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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. Yeah that's right I'm asking it. I don't use live bait....ever. But when my 2.5 year old comes out on the water with me I'll be spending most of my time putting gulp waxies etc. on her outfit and taking off her panfish. And just generally trying to keep her interested. BUT, I know there's big gators in the same area we'll be panfishing so I figure I can hang a big ole minnow off the side of the boat and stick my rod in a holder. I know this sounds really strait forward but I figure some of you live bait guys out there might have some tricks or ideas when it comes to live bait fishing with big minnows for big gators. Thanks, UF
  2. Notice they're never in the same photo together!?!? I think the entire report is a fraud! It's made up from old pictures. I swear I've seen that big white boat somewhere before... Fess up solo, you're just working on your "street credit".
  3. Stick with the spinning setup dude - I threw senko's on a spinning setup all summer last year and didn't lose a single one that I got a hook into.
  4. I love the look of excitement and anticipation on HD's face while rigging up! Been there many times gents! As recently as last weekend! Thanks for the report! Cheers, UF
  5. GO GO GO! my cousin passed away from an anurism. He didn't have prior headaches, no warning signs... Came to work one morning (he was also my boss) felt fine, even cracked a few jokes to me about slacking because I was hiding from a huge rainstorm for a minute.. all of sudden WHAM by lunch he was gone. Get goin' and good luck. UF
  6. Hey guys, First time poster in the photography section. Might do it more often. The field behind my house is flooded and the geese are coming in by the dozzens at night to rest and gobble up some corn I guess. My wife is preggo and can't sleep as it is, I find them soothing! lol here's a couple quick shots I took yesterday. Nothing like Brandon's shots - I don't have much a zoom on my camera. Hope you enjoy - I'll try to post some better shots as I take'em. cheers, Ryan
  7. Sorry to hear man! It's such a shame when you hear of things like that. I don't understand why anybody wouldn't be willing to donate their organs. My cousin died at 40 from a brain anurism, a sad day for us, especially his kids, but by donating his organs, other families now have their loved ones at home with them today. It just doesn't make sense to me why anybody would refuse to save a life.
  8. dude, you never cease to amaze me..... well written and beauty shots! The fish are alright to I suppose...lol Better than anything I read in OOD the other day. Cheers, UF
  9. Ohio - I caught a decent one last May long weekend, (in the only deeper channel that leads out of the inner bay like you said) It's tail was all beat up and still bleeding a bit from spawning but otherwise it was a very healthy fish... Only 2 weeks ago they were catching pike through the ice in that same channel (8 foot of water (ish). So I'm just thinking they haven't moved into the back bays yet. I'm away for work next week, so hopefully they'll be around in a couple weeks! Thanks for the input! UF
  10. I was out in 3 FOW and casting into the reed edges which were sitting in about a foot. I fished sand flats, weed edges, reed clumps, black mud bottomed areas notta.... Threw spinner baits, big white tubes, in-line spinners, twitch baits, jerk shads you name it. I just don't think they were in the area....maybe they're still out in the main bay getting ready to move in? I was sitting out in 8 fow on a weed edge at one point and passed it up thinking they'd be in the bays. Maybe I made the wrong decision. Anyways - have a good one! UF
  11. Looks like a nice piece of steel to me Cliff - sure beats my day out on the bay! Cheers, UF
  12. lol the only reason I posted the report is to get some of you guys goin' so I guess it did it's job... I pretty much had the bay all to myself and I still stunk it out... Ah well, April 11th will be here before you know it MTP.
