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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. lol I was just going to say "sounds like you have to take the day off Dad" Welcome to the board fishman2202! I'm taking my daughter out this weekend......... IN THE BOAT! WWWOOOOOOOOOOO! Softwater season has arrived!!!!! Good luck out on the ice, and be safe! UF
  2. awesome thanks for the info guys....I'll keep you's posted as to how my plan pans out. It's not going to be a huge event, but something I've wanted to do for a while now, should be fun - and every little bit helps. Cheers, Ryan
  3. That's a good idea beans... and as for GCD - Personally I'd rather eat breakfast and start my work-day in the dark, and have an extra hour of daylight in the evening when I'm home from work and spending time with my family. My 2 year old loves playing outside, and it's SO NICE, now that we can get out for an hour after supper without our flashlights! Although one day last week when it was drizzlin' and we had fun chasing worms in the dark at 6 p.m.
  4. Thanks for the tip Bernie! I coached girls high school hockey, as well as 8-9 year old kids as an assistant coach for a few years while I was in highschool myself. A couple of the girls I coached have gotten free rides to Universities in the States - makes you smile, but also makes you realize how fast time flies! One girl was 9 when I coached her, and now she's going to University! At this point, with a 2.5 year old, a new baby that's weeks away from being born, and my busy summer schedule (traveling for work) I'd probably have to miss out on to many day's as a weekly volunteer. I do plan to donate my time once my kids are a little older, but I've been working on a 2 day event that I can pre-schedule and gather up some proceeds to donate to said charity. Thanks again guys! Cheers, Ryan
  5. Hey guys, Can anybody recommend charity organizations that work with under-privileged children? I'm looking for something along the lines of children who live in poverty in CANADA and can't afford some of the things that some of our kids might take for granted. Like swimming lessons, or something as simple as a day out on the water with Dad. Thanks in advance for any leads! Cheers, Ryan
  6. already have a lab, a 2.5 year old, and a new baby comin' within a month or so.... otherwise he'd be comin' home with me! good luck finding him a home dude!
  7. lol what are you talking about, that's a real creek bank, and real rocks in that photo! Don't you dress just like that when you're steelheading in the first week of march?
  8. well said! Give ChrisS a break people... bottom line is, he's right and you're wrong!
  9. how about this...PAY FOR THE MOVIES! lol Fact is people are stealing when they download movies on bit torrent sites.... It doesn't matter if there's some loop hole in Canada that somehow makes it "legal". If you're comfortable doing that, that's your business, but don't go crying to anybody if you get busted.... Sorry if I sound like an but it's true.... I'm not saying I never did it, I downloaded music back in the napster days, but I just feel better about renting movies nowadays...it's like 3 to 4 bucks from ITUNES....
  10. I'm thinkin JDMLS is talkin' about pink trout worms for steelheading...I made sure to nab a whole wack of them in december when they were still in stock @ BPS... I've got the regular soft plastics and picked up some of the gulp worms to try out... welcome to the board ADB
  11. wow my daughter didn't reach 9lbs until she was 3 months old... Congrats to you and your wife! Got yourself a new fishin' buddy! cheers, UF
  12. Raw shrimp works for steelhead to!
  13. if you just want to try it out first, go to the grocery store and buy a can of corn for under a buck and you're good to go for bait! I've tried boilies and making my own corn mix from cows corn but a plain hook covered with sweet corn has always been the best bait for me... I've always fished water that was loaded with hungry, non-pressured fish though... cheers, UF
  14. Still are - they're in almost any fish store you go to, I've even seen glass cats in walmart before.
  15. XPlornet Sattelite "high speed" here baby...I get a whopping 600 to 800 kb/s connection, and when I download or upload to much (usually once or twice a day) they crank me down to 28k for an hour to "make it fair for other users".... and for all of this excellent service, I only pay $100.00 a month! :wallbash: Can't get Bell High Speed, or Cable. The Rogers "speed stick" only get's a connection 8 KM down the road, but not at my house. I'm living in an internet dead zone...good thing I need it for work on a daily basis! Had I known it would be this bad I wouldn't have purchased the house. Anyways, congrats, I'm very jealous. cheers, UF
  16. That used to be my "go to" knot. Passed through twice as seen in the picture, ever since I was a wee angler. I always just called it a Double Uni.... I only ever used it on Mono because I hadn't used braid until about 2 years ago. I was showed the Palomar a couple years ago, and have since switched. The Palomar is faster and easier to execute, and is just as reliable. I've actually probably had more break-offs with my "Double Uni" than with that Palomar....but that could just be because I used it longer... Cheers, UF
  17. Hey guys - I'm in the office editing the show and processing these blogs for Dave as he sends them through to me and they're awesome!!!! I'm VERY jealous... lol check'em out if you're stuck inside on the computer like me today! cheers, Ryan
  18. That's awesome brother!!! WOW an 8 pounder to boot, your wife's a trooper! lol Congrats on your new fishin' partner, and best wishes from myself and the family. Cheers, Ryan
  19. So very sorry to hear Jacques, remember the good times, and know that you'll never have to spend another day on the water, soft or hard, without him proudly watchin' you smash 'em. My condolences to you and your family brother... Ryan
  20. Same here - I always enjoy your softwater winter reports, even if they do make me seriously jealous! Those white bass are on my "to catch" list to, so it hurts that much more! cheers, UF
  21. Yeah man - my favorite little bluegill lake has a total gas motor ban. Kind of sucks that I won't be able to fish it this year. My new boat has a 20 horse 4 stroke yamaha with power trim that's bolted on through the transom, so it's not comin' off for panfish. They won't even let you on the water if you have a motor bolted to your boat. I said I'd leave my gas tank at home but apparently the motor might "spill gas or oil" into the lake...come ooooonnnnn! oh well.
  22. Hey Dawg - Episode 1 was a Gator Gar show! Those things are NUTS. I can't remember the numbers off hand, but Dave slammed them that day... They're unreal fish, I'm definitely going back for them someday. As for last nights show - I was wondering if anybody would chime in about it. What a fun shoot to! To bad the weather chased the crew off the lake. I was trying to film lighting and Dave goes "Put the dang camera away, we're gettin' off the water"! lol Nick know's his stuff, and Dave had an absolute blast hammering those gar on a fly rod! I can't believe more people don't fish them. Cheers, UF
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