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Luke V.

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Everything posted by Luke V.

  1. Thanks for the comments. Sinclair HDR?
  2. Well I got out on Friday afternoon. Was a great day. Somewhat cool, overcast with periods of sun, light wind. Perfect conditions. Loaded up and was on the water for 1:15 Went to my normal locations on the Lower Niagara River and the fishing was great. The bass are certainly in feeding mode, and are fattening up nicely for the winter. My buddy Matt came along with me, Unfortunately for him there was nothing he could do to boat a bass. It took over 5 hrs, for him to boat a fish and it wasnt a bass. This is the first Pike I have ever had caught in my boat while on the Lower River. (maybe the are making a comeback) I have seen one other one that was caught two weekends ago from the same area and thats all for this year. Bass for me were on fire, in all shapes and sizes Heres an interesting action shot Then just as the evening was coming to a close I boated a Monster. This is by far my PB 21 inches and thick! Heres a few pics. Cool Release shot Thanks for looking. Tight Lines
  3. We have a 3000W generator for our fifth wheel. With my mom being sensitive to the heat, she has spent some days while camping inside with the ac on, and watching a movie or tv. Haven't had an issue. Used the genny to do that plus charge boat battery at same time. Only thing is the tv is only a 20 inch flat screen
  4. I have a cheapo buzz box from PA. It's nothing compared to my Hobart handler 210. Like others have said. U don't want to use stick for sheetmetal/body work. You'll be ok welding up to 1/8 with a 110 unit. Going with a fluxcore wire will help a bit with penetration, but it's not as pretty. For body work I use 023 wire and 75/25 gas. Everything else is on the bigger machine. 035 wire and 75/25 gas. U don't need a name brand machine to do little odd jobs. But if you expect it to last dont go cheap. Miller is the best on the market, but buy a Hobart. Made by miller basically the same machines.
  5. Thanks for the replys
  6. Well I got out for a quick fish last night. Man does it get dark early, need to invest in some lights for da boat. I was out on the Lower River from 430-730. All in all was a great time. By far my most productive outing in terms of size. The smallies are all mixed up tho. Some out of 28 FOW and some from 10-13. In total I caught only 4 fish, but they were from 17-19.5 inches in length. Fish was a great fight, couple of amazing jumps, and pulled the drag like no other fish this year. Solo fish, so not the best pics. For size reference, my net is 19.5 inches at its widest point. First fish of the night Couple of friends, they followed me almost 1 KM down the shore line, My new PB in the net Another pic of my PB Hope u enjoy On a side note, I trolled around for the last hour or so, looking for a Salmon to hit my spoon. Kinda new at this, any tips would be awesome.
  7. I got the compre spinnerbait road. Works great no complaints. Have the compre crankbait rod works awesome. But both of these are the mh extra fast. Grimsby Tackle is a great store
  8. Very impressive report. Was a great read. Epic on so many levels. Thanks for taking the time.
  9. Im on the upper French right now till Sunday. Bass are biting the Walters are avoiding but that will change tomorrow
  10. lol if the salmon are eating the bass they will be massive. There are some large kings that are dead on the shore. The birds have been getting good meals out of them the past week and a half.
  11. Got out again last night for a few hrs. Manages some better numbers.
  12. All I will say is there is evidence of them being in the river washing up on shore daily. (this should answer your question)
  13. I'll be there one week today for three days! I look forward to your report. I hope I can gather enough pic to get a good report of my own Tight lines
  14. Im with Musky Hunter, PTL Jp Hammershads! Owner hooks and pencil weights.
  15. Was a great show! I really enjoyed it
  16. Hey mark! Long time not seeing you! Yesterday the north wind had the bar rolling nicely. In sure they were active on the bar, however our 14' tinner isn't up for that
  17. Thanks!
  18. Chris, Thing is the bar has been dead lately, Living 10 mins from Queenston is the cats meow! All the smallies are in the river!
  19. Headed out this morning at 6. Launch at 7 on the Upper Niagara river. Fished for 3 hours with out catching anything. Seemed like everything was on lock jaw. Decided to pack it in and head to the lower river. Was a really good decision. Launched at Queenston at 11am off by 2:30. Boated 10-12 smallies. Most around the 14" mark. Great time on the water Ill let the pics do the talking Thanks for looking
  20. HECK YES!!! Id be back there every morning and evening!!! Way to go on the PB
  21. I have a good system down. Do the same routine everytime I launch the boat. Doesnt matter where I launch. Might only be a 14 fotter by I like to take care of my gear. My Routine is as follows. Undo lights, Undo transom saver, undo gunnel strap, tie on bumpers (dependant on dock side), Tie on ropes(one on the stern, one just befroe the bow), Unhook safety chain and winch, Put the plug in. The I do a ounce around the make sure I have all my safety/fishing gear. Back up to the ramp and stop just as the stern is in the water. If I am alone, walk onto the dock use the ropes to slide off the boat and tie it up. If I am with someone else, the grab the ropes and I push from the bow. I have never been to or seen a ramp that the boat may slide of the trailer early. If I had a roller trailer that would be a different story. Keeping a routine makes the proccess efficent and ensures that somethings dont get forgotten. (like putting the plug in) Retrieving is very much the same, line the boat up with the bunks. Walk the winch line out, hook on and pull it on. My feet never get wet, I have attached a 2"x10" plank from the tounge of the trailer right to the end. (one of the best things I have done to the boat)
  22. Does the mounting harware for the hitch come with? If not you have to purchase it eating up some of your savings. You also have to consider how/where the hitch is mounted on the frame. Some styles use existing fasteners/bolts. Being an 03 some of these bolts could be a bit of a hassel to get out. Not to sure on the windstar how it is mounted though.
  23. Looks like a great morning out on Lake O. Great looking fish.
  24. Thanks for posting this! Saved, printed and laminated ready for my tackle bag
  25. I agreed 100%. For a bumper pull hitch they are your best bet. Clean install and they have the proper accesories.
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