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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. Well put, I agree %100 Cheers, UF
  2. Thanks Kemper! I've never tied any jigs before but the simplicity of this one has peaked my interest. That and the only time I fish steelhead is in the dead of winter when there's nothing else to target! haha Cheers, UF
  3. Great read, and photos as usual Ramble. Can't beat time out on the water with your old man. cheers, UF
  4. Awesome! I've been toying with the idea of getting into bow hunting for a while now. I've got zero interest in owning a gun. I always thought I'd go with a compound bow though....what made you go with a cross bow Cliff? Thanks alot for the report! UF
  5. Myself, my wife, daughter, niece, brother and sister-in-law decided we'd borrow a van and pack ourselves into it for the long trek north this weekend. I know it isn't all that far, usually about 6 hours from my place but with 2 pregnant women and 2, two year old girls it was quite interesting. I guess with all the warm weather we were having alot of people decided to hit the cottage one last time because it took us 2 hours to get from TO to Barrie.....buuuumer.... Long story short after about 8.5 hours in the van, many many pee breaks and a few snacks we arrived at my parents place. Saturday morning the girls awoke to something neither of them have really experienced before - more leaves than they could ever imagine! haha They loved it. I tried to get creative with a few photos..... They pretty much played in the backyard all day while the "adults" caught up, had a few drinks and enjoyed an unseasonably warm thanksgiving Saturday for Sudbury. The next morning after breakfast Grandpa promised he'd take the girls out for some stocker brook trout action. My pops is part of a fishing and hunting club located in Hanmer, ON and each year they raise and stock walleye. One of their side projects is a small gravel pit pond they stock with Brookies. It's put and take, mostly used for events for people with special needs (wheel chair accessible) and other events to get kids involved in fishing. Grandpa opening the gate t our own private fishing trip. First up was a tour of the "Clubhouse" These little tanks are the incubation tanks for the fertilized walleye eggs. Once they hatch, the baby fish swim up over the edge and fall into a bigger holding tank. Once the fish reach a certain size they're moved to the outdoor pond to grow some more before getting transplanted to their respective lakes. This had already happened and the pond water level was low. And onto the fishing part of the report. My dad wasn't sure if the brookie pond would still have some stragglers kicking around from the summer, but first cast I hooked into a pretty looking fish, my PB brook trout! haha It was one after another from there on it....as soon as your bait hit the water it'd get smashed. We all had a blast, and it certainly managed to satisfy my craving to fish for another week. Averie and Grandpa comparing their catches... My daughter has learnt some bad habits from watching me edit Facts of fishing THE SHOW. And finally the group shot. We kept a few fish for the evenings bonfire and managed to create some memories that won't soon be forgotten. Even if it was a quick family stocker pond outing. Hope you enjoyed - and happy thanksgiving...even though I'm a little late. I can't wait to get out in the boat again! Cheers, UF
  6. awesome way to end the season for sure...thanks for the report...great read to! cheers, UF
  7. beauty fish dude - especially for a small lake! good work.
  8. wow Gerritt, I had no idea dude.... My daughter's never been sick in the two years since she's been born and reading this has really put into perspective how much I take it for granted. Thanks for the life lesson learned. You're family is in our thoughts today...I only wish I was around to lend my support six years ago. Ryan
  9. Thanks budd, 2 1/2 eh? Averie's going to be 2 in a couple weeks.... perhaps we should have them betrothed...get the marriage over with when they're young then we'll retire early and fish away our "golden years" haha cheers, Ryan
  10. dude the new curado is a SICK SICK reel - I don't have one but have used it on a few occasions and I'm in love. One thing I love about it is that I've got smaller hands and it's got such a low profile to it that I can chuck lures all day without getting a sore wrist..... other than that it's just an all around great reel. My new favorite. cheers, Ryan
  11. hahaha saweeeeeet - I fished the crap out of that lake growing up. My uncle had a cottage on the lake which eventually turned into his house and I spent nearly every weekend there as a kid. Man I miss fishing that deep cold, rocky lake. Some AWESOME smallie fishing in there if you know where and how to get'em..... It's actually the only lake I ever ice-fished growing up as a kid. We used to get eater lakers through the ice in 100+ FOW and by the time you got them to the surface they were bloated and dead as a door knob. Got some big ling through the ice to. fond memoirs man..... thanks for the pix
  12. Thanks buddy!!!! You can barely smell fumes in the garage when you're standing in it, and i don't have a tool shed, but I might take my father-in-law up on his offer to let me put the gas tank in his barn next door. And as for the transducer, it's permanent (got me a 597c GPS combo). I was just a little unsure about drilling holes and putting screws into the bottom of the transom on my bran new boat! I've got some 3M 5200 marine sealent here in the garage...that should do the trick eh Will? and if it leaks you'll fix it? lol the bow mount is in the works..... just don't tell my wife!
