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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. lol good call on the spelling thing Roy! And agreed, try to keep this one on topic boys - beauty fish brother. Really nice looking specimen. I'd love to hook into one of those babies someday. Thanks for posting. Cheers UF
  2. It was nice seeing you guys, even though I had to peace out early due to the fact that my wife was "dielated" (he hasn't been born yet) and the bay's callin' my name so I'm outta here! lol Off to the lake until the wee-one decides he's ready to come on out and meet us. Cheers, Ryan
  3. no public launches on the bay brother. 10 to 20 bucks depending on where you launch. Supposed to be a SW wind this weekend so you'll want to launch on the long point end of hte bay rather than the ST. willies side. cheers, UF
  4. Shows about to start. Packed house again!
  5. Hey guys! What a week so far! The crowds have been awesome the past two nights! Everybody's been having a blast, there's been some awesome give aways from all the sponsors involved and we've had a lot of kids who seem genuinely interested and just plain out excited about catching the fishing fever! Get you're family and friends out to the show tonight! I'm on my blackberry so if you guys can set up the g2g and let me know where were going when yous get here thayd be great! I have to get back to work. Look forward to meeting you all! Cheers
  6. yo yo yo The gear is packed and ready to go. I'm walking out the door shortly to head for Sarnia and to help set up for tonight's show. Looking forward to meeting some of you guys. See ya's there! Cheers, Ryan
  7. Obviously I'm in! I'll be wearing my red F.O.F. shirt and be holding a giant video camera most of the evening! Come say hi! Cheers, Ryan
  8. Well said Lew! My current dog was just that. Her owners took good care of her for a year or so, until the novelty of having a puppy wore off. They started a family (had kids) and suddenly the dog was left without a family. She was stuck in a 10x10 kennel outside in the rain/snow/cold winters for almost 4 years, alone, tip-toeing around her own feces until we came along and took her home. She now only gets 1 walk a day, (sometimes only 4 - 5 days a week) and has the entire 1 acre lot to herself. And she's still wired all the time. So you should think long and hard before taking on a puppy if he/she won't have a yard to play in. cheers, UF
  9. Hey dude, I only have a second here, so you can PM me if you haven't already decided on another type of dog. They're difficult to train, especially if you don't have experience training dogs, they're stubborn, and like to let their superior sense of smell get them into trouble...BUT, in my experience, they're loyal, friendly to everyone, very very good with kids, and mine was easily my best buddy. Here's a video of us playing hockey 2 years ago during xmas holidays Cheers, UF
  10. fish everywhere brother - spekies, catfish, panfish, smallmouth and pike are all a short bus ride (and some walking) away from cabrian college. I know 1 pond in particular that should still be loaded with smallies, panfish and trout not far from the school. Shoot me a PM when you have time and i'll point you in the right direction. cheers, UF
  11. innocent until proven guilty!
  12. Can't wait for the full write up solo!
  13. Awesome work guys! Good on you for helping out hometown! Cheers, UF
  14. I'm a very hands on person, and actually have a hard time letting other people make decisions, or do things for me. I was a plumbing apprentice prior to going back to school and have roughed in many new homes. The problem lies in that I will at most be able to stop by the job site once a week to check on things. Also, the price needs to be set in stone before anything happens, because if it goes over budget, the funds won't be there. I'm hoping that if I go with a GC I can have a well written out contract, signed by me, and the lawyers saying it WILL NOT cost over and above X amount. Making changes half way through won't be an option for me. I have to stick with the plan, thus making the planning stage the most important part for us. Thanks man - I'm the boss, I like the sound of that! lol Cheers
  15. Hey dude, my favorite bluegill lake is teeming with out of season rainbows, and I fish bluegill with pink powerbait worms which usually results in a few accidental rainbow catches. Nothing I can do about it. I've tried using gulp waxies, and maggets, but easily catch 3 times as many bluegill with the pink trout worms. Like the other guys said, if it's genuinely an accident, no worries, let the fish go as hastely as possible and keep on fishing. But if you're catching pike after pike, and NOT your target species, use common sense and peace out to a new spot. Cheers, UF
  16. man I'd so be down with this G2G, the boat is ready and everything - but Ginny's about to pop. I'm talking the baby could come any time now and it's a 2 hour drive to the hospital in Oakville (don't ask ) from our house. So the 45min drive back home from Dunnville to pick up a wife who's in labor just isn't isn't in the cards for me this weekend. Good Luck - I look forward to the reports. Cheers, UF
