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Everything posted by grt1

  1. since your in fort frances, there has to be someone who works on plane floats. here in red lake, I took a couple of boats to our local seaplane base to re do all my loose rivets. since yours is a cresliner it is probably all welded ,right? the folks who work on floats may be very familiar with taking dings out of aluminum. check them out
  2. you can spend lots or not so much, I got an eagle cuda 240 that is a dual unit but you can't run the gps and the depth chart at the same time. you have to change pages in order to get one or the other. If you want economy, try the eagle units
  3. I kept getting FORBIDDEN to enter, I racked my brain trying to think of what Ihad posted that was bac enough to get me banned. Thankheaven it wasn't me
  4. I have been buying the Quantum ss1 reels at Walmart for some time now. I have 2 of them, 1 ss2 and 1 ss3 they cost about $30 each and for themoney they are quite good. I fish almost every day for at least 2-3 hours and guide quite a bit and they havent let me down and have stood up to a lot of bouncing around in many boats. Sure i have other more expensive reels but they are all baitcasters. I don't think you have to spend mega bucks to get something that will work for the recreational angler. I would however spend $100 for a decent rod. good luck on your choices
  5. I just got a flyer in the mail from Proctor Marine in Simcoe. they have a trolling motor bracket on sale for under $100. I have one of the same kind and the bracket is well made and sturdy. If it is a heavy boat you are trying to push with a kicker, don't go smaller than a 9.9
  6. this january I bought 2 $5 tickets on the mega ball $150 million lottery when I was in florida, I had the mega ball number on both tickets, but because I played the power plan (or something like that) which doubles your payout, I think the payout was $12, so I told my friends that live in florida to keep the tickets and buy some doggie treats for their dogs.
  7. this thread is really timely for me since 1 hour ago I was at our local garage with a mechanic I trust talking to him about my truck stalling first thing in the morning but ok the rest of the day, and he recommended Sea Foam motor treatment. He told me since the ethanol has been added he has seen many people have problems similar to mine. I asked if this was ok to use on an outboard (I got a 150 Opti and a 20 hp merc) . He said that although he wasn't a snake oil salesman, he would recommend this product without hesitation as he has seen amazing results from it. I just posted on Walleye Central a question to see if anyone else has used it in their Opti engines and what did they think of the results of the additive (or treatment) from this product. Can any one on this board tell me of their experiences with it.
  8. Although I haven't met anyone from this board, I feel like I know some of you quite well by your postings, I think it is like a small family even though there are thousands of members. I see the way you guys and gals interact and help each other out and the events you have to embrace the sport of fishing and each other socially and I'm impressed. the contests, the magazine, the fun nature that everyone has on this board makes me smile and really, really enjoy being able to participate in some small way with my postings One day I hope to meet some of you and take in Lakeair but the work schedule and travelling distances makes that hard to accomplish, but I might run into limeangler sometime on Eagle Lake you just never know.
  9. what a shock, just got home and checked the site and found the changes, really nicely done I think this is the best fishing site I've found , no wonder I check it 10 times a day By the way, I love the anthem Keep up the GREAT WORK
  10. Congratulations, I don't know how old you are but as you age losing gets tougher. a few years ago when I started building my house I dropped from 250 to 200, probably worked it off carrying lumber etc, but after the hard work was done the weight started creeping back up, I ended up 2 years ago at 270. My scale, if it could talk, would have said "come back when you're alone" anyway started dieting by just cutting back then last august I hadmy top teeth pulled and got dentures, I lost another 20 pounds since then and am down to 229, I think its because I don't enjoy my food with the plastic in my mouth. Keep up the good work, but remember, the odd "low cal beer" won't hurt in the summer (I consider almost any beer "low cal" in the summer)
  11. This year will be different, I'll be home for opening weekend, so I guess I'll break out my 16 foot skiff and fish the Gullrock system, then the next weekend it's off to Eagle Lake for the annual gathering of our fishing club, The Eagle Lake Hookers Club, for a few days, (really it's like any other get together, drinks, cards, lies,and try for fish) but with an official name, we have an awards banquet and roast someone each year. Then it's back to gullrock and red lake. Hopefully my fishing partner in the Red Lake Fall Classic will enter us into a tournament at Lake of the Prairies this year for a change of scenery and maybe a change of luck. Now I just have to wait for the 3 feet of ice to melt.
  12. I caught 2 of those last summer in Gullrock, I thought they might have been small muskies but I counted the holes under the jaw and this seemed to make them a pike.
