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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. Man I used to catch those on Lake Wanapetei through the ice as a kid! I would LOVE to catch some on erie considering I live down here now...and from shore to boot?!?! to cool man! Make sure to send us over a report! cheers, UF
  2. I fished carp pretty well exclusively for 2 years during college, and try to target them at least a few times a summer now, so I've got nothing against them...they put up a heck of a fight...but I'm here to tell ya, I took my brother-in-law who was a chef out fishing for them last season and he took a smaller one home to try and cook up and it was absolutely repulsive....maybe he isn't a chef anymore for a reason but man after smelling that thing being cleaned in my kitchen I couldn't even fish them for a good couple months! I've gotta be honest, after the smell of it being cleaned and cooked in my house, I couldn't bring myself to have a bite...he did and didn't have a second...that was enough for me! I'll try to dig up the pictures we took - it looked tasty at least! ps. it's a bummer that a fun thread like this had to go south on us....
  3. I've got the same problem when my wife goes to Bass Pro Shops with me....fuuurstratin'
  4. I thought either myself or Cliff was going crazy for a minute there lol
  5. I thought either myself of Cliff was going crazy for a minute there lol
  6. Right on brother - wish I could have made it out with you guys. We can always hit the tribs until ice-up.....and just for the record, those photos DO NOT do that perch justice - it was a genuine pig! Biggest I've ever seen that's for sure... Thanks for poppin' by. Ryan
  7. wow - animals like that have always amazed me. I'm sure her dog is just as lucky to have her.... as she is to have the dog..... Thanks!
  8. cool - thanks Irish. My beagle was a wuss (miss him like crazy) but this is the first "outside" dog I've ever had so I wasn't sure how she'd be. She'd rather be inside with us when we're in the house, but I think it's just because she doesn't like being alone... she follows me around like a shadow.
  9. wicked...just awesome guys. I wouldn't complain about a day like that!
  10. lol - my wife had boots for her yorkie, but I didn't know they made them for "real" dogs!
  11. Most of you guys will remember Sheba, the lab we recently adopted, who lived in a 10x10 cage outside for the last 4 years or so. Well, after being alone for so long, she wasted no time at all making herself right at home with the family, and the INSIDE of our house... ...yes my wife talked me into setting up the tree already... Anyways, she loves pulling my daughter around the snow on her toboggan, and that got me thinking maybe she'll love hauling my gear around the lake this winter to! The problem is that when she's on icy spots in the yard for a while she starts to do the 3 legged dance because her feet are cold. The lake is usually slushy and wet where I fish, so I'm thinking it'll be worse for her. Any idea's on how to deal with this, or should I just leave her at home when we go out. I know she'd have fun out there, and I usually go on solo missions so I'd like to take her along for company.... Thanks in advance....
  12. right on brother - enjoyed the recap as much as the original posts....can't wait to hit the water again... I gotta get me one of those cats next spring!
  13. reminds me of growing up in sudbury man... my grass is still green down here...damn weather won't make up it's mind. Thanks, just the read I needed before bed. cheers, UF
  14. thanks kemper - great review....Enjoy it as much as you can while in school brother...it was only a few years ago that I was going to school in london and livin' it up. Once you start a career and family the outings tend to thin out a little....Unless your name is Solopaddler! lol Keep 'em comin' dude, UF
  15. Thanks for the report - I'm going to try rigging them on a small trout jig now as well! Can I still use my 11' float rod when jig fishing or do I have to use a shorter rod? I'm just a beginner when it comes to steelhead, but (as previously mentioned by blaque) they're deadly for panfish. In the spring and early summer I fish pannies almost exclusively with pink trout worms. They smash the pink ones and most often won't even give any other color the time of day. You'd think panfish wouldn't be so picky. I'll either wacky rig them under a float, or put them on a micro jig-head rigged similar to the one in your original post. The good thing about using them rather than live worms is you can catch a dozen fish or more one one worm instead of re-baiting every time. And if you're lucky you'll hook into a few of these little guys while you're at it.... cheers, UF
  16. Not tryign to highjack anything from Rich, but I live near Long Point and frequent the creeks and tribs that run into the bay and they're all stacked with pint sized carp. Fun on light tackle... I read that Big Creek used to run into the main lake rather than the bay and back then the steelhead run was much better....who knows...all I know is the steelie run either sucks or I suck at fishing them! lol Bring on the buglenose bronze I guess. cheers, UF
  17. oh man - That REALLY sucks ....thanks for nothin' Snag.....on the bright side I'm not as far behind as I thought I was.
  18. lol dude that's genius....well...well maybe genius is a little over the top, but I can't believe I never thought to tie my corn in roe bags! I think I spend more time trying to get my corn to stay on my hooks than I do catching fish. I'll have to give that a go! thanks for the report Rich - I'm IIIIIITCHIN' to get out of the office - it's been a long week and it's only wednesday... cheers, UF
  19. That's what I was thinkin! sweet! lol thanks guys, UF
  20. lol the gull looks so chill in that dudes hands.... Nice browns Solo - you make it look so simple! Cheers, UF
  21. Just took this shot with my Blackberry Pearl. Takes a decent picture and does almost everything an IPhone will do, including syncing up with your I-tunes and such.....it just doesn't do it with as much flare as the Iphone....Don't get me wrong, I'm a Mac FREAK and would love an Iphone, but I don't have the $200 to buy it and have had nothing but trouble with rogers in the past. I've been with Telus for 3 years and love them! Always great customer service, and their data packages are MUCH better than Rogers.
  22. I printed it off and read it to my 2 year old before bed last night..... Put her RIGHT to sleep!
  23. LOL my wife even laughed at that line dude! Probably the funniest line I've seen on OFC.... Thanks for the TO report man! UF
  24. wow - just awesome solo! You don't need pictures when a report is written like that. Felt like I was right there with you...even when you lit up a smoke! Almost made me want to start smoking again! lol cheers, UF
  25. yeah it wasn't so bad growing up in Sudbury, but since I moved down south here by Long Point it seems like the whole winter is a write off...we're lucky to get 4 weeks of solid ice.
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