  13. lol love the kicks! Sportin' the Puma's for some giant steelhead action. And WHITE to boot! haha Nice fish guys...keep slammin' them. cheers, UF
  14. Couldn't have picked a better day to hit the bay for my first skunk session of 2009! lol Thanks to a couple OFC'ers who lead me to the only ice-less launch on the bay (Big Creek @ the causeway) Checked a few others on my way from St. Williams and they were all iced up. Spent a good hour cruising the bay (which was a mud hole for the most part) looking for some decent water to fish. Eventually found some prime looking water out by millionairs, but alas it wasn't meant to be. Fished bay after bay and didn't spot a single fish. Temps in the main bay were 34 and 39 in the back bays. Some of you might remember my new fishing partner - she was great for her first time in a boat Running down the bay...felt great to be on the water again.. Most of the bay looked like this (tried for crappie here, but nothing) Tell me you wouldn't try to fish ice out pike in back bays like this? we fished and fished but nothing, not a follow, didn't even spot a fish, so time to pack it in and head home.... Well, unwrap your rigs and get fishing....Ice out is here! If you hit up LPB, keep your eyes peeled for quad sized ice-bergs floating around... Cheers, UF
  15. I skimmed through this and only saw "you're in luck" I figured the gear was found - but I guess I need to get some sleep... good luck recovering it dude! I'm sure it'll turn up eventually..
  16. Hey guys my wife's grandmother lives on the bay and says its wide open with a few straggler chunks of ice here and there, so with tomorrow's prime weather I can't pass up the chance to kick off my softwater season with some ice out pike and maybe some perch or crappie. I had planned to run down and check the launches today but by the time I did a few things for the wife, summerized the boat and dusted off my gear it was to late! Anybody happen to know which launches are clear of ice? I usually launch @ akers. Had my helper on hand with the boat and gear! All set and ready to go!!! CAN'T WAIT! I'm barely going to be able to sleep tonight! Thanks a lot for any info, hopefully ill have a report! Cheers, Uf
  17. Welcome to the board dude! My daughter is just in the panfish stages now, but I'm hoping to hone in on some perch so we can At least bring home some eaters! Looking forward to some reports! Cheers, UF
  18. Funny how Will always catches fish when you guys go out together....he must be purposely giving you the bad holes Cliff!! Nice pix though dude - nobody can take that away from you! heh thanks for the report guys! cheers, UF
  19. you guys just keep slammin' them simcoe lakers - looks like winter up there and you're only a couple hours away! Great report - looks like a blast! Cheers, UF
  20. doesn't get much better than that dude! You got me all stoked to hit some soft water this weekend, as long as the launches aren't still frozen up on Sunday I'm good to go! I guess you don't have to worry about those sorts of things eh... Cheers, UF
  21. Nice Rig dude...I love modifying my toys to. And by the looks of things sombeody loves Johnson Motors! lol I see a little 2hp honda in the mix there to! do you have a boat for each motor?!? cheers, UF
  22. Hey dude - welcome to the board! I don't have any experience with the Citica itself, but I'm sure you'll get a ton of feedback here on the board. Do some research, read some reviews, and do yourself a favor and head down to the Bass Pro Shops Spring Classic in Vaughn (if you're close enough) and pick some reels up in your hands. You can even try pairing up a few reels and rods together to see how they feel as a combo before purchasing anything. Everybody has their own pref's when it comes to combo's, so what 1 person suggests and loves might not "feel" right to you. Also, the reason I suggest going during the classic is you might just be able to get a deal on something. Good luck - and keep asking questions, I'm sure you'll find your answers. Cheers, Ryan
  23. Let us know how they pan out dude! I was in the Bahamas this January fishing with a friend and was using cheaper $15 polarized shades (that I've sworn by for the past few years) and she kept saying "THERE'S THE SCHOOL OVER THERE" and I'm thinking I'm blind, can't see poop, this happened over and over that day and finally she goes, try my shades instead...WHAM - THERE THEY ARE! I could see the school plain as day! So needless to say when I have the money I'm going to buy myself a good expensive pair of shades. But for now my $15 walmart glasses will do the trick. (they're not the berkley ones) Cheers, UF
  24. The guys you see on TV are usually using cable drive motors. I grew up using a power drive motor on my old mans boat and got used to it. Then over the past year or so got used to using the cable drive minnkota maxxum and CAN'T STAND using my old power drive anymore! Personal pref. I guess, but once you get used to it I find that cable steer electrics are much easier to operate. cheers UF
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