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Luke V.

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Everything posted by Luke V.

  1. Brent and kiosk are both great choices! You will not be disappointed!!
  2. Do you desire the full sensitivity of tungsten weights but can't afford their hefty price tag? Well look no further!! I am introducing to you my own bullet weights! These are precision CNC machined from solid steel round bar. Made to within 0.005" Accurate to .05oz Fully deburred to ensure Zero line cuts Powder painted to protect from any rust or corrosion. Currently I am offering two different sizes. 1/2 oz and 3/8 oz With interest larger or smaller sizes are availible. Perfect for any tournament angler who's looking to bag that last lunker to get the top prize! Please Pm me for more details and pricing Thanks Luke
  3. I don't Mind catching these But I wanna be catching more of these
  4. I heard it was going to be close But that's crazy close Would have been devastating if it held together and hit the earth
  5. The best way to eliminate the corrosion from happening again is to use an isolated gasket. It's a piece of plastic that sits between the kleet and the rail Also switch to aluminum bolts Aluminum is less noble than stainless and will corrode as the boat ages. In fact most aluminums corrode with exposure to just air. Boats/ships that go in the ocean all have sacrificial anodes on them. (Something made from the least noble materials) anodes are replaced every few years and this prevents the rest of the vessel from corroding.
  6. I got no idea on spots to fish But as Roy said, huge thanks to your bro for protecting our rights as Canadians and serving!!
  7. Sign this petition please www.bassmaster.com/news/sign-petition-keep-soft-baits-legal
  8. iphone 6.0.1 has been fixed. install 6.1.1
  9. What we do is use cards List the boaters and non boaters Give each boater 1,2,3... And each non boater 1,2,3,.... Then we write 1-total number of pairs on two decks on cards Shuffle each deck. Then flip cards for the pairs If u keep records for every pairing it's easy to check who has been paired together before
  10. Just finished plowing my commercial lots. 7 in total Took me 8 hrs and all I did was make path ways and clean the entrances. Close to 14"s here in niagara and still coming
  11. It surprisingly will fit in many trunks of various cars Little cardboard on the back seat.... Edit: I'm not sure how logistics plays into hearing it run....
  12. My uncle has that exact motor on his Lund. Runs great. Has only ever done regular maintenance. In the pics it looks mint The stand it is on looks like it could be run. Ask him if he can put a garbage can under the motor fill with water. And see how it runs.
  13. After some reading and research, there are some manufacures who make biodegradeable baits already. I can not find prices to compare however. They seem to be a special order item. I am all for biodegradable. If it means more fish will survive, or have a healthier life then thats fine with me. (No i dont support P3TA) but I do like the fish I release to have a better chance of growing bigger! If it means that the baits that get snagged and broke off esentially dissapear this could be a good thing. Cost will ultimately be the biggest factor. If someone were to comeup with a product that wasnt plastic based, fiar priced and was biodegradable in a few weeks i think it would be a winner
  14. Give this a read. Scary to think they might ban plastics http://www.bassmaster.com/news/soft-plastics-banned
  15. Awesome footage! Thanks for posting it
  16. I enjoy the sportsman show. Not there to et a huge deal or save tons of money. I go because i can see new products and the next best lure. Plus it's lots of fun to drool over all the tackle and gear
  17. That still beats waking up and looking out the window, and still seeing the grass. I wish our winter down here was like yours , or half as yours.
  18. What lake Gibson are you talking about?
  19. Thanks for everyone's replys. I ended up grabbing the Quantum off of Court R. Good deal and a decent reel. Threw some 65# power pro on it yesterday. Tested it out in the garage for an hour or so. Seems like it will work really good
  20. Thanks for the tips about the line Harrison!
  21. Thanks for all of the replies everyone. Ah_long, brings up another great point. The gears will see a high amount of shear stress on the teeth, leading me towards a reel with better material for the gear set. From all of the posts about drag, and drag pressure its leading me away from need a high drag pressure for this. I would love to be able to put a chronarch on the rod. New ones are too much for what I am willing to spend, finding a used one isnt the easiest as people like to hold onto good gear. Lighter weight will make a difference after a long day and making a couple 100 casts/pitches. Ballance will also play a large roll in the reel I choose. Once I get the rod, we will see what reel I end up choosing.
  22. You bring up a very good point. Yes there are bigger fish in the areas that I fish in. However running into one or two would not be a deciding factor for my reel choice. No I don't live in an area where there are bass even close to 15 lbs. but it was just a compassion. I don't muscle my fish to the boat. I tend to play them out and let them come to me. How ever fighting fish in heavy cover, around docks, pilings, etc it seems to me that the goal is to get the fish away from the cover as quickly as possible. So if it has a higher drag, it won't be able to pull any line, and if I were hauling a big clump of weed with it I would not be under powered.
  23. Moxie The sx is on my list of reels to look for
  24. I will be keeping my eyes open in the classifieds for a used reel. I am not afraid of buying used. The title should have read New To Me reel advice.
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