  17. Thanks Ohio - We don't like multi level homes, and can't afford it anyways.. My brother just bought a house with 3 levels (4 including the basement) and you spend to much time trying to find the kids! lol We're keeping it simple, open concept for the living room / dinning / kitchen, 3 bedrooms, and an office in the basement. My work schedule won't allow me to be present for the construction. I'm always either traveling or in the office, so I have to go with the developer, or find a competent GC that can do it all for me. If this isn't possible, then the house isn't going to happen. I never thought of that - good idea, but I don't know if it'll be a huge deal seeing as we won't have multi levels other than an office and small wreck room in the basement. It's good to hear you had a good experience with a new subdivision TB!!! Personally I'm leaning towards that route for the sake of less work on my part, but I have yet to talk to the neighbors, meet with the subdiv owner, and contractor. I'm also very picky and might not like any of the homes they have to offer. Yeah, as I said I'm planning to meet with the neighborhood home owners ( all 5 of them! lol ) It's a small project. The one plus is that it's not like in the big city, phase 1 of this subdiv is only about 12 properties, and they only build a few houses a year. The guy who owns it is an engineer and this is sort of his pet project. Well 20 to 9 folks, time to make the long commute across the house to my office! Thanks again guys! Some solid tips here. Keep 'em comin Cheers, Ryan
  18. Thanks Bigugli, Yeah the only way it could fly without buying a builders home is to hire a GC. I can't devote any time to this project as I'm plenty busy with work and family as it is. At most I could pop in once a week on the weekend to check things out. Oxcowboy, The subdivs are the only available lots in or near town. And I've been living 20 minutes outside of town for the past year or so and am not happy with being so far away from everything. It's a 40 minute round trip for anything. No high speed (a pain for work) etc. etc.
  19. You're a better man than me Irish! No way I'd have the time lettle own the patience! I did the drywall plumbing bathroom and kitchen in my curent house and ill never do it again. If I'm able to turn a 35k profit on it it'll be worth it but like I said I'm done with doing myself! Cheers, Ryan
  20. Wow that sucks man! Best of luck to everyone with cottages and houses in the affected areas!
  21. Thanks a lot steelheader! I should mention that there's an option to custom build in subdivision 1 and the builder doesn't put the house up in a week out here, its a much smaller local company. They say 3 to 4 months. Of course that doesn't mean the work will be any better! Lol There's also the option to knock on the neighbourgood doors to see how the experience was for them and if they're happy with the final product. I just don't know if I can handle the stress that comes with hiring my own contractor. Thanks again guys!
  22. I'm just toying with the idea at the moment...there's many more factors that need to be looked into before I could even consider such a commitment. Quick and simple, I've got a buyer interested in my house (my own fater-in-law lol). My profit margin would be upwards of 35k. That's enough to pay off my wife's OSAP, which at the moment costs us a whopping $550.00 a month ($250 of which is interest). Selling the house would make us debt free, (that's $70,000 in combined OSAP paid off in 3 years) but we'll need to buy another house. We'd like to move to "town", Port Rowan, where we'll have high speed internet, town water and sewage, better schools, and my wife's entire family lives near by. The problem is there's ZERO houses for sale that even come close to meeting our requirements. So we're looking into the possibility of building a house that will suit our needs. There's 2 new subdiv's in Rowan right now. Subdiv 1) $20,000 down and you pay the rest when your house is done. You basically pick your house from a few different models, customize it a little, then walk away until it's finished. Subdiv 2) You buy the lot, find your own contractor, and house plans etc. We hadn't planned to move for some time, but it's hard to pass up a $35,000 profit on your house in today's market. So if any of you guys have any input on building a house based on these two scenario's that'd be greatly appreciated, and if anybody out there happens to be a contractor, I'd love any input, help etc. you can give. By the way, if anything like this went down, it'd be a smaller 3 bedroom bungalow. 1300 sq. feetish... Thanks in advance as usual. Cheers, Ryan
  23. I'll do a quick poll or role call on the board when I get a chance to get an estimate on numbers and then if you want you can make a call, or I can doesn't make a difference to me!
  24. She's beautiful dude! Congrats from myself and the family! Before you know she'll be out-fishing you! Cheers, UF
  25. I've been to alibi on several occasions...might have to book some seating with them though....any thoughts on this guys?
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