  13. if you are using dead bait, I would recommend at least a 3/0 hook in the front. when we do shore fishing for trout we use a bigger hook as the size of the bait allows the hook to go all the way through and when the hook is set, the hook doesn't need to be in the fishes belly when the bait is being taken this can allow for more catch and releases without damaging the fish too much
  14. If you can catch all those fish, why can't you catch that damn fly on your posts, it drives me nuts LOL
  15. I was in Bass Pro in Orlando 2 weeks ago and the display area for these units was clear and ready for display but there was just a sign on the stand that said COMING SOON but no date as to when
  16. grt1


    you are one lucky guy!!! That is the boat I would love to have, but my wife tells me that I will be wearing cement overshoes and divorced if Ievver brought one home. She HATES bass boats and I think a new boat with higher sides to keep her safe is cheaper than a divorce. Congratulations on your ride, enjoy it and maybe think of us unfortunate souls once in a while.
  17. Hi Connie, Kim is away at trade school doing his last stint prior to finishing his plumbing apprenticeship. It was the guys who live next to Kim.
  18. My neighbour just dropped off 6 walleye fillets that he got today, now I'm warming up the frying pan. we just returned from Florida yesterday and this is a great way to be welcomed home.
  19. I fish Eagle Lake at the same time you are talking about coming every year. Like limeyangler says, it is not a fish after fish lake for walleye, but having said that, our group always brings home walleyes, northerns, and lake trout. We have never had a really bad time there in the last 20 years. While I stay at a private cabin that my buddy owns, the resorts there can put you on the path to the correct fishing areas for the species you are looking for, while there are huge muskies (we got one last year that was 54") they have to be released since the season for them opens the 3rd sat in june. Eagle is a beautiful lake and there are several lakes you can easily get into for a day , lakes like Crabclaw and walleye have short portages to, and violet and clearwater can be accessed by boat, you'll enjoy your stay in the vermilion bay area for sure. the trout in my avatar was caught in the bay that is the entrance to go up to Bass Lake, it was 9 pounds and was in 12 feet of water, while fishing for walleye, so you never know what you'll get or where you'll get it.
  20. good selection of those baits you got there. Like you I can't wait till the spring, but not for the sales, just open water. hope those crankbaits work well for you,
  21. Last night I was talking to a friend of mine that lives in Port Severn and we were talking fishing and web sites. I pointed out this site and how active and popular the OFC community seems to be and told him since he lives down that way, he should get on the site. He has just had triple bypass surgery (a month ago) and is just in the recuperation phase so he has lots of time on his hands to surf the web, but he says he'll have to get his wife to show him how. Anyway, I mentioned the get together at Lakair as an example of how this site is more like a family of friends than just another don't know you , don't want too know you site, and he asked where Lakair was, I couldn't tell him!!!! So will you guys enlighten me and tell me where and what lake it is on. thanks
  22. I want to add my wishes for a Happy Holiday season to all the members of this board, May Santa bring everyone the special fishing things they have hoped would be under the tree and may they be put to good use in the upcoming year.
  23. Well last week we went to visit our friends in Minnesota and as usual we spent a few hours at Cabelas in Owatanna. My only problem was , the wife was with me and every time I picked up something she would tell me to put it down, Santa needed to be able to get presents for me. All I could do was wander around and drool, I had the money to buy but not the blessings from the better half, I hope Santa comes through with all the things I couldn't get myself.
  24. The 7 Dwarfs go to the Vatican and they are immediately ushered in to see the Pope. Grumpy leads the pack. 'Grumpy, my son,' says the Pope, 'What can I do for you?' Grumpy asks, 'Excuse me your Excellency, but are there any dwarf nuns in Rome ?' The Pope wrinkles his brow at the odd question, thinks for a moment and answers, 'No, Grumpy, there are no dwarf nuns in Rome ' In the background, a few of the dwarfs start giggling. Grumpy turns around and glares, silencing them. Grumpy turns back, 'Your Worship, are there any dwarf nuns in all of Europe ?' The Pope, puzzled now, again thinks for a moment and then answers, 'No, Grumpy, there are no dwarf nuns in Europe . This time, all of the other dwarfs burst into laughter. Once again, Grumpy turns around and silences them with an angry glare. Grumpy turns back and says, 'Mr. Pope! Are there ANY dwarf nuns anywhere in the world?' The Pope, really confused by the questions says, 'I'm sorry, my son, there are no dwarf nuns anywhere in the world.' The other dwarfs collapse into a heap, rolling and laughing, pounding the floor, tears rolling down their cheeks, as they begin chanting...... 'Grumpy screwed a penguin!' 'Grumpy screwed a penguin!'
  25. I've learned that despite the old saying "Don't take your troubles to bed" I still sleep with my wife
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