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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. Hey dude, I use a mac and re-size my photos in "i-photo" but they also automatically resize when i upload them to Photobucket. It takes 5 minutes to set up an account and makes your life much easier. You can just select a whole folder of pictures, hit upload and walk away until it's done. Cheers, UF
  2. lol glad to see I'm not the only one in that boat! My wife likes taking care of the finances and such, which I have ZERO interest in... Life's been much smoother since we hooked up!
  3. Glad to hear you're feeling better dude! It went through my parent's work-place in Sudbury to... Both my parents got it, starting with my mom almost 2 weeks ago, then my dad and they're just getting back to normal now!
  4. Hey buddy - when I was in college living in london we used to catch them early spring in the thames.... They'd come in by the thousands, biggest one was about a 24 inch redhorse sucker...they're actually really nice looking fish in the spring, with bright red fins and a silver body. You can fish them like steelhead with a float setup, or even just an ultralight rod with a split shot and hook/worm setup. If you decide to go on whim and don't have any worms they'll also readily hit a powerbait twister tail on a light jig head, (like you're walleye fishing) or something I've used in the past is a piece of raw shrimp from the grocery store. Bottom line is when they're in thick it can be non-stop action, and it sure does take care of the fishing itch. Cheers, UF
  5. I wrote that post long before it was announced. My condolences do go out to the family and friends of the victim.
  6. Right on dude - very jealous.
  7. thanks for the heads up All I'm saying is I wouldn't cross open water to go ice fishing on any body of water, especially a great lake.
  8. The clip said they got onto the ice by crossing a make-shift bridge, and when it drifted out they couldn't get off, so I'm just going on that. Personally, my life is worth more than a few fish, not just because I value it, but because I have a kid (soon to be kids) and a wife that relies on me to be around. I'm just a "better safe than sorry" kind of guy I guess. A small pressure crack on an in-land lake that's frozen shore to shore is one thing, but crossing open water to get onto "safe" ice on a great lake, is in my opinion, dumb.
  9. Dumbasses! I hope everybody gets back to shore safely, but come on, you shouldn't be dumb enough to make a make-shift bridge onto a floating piece of ice on a great lake.
  10. Currently sitting in a dark editing suit, cutting season 2, Episode 11 of Dave Mercer's Facts of Fishing THE SHOW, so you guys have something watch in a couple weeks! This exact thread came up a couple years ago. I posted that I was working for an editing and visual effects giant (technicolor) in TO, and Dave happened to be looking for a full time editor, so he shot me a PM and the rest is history. He makes my job easy because he's an endless pit of knowledge. The only thing I have trouble with in the editing process is trying to figure out what I should cut out of the show, because he throws out so many good tips. Great company to work for, and even better friends!
  11. man you totally rock the TO pike... thanks for the pics snag...bring on ice-out baby...this hard stuff is totally crampin' my style... you just gave me the softwater bug... cheers, UF
  12. awesome report dude, I love the hats man! lol and no worries about the bigger pix, I have slow internet and they loaded quick. I can't stand small pictures... Thanks for the crappie report, UF
  13. Congrats dude! Being a dad is single handedly the coolest thing in the world. No matter how bad of a day you're having they'll always make you smile. Best wishes from me and the fam! Speaking of babies, my wife is 6.5 months preggo and we just found out this morning we're HAVIN' A BOY! WOOOHOOOO Here's a 3d ultrasound shot of him. And the proof that he's a boy shot..lol can you make it out?
  14. the other day I told my wife I was going to buy an ice hut and she said she'd kill me if I came home with one, and Averei started crying and said '"don't kill my daddy'" man it was hard to keep a strait face while calming her down....so yeah...i'm laying off the slaying of gobies for a little bit... I think she watches to many action movies with me as it is.. haha
  15. she's only TWO man! lol most kids her age that I know are still wearing diapers and barely talkin' - I think we can let the gobie stomping slip for a little longer...
  16. Thanks guys - hard to beat time out with your kid! Irish...she takes them home in a white bucket of all things and I '"take care" of them after she goes to bed...
  17. I know the feeling about the weather. Couldn't pass up a bit of time outside today! To bad about the fish but St least you weren't targetting gonies like me! Cheers
  18. Right on dude. Very jealous of the perch action. Cheers, Ryan
  19. I spent most of my weekend working in the office, and watching the beautiful weather from my window, so I decided tonight I was going to take Averie out before dark for some more of that non-stop gobie action.... it was our first time hitting the ice without "mommy supervision" we ended up going to the store for chocolate on the way home... Believe it or not we didn't get into any fish until our third hole - like 2 feet away from the 2nd hole...even gobies won't move far for food through the ice. Here's some pix of our short trip... One of many fish... Headin' home... Gotta love livin' in the country.... and here's a pro in action... pretty good for a 2 year old! And another...lol Anyways, I'm dying for the softwater season to kick off...enough panfish and gobies for me.... but as always, as long as the kid is catching fish she's happy, and so am I! Cheers, UF - & daughter
  20. wow - glad you had a good weekend! where's the pix? 4THgen - I think that if you're going out with a guide on soft water you should definitely slam some fish!!!! but I think hard water's a different story...you can't exactly pick up a 6 man bungalow and move it around day to day looking for fish. I've fished a spot through the ice and caught million perch, then gone out the next day, same time, same bait, same spot and caught SQUAT.... On the flip-side, if you're paying a guide to take you out on his/her sled and portable hut for the day, softwater rules apply in my opinion... cheers, UF
  21. Love it dude! I had no plans on purchasing an Xterra until I had one given to me for FREE!!! Thanks to "the boss", Dave Mercer. They wouldn't give him squat on the trade-in and I was truck-less so the rest is history... No worries though, it wasn't totally free, the government reached into my pocket and got their $850 cut on taxes... Apparently the black-book value is MUCH HIGHER than the trade in value.... It's a nice, tough little truck and with just over 200,000 km's I've been completely impressed with it's durability... On a side note I got a pretty sweet deal on the G3 also...
  22. :spam: How much is Rona paying you for this Jacques?!? lol Thanks for the report mon ami! i have to get out for something other than gobies with the little one... cheers ryan
  23. Yeah I use Accuweather when planning a fishing trip to. Like Cliff said they're more reliable, and usually the weather is either exactly what they say, or better...it's never worse. If I'm going rain or shine, I usually look at The Weather Networks predictions, because they're always optimistic! lol
  24. Yeah we've been getting hammered with snow all week... Good thing my brother-in-law is living with us for a little while rent-free....Get out and shovel boy! lol It took him a sold 2 hours yesterday, and that was the smaller of my TWO drive-ways!
  25. Welcome to the board dude...I love the "eye" hold on those walleye! lol I know they were for the table....I knew some "old timers" back in the day though that used to hold pike like that and actually release the odd one... I lived in Port Credit for a while and usually just fished the west end of the GTA, but I made my way to Humber Bay Park a few times. There you can find Pike and Bass when they're open, and plenty of carp. When I was new to carp fishing I just used a smallish hook, something that would hold 8 or so kernals of corn, and weighted it with a few split shots. Worked great for me. The only thing I do different now, is I add a slip sinker, then tie on a swivel and some leader material to the hook. Simple and effective. I've tried dough, and boiling my own corn with different mixtures and all that stuff and nothing has "out-fished" a good old 79 cent can of sweet corn. (whole kernal) Make sure to toss out a few hand fulls to keep the fish feeding until they find your hook. Other than that, if you do some searching I know there's been some solid reports on GTA fishing. Cheers, UF
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