  13. I have used Hummnbirds 997's and 1197's which are all top of the line and above what you're looking to spend, BUT I personally own a 595c which is in your price range and in my opinion just as good as they're souped up counterparts. Minus the fact that is has a smaller screen and NO side imaging, to me it does everything that the high end 997's and 1197's can do, and just as good. good luck with your search! UF
  14. alright I'm going to put "fishing with solo for a day" on my top 10 list of fishing destinations before I die...haha thanks for the report and pix dude! Ryan
  15. wow I had no idea it was in such bad shape. My first ever encounter with a salmon was in grade 9 of highschool, only 12 years ago and it was at bridal veil falls. I had never ever in my life seen so many giant giant fish in 1 place at 1 time in my life. It was crazy. I couldn't believe my eyes. Right then and there I had it set in my mind that I'd catch one some day. It wasn't until 12 years later that I hooked into my first one at the mouth of the credit river on the shore's of the big "o". Total bummer man.... I should try to dig up some photos from that school trip...
  16. Did you get her mounted Bri?!?! how'd they deal with the BB holes? or did you use a rifle? lol LOL - the fire dept........ Thanks for the tips and comments guys! cheers, UF
  17. Thanks irish - I didn't even know that fuel stabilizer exhisted! haha just the type of advice I need....
  18. cute pup dude! congrats on the new fishin' buddy! cheers, UF
  19. JediAngler - I see signs with regs @ many boat launches in the states....I like the idea, but I suppose it'd only help those of us who care to adhere to the regs.....
  20. Right on dude! no arguing that you've got simcoe dialed in! cheers, UF
  21. Don't know a mechanic near you terry but if it makes you feel any better I spent $1200 having new breaks rotors etc.etc. put on my mother-in-laws car (which I was driving at the time) 1 year ago and they're all shot again!?!?!?!?!?! what the hell man..... Good luck and we feel your pain! Cheers, UF
  22. awesome report wayne - glad to see there wasn't any near disaster canoe trips this year! cheers, UF
  23. Thanks guys! It'd probably be a better choice of boat for fishing down your way GCD!!! Dave call's it my "swamp buggie"....I sure won't be taking it out trolling for big eyes on quinte! haha cheers, UF
  24. Hey guys, Two quick reports - First off, after getting skunked on saturday morning with Rich and SlowPoke, I decided I'd take my daughter out for one of her last panfish trips of the season. Well not only did she get into a bunch of pint sized panfish, but she managed her first ever, and personal best pike! haha All fish were caught and released with her pink barbie spincast rod! lol First of many gills and pumkinseeds She was mad at me for trying to release her catch without giving an opportunity to hold it, but after squirming out of her hands a couple times I just held the little toothy critter up for her. Rough trail out from our "secret" panfish and pike spot.....the same spot that had that net full of dead fish in it in the spring.... On another note - I had a small tinny in highschool, but sold it about 7 years ago, along with my truck to help pay for college....well, it's 7 years later and I've got an education, a good job, and a new ride!!! The previous owner of all people was my boss and friend, Dave Mercer, so hopefully a little "Mercer's Magic" comes along with it, although I have a feeling it won't be seeing as many big bass with it's new owner! hahaha My main reason for this post is that alot has changed in the past 7 years in reguards to owning a boat. I read up and did my boating test online, but I could certainly use any and all tips and tricks from experienced boat owners here on OFC. Please, if you have time treat me as though I've never owned a boat and shoot me anything that I might need to know from towing, to storing batteries, and even the fun stuff like, what you'd do to it if it was yours....like where to mount graphs etc .etc. This boat is going to my fishing machine, and family boat as well so most importantly for me is the safety of my young family. Tips for taking kids out on the water are most welcome! My first couple questions are: 1 - first time homeowner, the the boat will be in my garage which is located below my living room. Is it ok to have the gas tank, 1/2 filled with gas inside my garage, or should I find a different place to store it? I'm thinkin fumes? 2 - How the heck to I fasten my Humminbird transducer to the back of my boat.....I'm thinking use marine adhesive of some sort? Thanks as usual from everybody here on OFC - I'm sure I'll have more questions in the future. Here's some pics.... My wife said Averie stood at the window for over and hour waiting for Daddy to come home with the new boat. Had to take it out on the bay for a quick ride last night!! .....and make a few casts before dark! haha managed 1 largie and was PIEVED when I lost it boatside...would have been my first fish in the boat, and not bad for an hour on the water.... Cheers, UF
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