight. It planes perfect with 2 guys but 3 is a bit harder. I'm sure it's just a weight issue now as Its hitting its max rpm and getting to 30mph.
  14. WOT is 6000 while on plane, when it's trying to get on plane with 3 people it will sit at 4000rpm and will randomly start climbing and hit 6000rpm. Boat planes quick and fine with 2 people. Cav plate sits level to bottom of boat. I've read of a lot of people having this issue. I think it's just a weight issue since it's good with 2 people. Was just wondering on everyone's insight
  15. Max 75 Prop is 11 3/4 diameter pitch is 12
  16. Will check that as soon as I'm home
  17. Haha sorry was typing in a rush at work, I'll edit it
  18. it's a 16' smokercraft pro angler xl with 60hp 4 stroke merc efi
  19. I have a 2008 merc 60hp efi 4 stroke and sometimes I have an issue getting it to plane With 3 people in the boat. It's on a 16' smokercraft pro angler XL rated for max 75hp. I have the motor trimmed all the way down, and at WOT it will sit at 4000rpm no matter how much I trim up, eventually after about a half km the rpms will increase, get on plane and will hit 6000rpm. I have switched the factory prop from a 13 pitch to a 12 pitch and have a hydrofoil on the outboard. The motor runs very smooth and always starts first shot. Could there be any issues with it or is this just how it is with 3 guys? Thanks
  20. Nice! Is there a link? I went on cabelas.ca and only saw them for 299
  21. Awesome report, I'm always wanted to try this. Might have to get some of the guys together! How did you plan the portage? Is there maps and such. Pm me if you could. Thanks
  22. I have one that's practically brand new that I'm looking to sell. How do the measurements work. Not really sure how to advertise the specs
  23. Wondering where all the musky guys buy there trebles from? Size 3/0 to 8/0. I've looked around local stores and they have a few sizes but not everything I need. Also what brand do you prefer.
  24. Do you know who will be selling them again
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